[ERROR (-8)]: Maybe vertex does not exist, part: 8, error code: -16!
Mon Jan 11 07:53:29 2021
你这个应该是另外一个问题,这个不是因为buffer full的问题,你这个应该是update 语句才会,你用insert也会吗?换成insert
E0111 07:53:29.352007 27 UpdateVertexProcessor.cpp:581] Fail to update vertex, spaceId: 35, partId: 8, vId: 7
E0111 08:10:29.016557 15 UpdateVertexProcessor.cpp:581] Fail to update vertex, spaceId: 35, partId: 8, vId: 7
你看我进行了一次插入操作和一次更新操作 都失败了 但是只有一条错误日志,上面那一条是之前测试的
你这个perf 的结果有点奇怪,storage的符号都看不到。
要不,你 执行下 update configs storage:v=3 过几秒后,再执行 update configs storage:v=0,然后把storage的日志贴出来。
或者执行下 sudo ps -T -p storage_pid,或者将 sudo pstack pid > stack.txt
sh-4.2# ps -T -p 1
1 1 ? 00:00:00 nebula-storaged
1 6 ? 00:00:00 executor-pri0-1
1 7 ? 00:00:00 executor-pri0-2
1 8 ? 00:00:00 executor-pri1-2
1 9 ? 00:00:00 executor-pri1-1
1 10 ? 00:00:00 executor-pri2-1
1 11 ? 00:00:00 executor-pri2-2
1 12 ? 00:42:54 executor-pri3-3
1 13 ? 00:43:09 executor-pri3-2
1 14 ? 00:42:55 executor-pri3-1
1 15 ? 00:42:54 executor-pri3-4
1 16 ? 00:04:33 executor-pri3-6
1 17 ? 00:00:18 executor-pri3-5
1 18 ? 00:43:05 executor-pri3-7
1 19 ? 00:43:09 executor-pri3-8
1 20 ? 00:42:45 executor-pri3-9
1 21 ? 00:43:01 executor-pri3-1
1 22 ? 00:42:52 executor-pri3-1
1 23 ? 00:43:08 executor-pri3-1
1 24 ? 00:42:56 executor-pri3-1
1 25 ? 00:42:50 executor-pri3-1
1 26 ? 00:42:57 executor-pri3-1
1 27 ? 00:42:59 executor-pri3-1
1 28 ? 00:42:49 executor-pri3-1
1 29 ? 00:43:05 executor-pri3-1
1 30 ? 00:42:45 executor-pri3-1
1 31 ? 00:42:55 executor-pri3-2
1 32 ? 00:43:11 executor-pri3-2
1 33 ? 00:43:06 executor-pri3-2
1 34 ? 00:43:12 executor-pri3-2
1 35 ? 00:42:50 executor-pri3-2
1 36 ? 00:42:58 executor-pri3-2
1 37 ? 00:42:59 executor-pri3-2
1 38 ? 00:43:05 executor-pri3-2
1 39 ? 00:43:02 executor-pri3-2
1 40 ? 00:42:54 executor-pri3-2
1 41 ? 00:42:55 executor-pri3-3
1 42 ? 00:21:35 executor-pri3-3
1 43 ? 00:43:02 executor-pri3-3
1 44 ? 00:00:00 executor-pri4-1
1 45 ? 00:00:00 executor-pri4-2
1 46 ? 00:00:01 tsc-calibrator
1 47 ? 01:41:45 IOThreadPool0
1 48 ? 01:43:11 IOThreadPool1
1 49 ? 01:48:52 IOThreadPool2
1 50 ? 01:44:47 IOThreadPool3
1 51 ? 01:47:22 IOThreadPool4
1 52 ? 01:48:26 IOThreadPool5
1 53 ? 01:48:29 IOThreadPool6
1 54 ? 01:40:46 IOThreadPool7
1 55 ? 01:37:34 IOThreadPool8
1 56 ? 01:44:52 IOThreadPool9
1 57 ? 01:55:56 IOThreadPool10
1 58 ? 01:46:15 IOThreadPool11
1 59 ? 01:39:04 IOThreadPool12
1 60 ? 01:46:42 IOThreadPool13
1 61 ? 01:40:34 IOThreadPool14
1 62 ? 01:37:19 IOThreadPool15
1 68 ? 00:00:01 nebula-storaged
1 69 ? 00:00:11 nebula-bgworker
1 70 ? 00:00:11 nebula-bgworker
1 71 ? 00:00:11 nebula-bgworker
1 72 ? 00:00:12 nebula-bgworker
1 73 ? 00:00:00 nebula-storaged
1 74 ? 00:00:00 Acceptor Thread
1 75 ? 01:22:12 rocksdb:low0
1 76 ? 00:11:50 rocksdb:high0
1 77 ? 00:00:00 nebula-storaged
1 93 ? 00:00:00 rocksdb:pst_st
1 94 ? 00:00:00 nebula-storaged
1 110 ? 00:00:00 rocksdb:pst_st
1 111 ? 00:00:00 nebula-storaged
1 127 ? 00:00:00 rocksdb:pst_st
1 128 ? 00:00:00 nebula-storaged
1 144 ? 00:00:00 rocksdb:pst_st
1 145 ? 00:00:00 http thread poo
1 146 ? 00:00:00 http thread poo
1 147 ? 00:00:00 http thread poo
1 148 ? 00:00:00 webservice-list
1 149 ? 00:00:00 HTTPSrvExec0
1 150 ? 00:01:36 HTTPSrvExec1
1 151 ? 00:00:00 HTTPSrvExec2
1 152 ? 00:00:00 HTTPSrvExec3
1 153 ? 00:00:00 IOThreadPool0
1 154 ? 00:00:00 reader-pool-pri
1 155 ? 00:00:00 reader-pool-pri
1 156 ? 00:00:00 reader-pool-pri
1 157 ? 00:00:00 reader-pool-pri
1 158 ? 00:00:00 reader-pool-pri
1 159 ? 00:00:00 reader-pool-pri
1 160 ? 00:19:30 reader-pool-pri
1 161 ? 00:19:42 reader-pool-pri
1 162 ? 00:20:44 reader-pool-pri
1 163 ? 00:19:12 reader-pool-pri
1 164 ? 00:20:23 reader-pool-pri
1 165 ? 00:21:57 reader-pool-pri
1 166 ? 00:22:47 reader-pool-pri
1 167 ? 00:18:27 reader-pool-pri
1 168 ? 00:21:26 reader-pool-pri
1 169 ? 00:22:35 reader-pool-pri
1 170 ? 00:18:40 reader-pool-pri
1 171 ? 00:23:17 reader-pool-pri
1 172 ? 00:21:33 reader-pool-pri
1 173 ? 00:20:53 reader-pool-pri
1 174 ? 00:21:07 reader-pool-pri
1 175 ? 00:19:24 reader-pool-pri
1 176 ? 00:18:09 reader-pool-pri
1 177 ? 00:21:50 reader-pool-pri
1 178 ? 00:22:36 reader-pool-pri
1 179 ? 00:23:09 reader-pool-pri
1 180 ? 00:21:56 reader-pool-pri
1 181 ? 00:21:45 reader-pool-pri
1 182 ? 00:21:34 reader-pool-pri
1 183 ? 00:19:36 reader-pool-pri
1 184 ? 00:21:22 reader-pool-pri
1 185 ? 00:17:50 reader-pool-pri
1 186 ? 00:22:22 reader-pool-pri
1 187 ? 00:21:57 reader-pool-pri
1 188 ? 00:19:40 reader-pool-pri
1 189 ? 00:20:09 reader-pool-pri
1 190 ? 00:20:29 reader-pool-pri
1 191 ? 00:20:49 reader-pool-pri
1 192 ? 00:00:00 reader-pool-pri
1 193 ? 00:00:00 reader-pool-pri
1 194 ? 00:00:00 Acceptor Thread
1 25171 ? 00:00:00 nebula-storaged
1 25187 ? 00:00:00 rocksdb:pst_st
日志级别好像不起作用。。我设置成了3 不过还是没有低级别的日志打出来。。。 pstack 也没有啥信息,
@datian9966 @valseek 参数是max_batch_size,改这个参数大小意义不大,导入的时候出现这个问题一般是同时大量导入一个点和他的出边,需要在导入端做限流和重试。
@valseek 另外不建议用update/upsert来做大量写入
问题是 现在停止写入了,这个partition还是不能插入。
show hosts还有show part partId贴下图 如果有leader 可以grep下这个space+part的info日志
W0111 09:26:35.083777 26 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:26:36.715113 23 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
E0111 09:27:14.122383 18 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:27:16.187121 19 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:27:17.446768 32 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:27:17.498497 23 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:27:18.683682 23 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:27:18.716003 22 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:27:19.995110 38 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:27:20.033175 27 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:27:21.113777 28 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:27:22.357326 40 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:27:23.501991 27 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:27:23.553769 21 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
I0111 09:29:58.890431 70 RaftPart.cpp:1242] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Need to send heartbeat
I0111 09:29:58.891422 70 RaftPart.cpp:1801] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Send heartbeat
I0111 09:29:58.892374 70 RaftPart.cpp:1252] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Schedule new task
W0111 09:30:05.918068 29 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:30:06.174005 27 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:30:06.840802 23 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:30:07.176394 22 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:30:08.028753 22 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:30:08.229166 41 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
I0111 09:30:09.230336 71 RaftPart.cpp:1242] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Need to send heartbeat
I0111 09:30:09.230355 71 RaftPart.cpp:1801] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Send heartbeat
I0111 09:30:09.230376 71 RaftPart.cpp:1252] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Schedule new task
I0111 09:30:19.277066 72 RaftPart.cpp:1242] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Need to send heartbeat
I0111 09:30:19.277096 72 RaftPart.cpp:1801] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Send heartbeat
I0111 09:30:19.278081 72 RaftPart.cpp:1252] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Schedule new task
I0111 09:30:29.483870 71 RaftPart.cpp:1242] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Need to send heartbeat
I0111 09:30:29.484899 71 RaftPart.cpp:1801] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Send heartbeat
I0111 09:30:29.485978 71 RaftPart.cpp:1252] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Schedule new task
I0111 09:30:39.496356 69 RaftPart.cpp:1242] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Need to send heartbeat
I0111 09:30:39.496376 69 RaftPart.cpp:1801] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Send heartbeat
I0111 09:30:39.496919 69 RaftPart.cpp:1252] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Schedule new task
I0111 09:30:49.498498 72 RaftPart.cpp:1242] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Need to send heartbeat
I0111 09:30:49.499409 72 RaftPart.cpp:1801] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Send heartbeat
I0111 09:30:49.500454 72 RaftPart.cpp:1252] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Schedule new task
W0111 09:30:51.556509 15 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:30:52.043906 28 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:30:52.640764 35 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:30:53.033396 28 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:30:53.771519 38 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:30:55.692230 15 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:30:56.320917 35 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:30:56.687958 31 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:30:57.275665 21 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:30:57.575654 12 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
I0111 09:30:59.504334 72 RaftPart.cpp:1242] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Need to send heartbeat
I0111 09:30:59.505008 72 RaftPart.cpp:1801] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Send heartbeat
I0111 09:30:59.505654 72 RaftPart.cpp:1252] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Schedule new task
W0111 09:30:59.870792 13 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:31:00.206215 35 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:31:00.669425 18 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:31:00.952483 35 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:31:02.886149 36 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:31:03.282864 20 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:31:03.950527 18 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:31:04.445878 19 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
W0111 09:31:05.023299 39 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
E0111 09:31:06.027463 38 Part.cpp:435] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] RaftPart buffer is full
I0111 09:31:09.506196 72 RaftPart.cpp:1242] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Need to send heartbeat
I0111 09:31:09.506217 72 RaftPart.cpp:1801] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Send heartbeat
I0111 09:31:09.507309 72 RaftPart.cpp:1252] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] Schedule new task
W0111 09:39:49.525812 71 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
W0111 09:50:59.848855 71 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
W0111 10:13:10.862673 72 RaftPart.cpp:567] [Port: 44501, Space: 35, Part: 8] The appendLog buffer is full. Please slow down the log appending rate.replicatingLogs_ :1
麻烦从console里往那个partition写一条数据 insert和update 然后没有报错且storage什么日志都没有?