
  • nebula 版本:v2.0.1
  • 部署方式(分布式 / 单机 / Docker / DBaaS):docker-compose
  • 是否为线上版本:N
  • 问题的具体描述
  • 相关的 meta / storage / graph info 日志信息


    image: vesoft/nebula-storaged:v2-nightly
      USER: root
      TZ:   "${TZ}"
      - sh
      - -c
      - /usr/local/nebula/bin/nebula-storaged --flagfile=/usr/local/nebula/etc/nebula-storaged-listener.conf --daemonize=false --local_ip=$$(hostname -i) --ws_ip=$$(hostname -i)
      - metad0
      - metad1
      - metad2
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-sf", "http://listener0:19779/status"]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 20s
      - 9779
      - 19779
      - 19780
      - ./nebula-storaged-listener.conf:/usr/local/nebula/etc/nebula-storaged-listener.conf
      - ./data/listener0:/data/listener
      - ./logs/listener0:/logs
      - nebula-net
    restart: on-failure
      - SYS_PTRACE

    image: vesoft/nebula-storaged:v2-nightly
      USER: root
      TZ:   "${TZ}"
      - sh
      - -c
      - /usr/local/nebula/bin/nebula-storaged --flagfile=/usr/local/nebula/etc/nebula-storaged-listener.conf --daemonize=false --local_ip=$$(hostname -i) --ws_ip=$$(hostname -i)
      - metad0
      - metad1
      - metad2
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-sf", "http://listener1:19779/status"]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 20s
      - 9779
      - 19779
      - 19780
      - ./nebula-storaged-listener.conf:/usr/local/nebula/etc/nebula-storaged-listener.conf
      - ./data/listener1:/data/listener
      - ./logs/listener1:/logs
      - nebula-net
    restart: on-failure
      - SYS_PTRACE

    image: vesoft/nebula-storaged:v2-nightly
      USER: root
      TZ:   "${TZ}"
      - sh
      - -c
      - /usr/local/nebula/bin/nebula-storaged --flagfile=/usr/local/nebula/etc/nebula-storaged-listener.conf --daemonize=false --local_ip=$$(hostname -i) --ws_ip=$$(hostname -i)
      - metad0
      - metad1
      - metad2
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-sf", "http://listener2:19779/status"]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 20s
      - 9779
      - 19779
      - 19780
      - ./nebula-storaged-listener.conf:/usr/local/nebula/etc/nebula-storaged-listener.conf
      - ./data/listener2:/data/listener
      - ./logs/listener2:/logs
      - nebula-net
    restart: on-failure
      - SYS_PTRACE


########## nebula-storaged-listener ###########
########## basics ##########
# Whether to run as a daemon process
# The file to host the process id

########## logging ##########
# The directory to host logging files
# Log level, 0, 1, 2, 3 for INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL respectively
# Verbose log level, 1, 2, 3, 4, the higher of the level, the more verbose of the logging
# Maximum seconds to buffer the log messages
# Whether to redirect stdout and stderr to separate output files
# Destination filename of stdout and stderr, which will also reside in log_dir.
# Copy log messages at or above this level to stderr in addition to logfiles. The numbers of severity levels INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL are 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

########## networking ##########
# Meta server address
# Local ip
# --local_ip=storagels
# Storage daemon listening port
# HTTP service ip
# --ws_ip=storagels
# HTTP service port
# HTTP2 service port
# heartbeat with meta service

########## storage ##########
# Listener wal directory. only one path is allowed.
# This parameter can be ignored for compatibility. let's fill A default value of "data"
# The type of part manager, [memory | meta]
# The default reserved bytes for one batch operation
# The default block cache size used in BlockBasedTable.
# The unit is MB.
# The type of storage engine, `rocksdb', `memory', etc.
# The type of part, `simple', `consensus'...

检查listenertext search clients

(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> show listener;
| PartId | Type            | Host                 | Status    |
| 1      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779"  | "OFFLINE" |
| 2      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779"  | "OFFLINE" |
| 3      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "OFFLINE" |
| 4      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779"  | "OFFLINE" |
| 5      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779"  | "OFFLINE" |
| 6      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "OFFLINE" |
| 7      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779"  | "OFFLINE" |
| 8      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779"  | "OFFLINE" |
| 9      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "OFFLINE" |
| 10     | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779"  | "OFFLINE" |
Got 10 rows (time spent 3249/8022 us)

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 19:33:00 CST

(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> show text search clients;
| Host            | Port  |
| "" | 9200  |
| "" | 19200 |
| "" | 29200 |
Got 3 rows (time spent 3095/5195 us)

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 19:33:04 CST


(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> show tag indexes;
| Names            |
| "player_index_0" |
| "player_index_1" |
| "team_index_0"   |
Got 3 rows (time spent 2638/12718 us)

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 19:34:45 CST

(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> describe tag index player_index_1;
| Field  | Type               |
| "name" | "fixed_string(20)" |
Got 1 rows (time spent 2679/4743 us)

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 19:34:53 CST

(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> insert vertex player(name,age) values "player300":("Robin Khan", 20);
Execution succeeded (time spent 3360/7458 us)

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 19:35:37 CST
(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> LOOKUP on player where prefix(player.name, "Robin") yield player.name;
Empty set (time spent 61602/63964 us)

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 19:36:18 CST

同时检查es索引nebula_basketballplayer_tag文档数量在INSERT VERTEX前后也并无变化。


# cat logs/*/*.ERROR
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:34:42
Running on machine: 693f16cd1f3d
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:34:42.665920    50 QueryInstance.cpp:107] SyntaxError: syntax error near `;'
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:13:01
Running on machine: e6b4d028af7b
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:13:01.676985     1 GflagsManager.cpp:70] Load gflags json failed
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:13:01
Running on machine: ea0e91d16145
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:13:01.367278     1 GflagsManager.cpp:70] Load gflags json failed
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:13:01
Running on machine: 9ca094144a08
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:13:01.195583     1 GflagsManager.cpp:70] Load gflags json failed
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:13:01
Running on machine: 12232694f0a1
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:13:01.201259   119 RaftPart.cpp:366] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] The partition is not a leader
E0423 11:13:01.201561   119 RaftPart.cpp:686] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] Cannot append logs, clean the buffer
E0423 11:13:01.201614   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
E0423 11:13:01.372473   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
E0423 11:13:03.015368   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
E0423 11:13:03.129184   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:10:47
Running on machine: efdedeb4f0ca
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:10:47.272495   118 ListenerProcessor.cpp:24] Add listener failed, listener already exists.
E0423 11:12:48.705444    97 JobDescription.cpp:189] Loading Job Description FailedE_NOT_FOUND
E0423 11:12:48.705497    97 JobManager.cpp:90] [JobManager] load an invalid job from queue 0
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:12:59
Running on machine: 70d600f1b6d9
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:12:59.847100    47 RaftPart.cpp:1142] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from "metad1":9560, error code is E_UNKNOWN_PART
E0423 11:12:59.847286    47 RaftPart.cpp:1142] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from "metad0":9560, error code is E_UNKNOWN_PART
E0423 11:13:01.112439   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
E0423 11:13:01.683113   119 RaftPart.cpp:366] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] The partition is not a leader
E0423 11:13:01.683192   119 RaftPart.cpp:686] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] Cannot append logs, clean the buffer
E0423 11:13:01.683248   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
E0423 11:13:01.719718   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:13:01
Running on machine: 1d63cd7217f5
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:13:01.519528     1 GflagsManager.cpp:70] Load gflags json failed
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:13:01
Running on machine: 46c80a274912
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:13:01.107072     1 GflagsManager.cpp:70] Load gflags json failed
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:13:01
Running on machine: f9ecd84af63f
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:13:01.714326     1 GflagsManager.cpp:70] Load gflags json failed
# cat logs/*/*.WARNING
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:34:42
Running on machine: 693f16cd1f3d
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:34:42.665920    50 QueryInstance.cpp:107] SyntaxError: syntax error near `;'
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:13:01
Running on machine: e6b4d028af7b
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:13:01.676985     1 GflagsManager.cpp:70] Load gflags json failed
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:13:01
Running on machine: ea0e91d16145
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:13:01.367278     1 GflagsManager.cpp:70] Load gflags json failed
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:13:01
Running on machine: 9ca094144a08
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:13:01.195583     1 GflagsManager.cpp:70] Load gflags json failed
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:12:59
Running on machine: 12232694f0a1
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
W0423 11:12:59.846249    43 RaftexService.cpp:181] Cannot find the part 0 in the graph space 0
E0423 11:13:01.201259   119 RaftPart.cpp:366] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] The partition is not a leader
E0423 11:13:01.201561   119 RaftPart.cpp:686] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] Cannot append logs, clean the buffer
E0423 11:13:01.201614   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
E0423 11:13:01.372473   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
E0423 11:13:03.015368   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
E0423 11:13:03.129184   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:12:59
Running on machine: 7971746efaf2
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
W0423 11:12:59.846189    43 RaftexService.cpp:181] Cannot find the part 0 in the graph space 0
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:12:59
Running on machine: 70d600f1b6d9
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:12:59.847100    47 RaftPart.cpp:1142] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from "metad1":9560, error code is E_UNKNOWN_PART
E0423 11:12:59.847286    47 RaftPart.cpp:1142] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from "metad0":9560, error code is E_UNKNOWN_PART
E0423 11:13:01.112439   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
E0423 11:13:01.683113   119 RaftPart.cpp:366] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] The partition is not a leader
E0423 11:13:01.683192   119 RaftPart.cpp:686] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] Cannot append logs, clean the buffer
E0423 11:13:01.683248   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
E0423 11:13:01.719718   119 ActiveHostsMan.cpp:248] Get last update time failed, error: E_LEADER_CHANGED
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:13:01
Running on machine: 1d63cd7217f5
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:13:01.519528     1 GflagsManager.cpp:70] Load gflags json failed
W0423 11:13:01.520450     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:13:01
Running on machine: 46c80a274912
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:13:01.107072     1 GflagsManager.cpp:70] Load gflags json failed
W0423 11:13:01.108357     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
Log file created at: 2021/04/23 11:13:01
Running on machine: f9ecd84af63f
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0423 11:13:01.714326     1 GflagsManager.cpp:70] Load gflags json failed
W0423 11:13:01.715508     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
1 个赞

你的listener 的状态都是offline的,确认下你storage的和你的listener是否通信正常,我看docker-compose配置文件用的是主机名,但是你添加的时候用的是ip。

抱歉引入了噪音,这是由于我执行过一次docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d,导致listener的IP地址发生了变化


(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> FETCH PROP ON player "player401";
Empty set (time spent 3937/13827 us)

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 22:37:28 CST

(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> INSERT VERTEX player(name,age) values "player401":("Robin Khan", 20);
Execution succeeded (time spent 3773/13756 us)

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 22:37:35 CST

(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> LOOKUP on player where prefix(player.name, "Robin") yield player.name;
Empty set (time spent 67440/78259 us)

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 22:37:41 CST

(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> FETCH PROP ON player "player401";
| vertices_                                          |
| ("player401" :player{age: 20, name: "Robin Khan"}) |
Got 1 rows (time spent 3674/14684 us)

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 22:37:52 CST
(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> show hosts;
| Host        | Port | Status   | Leader count | Leader distribution   | Partition distribution |
| "storaged0" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 3            | "basketballplayer:3"  | "basketballplayer:3"   |
| "storaged1" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 4            | "basketballplayer:4"  | "basketballplayer:4"   |
| "storaged2" | 9779 | "ONLINE" | 3            | "basketballplayer:3"  | "basketballplayer:3"   |
| "Total"     |      |          | 10           | "basketballplayer:10" | "basketballplayer:10"  |
Got 4 rows (time spent 3795/13983 us)

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 22:39:24 CST

(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> show listener;
| PartId | Type            | Host                | Status   |
| 1      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 2      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 3      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 4      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 5      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 6      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 7      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 8      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 9      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 10     | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
Got 10 rows (time spent 3122/14823 us)

Fri, 23 Apr 2021 22:39:28 CST
1 个赞

检查了listenerelasticsearch的网络没问题,但是在elasticsearch上抓包,在INSERT VERTEX之后并没有来自nebula所在机器(metad、graphd、storaged、listener)的请求

你贴下你部署的listener的日志,还要把 metad 的info 日志贴出来。

I0426 03:25:11.325011    46 RaftPart.cpp:1636] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] Local is missing logs from id 0. Need to catch up
I0426 03:25:13.231604    45 RaftPart.cpp:1636] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Local is missing logs from id 0. Need to catch up
I0426 03:25:13.364966    45 RaftPart.cpp:1636] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] Local is missing logs from id 0. Need to catch up
I0426 03:25:13.396575    53 ThriftClientManager.inl:61] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I0426 03:25:23.408226    54 ThriftClientManager.inl:61] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I0426 03:25:31.339479    44 RaftPart.cpp:1636] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] Local is missing logs from id 0. Need to catch up
I0426 03:25:33.252331    46 RaftPart.cpp:1636] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Local is missing logs from id 0. Need to catch up
I0426 03:25:33.385627    46 RaftPart.cpp:1636] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] Local is missing logs from id 0. Need to catch up


–daemonize=true 呢?


show listener; 目前都是online状态?这个问题的原因是leader的wal没有同步给listener。需要检查一下listener的ip:port是否正确,listener_path是否正确。


(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> show listener;
| PartId | Type            | Host                | Status   |
| 1      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 2      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 3      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 4      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 5      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 6      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 7      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 8      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 9      | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
| 10     | "ELASTICSEARCH" | """:9779" | "ONLINE" |
Got 10 rows (time spent 2994/8132 us)

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 16:35:12 CST

(root@nebula) [basketballplayer]> show text search clients;
| Host            | Port  |
| "" | 9200  |
| "" | 19200 |
| "" | 29200 |
Got 3 rows (time spent 2858/16224 us)

Mon, 26 Apr 2021 16:35:20 CST



1 个赞