NebulaGraph2.0如何在Linux aarch64系统下离线编译

好的 我再仔细看看,谢谢您 :smile:


Target "reservoir_sampling_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/encryption/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "encryption_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/interface/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "common_thrift_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/interface/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "graph_thrift_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/interface/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "raftex_thrift_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/interface/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "meta_thrift_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/interface/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_thrift_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/datatypes/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "datatypes_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/datatypes/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "value_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/datatypes/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "edge_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does not
 know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/datatypes/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "data_set_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/datatypes/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "value_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/datatypes/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "structral_value_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/datatypes/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "date_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/datatypes/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "host_addr_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/webservice/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "ws_common_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/webservice/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "ws_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does not
 know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/webservice/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "http_status_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/webservice/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "router_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/webservice/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "stats_read_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/webservice/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "flags_access_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/conf/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "conf_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/conf/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "configuration_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/meta/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "meta_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/expression/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "expression_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/expression/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "func_call_expression_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/expression/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "expression_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/expression/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "expression_encode_decode_test" requires the language dialect
 "CXX17" , but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/expression/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "expression_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/expression/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "aggregate_expression_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/expression/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "expr_ctx_mock_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/clients/graph/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "graph_client_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/clients/meta/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "file_based_cluster_id_man_obj" requires the language dialect
 "CXX17" , but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/clients/meta/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "meta_client_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/clients/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "file_based_cluster_id_man_test" requires the language dialect
 "CXX17" , but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/clients/storage/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "internal_storage_client_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17"
 , but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/clients/storage/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_client_base_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/clients/storage/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "general_storage_client_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/clients/storage/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "graph_storage_client_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/function/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "agg_function_manager_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/function/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "function_manager_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/function/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "agg_function_manager_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/function/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "function_manager_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/graph/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "graph_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/graph/tests/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "response_encode_decode_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17"
 , but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/plugin/fulltext/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "ft_es_storage_adapter_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/plugin/fulltext/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "ft_es_graph_adapter_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/common/plugin/fulltext/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "plugin_fulltext_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /opt/software/nebula-graph/build/modules/common
>>>> Configuring Nebula Common done <<<<
-- Configuring done
CMake Error in src/utils/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "keyutils_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/utils/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "nebula_key_utils_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/utils/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "index_key_utils_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/utils/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "operation_key_utils_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/codec/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "codec_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/codec/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "row_writer_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/codec/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "codec_test_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/codec/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "row_reader_v1_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/codec/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "row_writer_v2_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/codec/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "row_reader_v2_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/codec/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "row_reader_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "kvstore_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/raftex/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "raftex_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/raftex/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "leader_election_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/raftex/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "snapshot_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/raftex/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "log_append_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/raftex/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "learner_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/raftex/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "leader_transfer_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/raftex/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "member_change_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/raftex/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "log_command_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/raftex/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "raft_case_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/raftex/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "log_cas_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/wal/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "wal_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does not
 know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/wal/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "inmemory_log_buffer_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/wal/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "log_bufferr_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/wal/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "wal_file_iter_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/wal/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "atomic_log_buffer_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/wal/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "file_based_wal_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "part_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "rocks_engine_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "nebula_store_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "nebula_listener_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "rocks_engine_config_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "part_performance_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "log_encoder_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "snapshot_link_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/kvstore/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "multi_versions_perf_test_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17"
 , but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "meta_service_handler" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "meta_http_handler" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "meta_version_man_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "meta_http_download_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "admin_client_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "meta_client_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "meta_http_ingest_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "balancer_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "hb_processor_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "cluster_id_man_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "index_processor_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "job_manager_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "processor_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "meta_utils_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "create_backup_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "active_hosts_man_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "authentication_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "restore_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "get_statis_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "group_zone_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/upgradeData/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "meta_data_upgrade_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/meta/upgradeData/oldThrift/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "old_meta_thrift_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_admin_service_handler" requires the language dialect
 "CXX17" , but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "internal_storage_service_handler" requires the language dialect
 "CXX17" , but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_http_handler" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_common_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "graph_storage_service_handler" requires the language dialect
 "CXX17" , but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_transaction_executor" requires the language dialect "CXX17"
 , but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "general_storage_service_handler" requires the language dialect
 "CXX17" , but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_server" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "index_ttl_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "kv_client_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "scan_vertex_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "memory_lock_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "mem_lock_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_http_download_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "prefix_bloom_filter_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_http_ingest_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_http_stats_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "kv_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does not
 know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_dag_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "task_manager_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "es_bulk_example" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "add_update_vertex_edge_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "update_edge_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "update_vertex_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "delete_vertices_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "scan_edge_prop_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "vertex_cache_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "delete_edges_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "statis_task_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "get_neighbors_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "add_vertices_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_http_admin_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "compaction_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "shuffle_ip_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "add_edges_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "rebuild_index_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "scan_edge_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "get_neighbors_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_dag_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "checkpoint_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "toss_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "toss_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does not
 know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "index_write_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "get_prop_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/storage/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "lookup_index_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/mock/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "mock_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/daemons/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "nebula-metad" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/daemons/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "nebula-storaged" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/tools/storage-perf/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_integrity" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/tools/storage-perf/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "storage_perf" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/tools/meta-dump/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "meta_dump" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/tools/db-dump/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "db_dump" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does not
 know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/tools/db-upgrade/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "db_upgrader" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/version/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "http_status_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /opt/software/nebula-graph/build/modules/storage
>>>> Configuring Nebula Storage done <<<<
-- Configuring done
CMake Error in src/daemons/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "nebula-graphd" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/service/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "graph_flags_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/service/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "graph_auth_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/service/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "service_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/service/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "query_engine_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/service/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "session_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/service/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "session_manager_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/parser/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "parser_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/parser/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "parser_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/parser/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "scanner_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/parser/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "parser_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/parser/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "expression_parsing_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" ,
 but CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/planner/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "planner_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/validator/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "validator_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/validator/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "validator_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/validator/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "mock_schema_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/executor/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "executor_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/executor/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "executor_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/util/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "idgenerator_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/util/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "util_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/util/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "utils_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/context/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "context_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/context/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "iterator_bm" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake does
 not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/context/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "context_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/scheduler/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "scheduler_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/visitor/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "expr_visitor_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/visitor/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "expr_visitor_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/optimizer/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "optimizer_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/optimizer/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "index_scan_rule_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/optimizer/test/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "index_bound_value_test" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but
 CMake does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

CMake Error in src/stats/CMakeLists.txt:
 Target "stats_def_obj" requires the language dialect "CXX17" , but CMake
 does not know the compile flags to use to enable it.

-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /opt/software/nebula-graph/build


会不会是Cmake 版本的问题?

屏幕滚动日志太多,刚开始的日志被覆盖了 :joy:


你看下用的是哪个cmake? 可能还是老的CMake

build 目录下 执行 cmake 的时候,开始的那一段


老的cmake 我已经干掉了,这个是目前cmake升级的新版本:



可以看到 third party 安装没有问题了。现在就是你的 cmake 不支持 C++17。 ,试下这个?

bash path/to/
cd build


:joy: :joy: :joy:

额,你的 g++ 还是没有设置好啊


执行make install命令成功截图如下:



②启动NebulaGraph服务 ./scripts/nebula.service start all 和单独启动./scripts/nebula.service start graphd发现都报错,如图所示:





1 个赞

杀掉所有 nebula 进程:

pgrep nebula | xargs kill -9


pgrep nebula -l


nebula.service start all


nebula.service status all


pgrep nebula | xargs -I{} lsof -a -i -sTCP:LISTEN -p {}

另外,你是怎么解决 /bin/bash 不存在的问题的?

①问题描述:刚开始nebula-graph及common代码在windows下从git仓库拉取下来的,然后上传到linux系统的,所以是dos格式的,而linux却是只能执行格式为unix格式的脚本。所以识别不了,检查一下是否是dos格式:vim编辑模式下,输入 :set ff 然后回车,发现格式是dos文件。
还是在编辑模式下 输入::set ff=unix,回车后重新检查,修改成功后 :wq 保存

2 个赞

您好,编译完后的build下的能删除吗,占用空间有点大,导致命令行提示符显示无空间可用了 :joy: