


如果看客户端/console 上的报错,只需要在 console/ studio 的console 上手动再 query 一下您的 query,除非是造成了 服务端 crash 的请求,否则先看客户端上的报错就行了。

如果是服务端的日志,INFO,WARN,ERROR 都可以看一下,文件名断的文件就是当前写入的。




12110 QueryInstance.cpp:108]  N5folly13BrokenPromiseE: Broken promise for type name 'nebula::Status'

@kyle 能帮忙看下这个 folly promise 的报错是什么原因么?

应该是 oom 了,数据量大概多少?

1 个赞



贴一下语句和 profile 吧


match path=(n:Company{code:'142417250861'})-[r:IndustryCompanyRelationship]-(b:Industry)-[g:IndustryRelationship | IndustryMinceRelationship*5]-(m:Industry{code:'49030105'}) WITH nodes(path) as w,r.start_valid_date as start_valid_date,r.failure_date as failure_date,path as path where date(start_valid_date)<date() and date(failure_date) > date() UNWIND w as w1 return size(collect(distinct w1)) as testLength,path,length(path)+1 as pathLength,length(path) as le | yield $-.path as p,$-.le as le,$-.testLength as testLength,$-.pathLength as pathLength where $-.testLength==$-.pathLength ) | order by $-.le asc | OFFSET 1 LIMIT 10

把语句括起来然后前面加 profile 运行。看执行计划耗时的

加了profile 在nebula graph sutdio上不显示耗时时间

match path=(n:Company{code:'142417250861'})-[r:IndustryCompanyRelationship]-(b:Industry)-[g:IndustryRelationship | IndustryMinceRelationship*5]-(m:Industry{code:'49030105'}) WITH nodes(path) as w,r.start_valid_date as start_valid_date,r.failure_date as failure_date,path as path where date(start_valid_date)<date() and date(failure_date) > date() UNWIND w as w1 return size(collect(distinct w1)) as testLength,path,length(path)+1 as pathLength,length(path) as le | yield $-.path as p,$-.le as le,$-.testLength as testLength,$-.pathLength as pathLength where $-.testLength==$-.pathLength ) | order by $-.le asc | OFFSET 1 LIMIT 10 )


profile( (match path=(n:Industry{code:'3701011478'})-[g:IndustryRelationship | IndustryMinceRelationship*5]-(b:Industry)-[r:IndustryCompanyRelationship]-(m:Company{code:'91110000633774479A'})  WITH nodes(path) as w,r.start_valid_date as start_valid_date,r.failure_date as failure_date,path as path  where date(start_valid_date)<date() and date(failure_date) > date()         UNWIND  w as w1         return  size(collect(distinct w1)) as testLength,path,length(path)+1 as pathLength,length(path) as le | yield $-.path as p,$-.le as le,$-.testLength as testLength,$-.pathLength as pathLength         where $-.testLength==$-.pathLength  ) |  order by $-.le asc | OFFSET 1 LIMIT 10 )

profiling data	
operator info	
42	DataCollect	41		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "p", "le", "testLength", "pathLength" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__DataCollect_42" } ] inputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "p", "le", "testLength", "pathLength" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Limit_41" } ] kind: ROW
41	Limit	40		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "p", "le", "testLength", "pathLength" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Limit_41" } ] inputVar: __Sort_40 offset: 1 count: 10
40	Sort	39		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "p", "le", "testLength", "pathLength" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Sort_40" } ] inputVar: __Project_39 factors: [ { "le": "ASCEND" } ]
39	Project	38		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "p", "le", "testLength", "pathLength" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_39" } ] inputVar: __Filter_38 columns: [ "$-.path AS p", "$-.le AS le", "$-.testLength AS testLength", "$-.pathLength AS pathLength" ]
38	Filter	37		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "testLength", "path", "pathLength", "le" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_38" } ] inputVar: __Project_37 condition: ($-.testLength==$-.pathLength) isStable: false
37	Project	36		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "testLength", "path", "pathLength", "le" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_37" } ] inputVar: __Aggregate_36 columns: [ "size($collect(distinct w1))", "$path", "$pathLength", "$le" ]
36	Aggregate	35		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "collect(distinct w1)", "path", "pathLength", "le" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Aggregate_36" } ] inputVar: __Unwind_35 groupKeys: [ "$path", "(length($path)+1)", "length($path)" ] groupItems: [ { "expr": "collect(distinct $w1)" }, { "expr": "$path" }, { "expr": "(length($path)+1)" }, { "expr": "length($path)" } ]
35	Unwind	34		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "w", "start_valid_date", "failure_date", "path", "w1" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Unwind_35" } ] inputVar: __Filter_34 alias: w1 unwindExpr: $w
34	Filter	33		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "w", "start_valid_date", "failure_date", "path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_34" } ] inputVar: __Project_33 condition: ((date($start_valid_date)<date()) AND (date($failure_date)>date())) isStable: false
33	Project	32		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "w", "start_valid_date", "failure_date", "path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_33" } ] inputVar: __Filter_32 columns: [ "nodes($path)", "$r.start_valid_date", "$r.failure_date", "$path" ]

32	Filter	31		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "n", "g", "b", "r", "m", "path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_32" } ] inputVar: __Project_31 condition: !(hasSameEdgeInPath($-.path)) isStable: false
31	Project	30		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "n", "g", "b", "r", "m", "path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_31" } ] inputVar: __InnerJoin_30 columns: [ "startNode($-._path_0) AS n", "relationships($-._path_0) AS g", "startNode($-._path_1) AS b", "relationships($-._path_1)[0] AS r", "startNode($-._path_2) AS m", "PathBuild[PathBuild[$-._path_0,$-._path_1,$-._path_2]] AS path" ]
30	InnerJoin	29		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path_0", "_path_1", "_path_2" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__InnerJoin_30" } ] inputVar: { "rightVar": { "__Project_29": "0" }, "leftVar": { "__InnerJoin_24": "0" } } hashKeys: [ "endNode($-._path_1)._vid" ] probeKeys: [ "startNode($-._path)._vid" ] kind: InnerJoin
29	Project	28		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_29" } ] inputVar: __Filter_28 columns: [ "PathBuild[VERTEX]" ]
28	Filter	45		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_28" } ] inputVar: __GetVertices_27 condition: (VERTEX.code=="91110000633774479A") isStable: false
45	GetVertices	24		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__GetVertices_27" } ] inputVar: __InnerJoin_24 space: 325 dedup: true limit: 9223372036854775807 filter: orderBy: [] src: endNode($-._path_1)._vid props: [ { "props": [ "code", "name", "parent", "level", "is_leaf", "remark", "nodeType", "_tag" ], "tagId": 355 }, { "props": [ "code", "name", "nodeType", "_tag" ], "tagId": 359 } ] exprs:
24	InnerJoin	23		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path_0", "_path_1" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__InnerJoin_24" } ] inputVar: { "rightVar": { "__Filter_23": "0" }, "leftVar": { "__Filter_17": "0" } } hashKeys: [ "endNode($-._path)._vid" ] probeKeys: [ "startNode($-._path)._vid" ] kind: InnerJoin
23	Filter	22		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_23" } ] inputVar: __Project_22 condition: (length($-._path)>=1) isStable: false
22	Project	21		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_22" } ] inputVar: __Filter_21 columns: [ "PathBuild[VERTEX,EDGE] AS _path" ]
21	Filter	51		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_21" } ] inputVar: __GetNeighbors_20 condition: ("Industry" IN tags(VERTEX)) isStable: false

1 GetNeighbors 17 outputVar: [ { “colNames”: , “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__GetNeighbors_20” } ] inputVar: __Filter_17 space: 325 dedup: true limit: -1 filter: orderBy: src: endNode($-._path)._vid edgeTypes: edgeDirection: BOTH vertexProps: edgeProps: [ { “props”: [ “_src”, “_type”, “_rank”, “_dst”, “publish_date”, “report_date”, “entry_date”, “start_valid_date”, “failure_date”, “status”, “type” ], “type”: “-361” }, { “props”: [ “_src”, “_type”, “_rank”, “_dst”, “publish_date”, “report_date”, “entry_date”, “start_valid_date”, “failure_date”, “status”, “type” ], “type”: “361” } ] statProps: exprs: random: false
17 Filter 16 outputVar: [ { “colNames”: [ “_path” ], “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__Filter_17” } ] inputVar: __UnionAllVersionVar_16 condition: (length($-._path)>=5) isStable: false
16 UnionAllVersionVar 15 outputVar: [ { “colNames”: [ “_path” ], “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__UnionAllVersionVar_16” } ] inputVar: __Project_6
15 Loop 6 ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 6us, totalTime: 7us ver: 1, rows: 1, execTime: 6us, totalTime: 6us ver: 2, rows: 1, execTime: 9us, totalTime: 9us outputVar: [ { “colNames”: , “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__Loop_15” } ] inputVar: __Project_6 condition: ((++($__VAR_0)<=5) AND (($__Project_6==EMPTY) OR (size($__Project_6)!=0))) loopBody: 14
14 Filter 13 ver: 0, rows: 1233, execTime: 826us, totalTime: 827us ver: 1, rows: 21847, execTime: 36696us, totalTime: 36700us branch: true, nodeId: 15 outputVar: [ { “colNames”: [ “_path” ], “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__Project_6” } ] inputVar: __Project_13 condition: !(hasSameEdgeInPath($-._path)) isStable: false
13 Project 12 ver: 0, rows: 1238, execTime: 14534us, totalTime: 14535us ver: 1, rows: 23080, execTime: 416680us, totalTime: 416684us outputVar: [ { “colNames”: [ “_path” ], “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__Project_13” } ] inputVar: __InnerJoin_12 columns: [ “PathBuild[$-._path_0,$-._path_1]” ]
12 InnerJoin 11 ver: 0, rows: 1238, execTime: 8256us, totalTime: 8257us ver: 1, rows: 23080, execTime: 217452us, totalTime: 217456us ver: 2, rows: 1196608, execTime: 13682367us, totalTime: 13682372us outputVar: [ { “colNames”: [ “_path_0”, “_path_1” ], “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__InnerJoin_12” } ] inputVar: { “rightVar”: { “__Project_11”: “0” }, “leftVar”: { “__Project_6”: “0” } } hashKeys: [ “endNode($-._path)._vid” ] probeKeys: [ “startNode($-._path)._vid” ] kind: InnerJoin
11 Project 50 ver: 0, rows: 1238, execTime: 11739us, totalTime: 11740us ver: 1, rows: 13581, execTime: 129479us, totalTime: 129483us ver: 2, rows: 38175, execTime: 370695us, totalTime: 370700us outputVar: [ { “colNames”: [ “_path” ], “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__Project_11” } ] inputVar: __GetNeighbors_10 columns: [ “PathBuild[VERTEX,EDGE] AS _path” ]
50 GetNeighbors 7 { ver: 0, rows: 0, execTime: 82us, totalTime: 6816us storage_detail: {GetNeighborsNode:3807(us),HashJoinNode:558(us),RelNode:3808(us),SingleEdgeNode:304(us),TagNode:228(us)} total_rpc_time: 6714(us) “”:9779 exec/total/vertices: 3978(us)/6559(us)/5, } { ver: 1, rows: 0, execTime: 828us, totalTime: 108465us total_rpc_time: 107613(us) “”:9779 exec/total/vertices: 78850(us)/107112(us)/877, storage_detail: {GetNeighborsNode:78178(us),HashJoinNode:41527(us),RelNode:78238(us),SingleEdgeNode:28486(us),TagNode:10066(us)} } { ver: 2, rows: 0, execTime: 18087us, totalTime: 292057us “”:9779 exec/total/vertices: 200407(us)/272758(us)/2521, storage_detail: {GetNeighborsNode:199026(us),HashJoinNode:98087(us),RelNode:199223(us),SingleEdgeNode:70831(us),TagNode:20209(us)} total_rpc_time: 273942(us) } outputVar: [ { “colNames”: , “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__GetNeighbors_10” } ] inputVar: __Project_6 space: 325 dedup: true limit: -1 filter: orderBy: src: endNode($-._path)._vid edgeTypes: edgeDirection: BOTH vertexProps: edgeProps: [ { “props”: [ “_src”, “_type”, “_rank”, “_dst”, “type”, “primary_code”, “primary_name”, “primary_type”, “related_code”, “related_name”, “related_type”, “realtion”, “status”, “remark” ], “type”: “-363” }, { “props”: [ “_src”, “_type”, “_rank”, “_dst”, “type”, “primary_code”, “primary_name”, “primary_type”, “related_code”, “related_name”, “related_type”, “realtion”, “status”, “remark” ], “type”: “363” }, { “props”: [ “_src”, “_type”, “_rank”, “_dst”, “type”, “level”, “relation_type” ], “type”: “-357” }, { “props”: [ “_src”, “_type”, “_rank”, “_dst”, “type”, “level”, “relation_type” ], “type”: “357” } ] statProps: exprs: random: false
7 Start ver: 0, rows: 0, execTime: 0us, totalTime: 6us ver: 1, rows: 0, execTime: 0us, totalTime: 10us ver: 2, rows: 0, execTime: 0us, totalTime: 14us outputVar: [ { “colNames”: [ “_path” ], “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__Project_6” } ]
共计 35
执行时间消耗 0 (s)

6 Project 5 ver: 0, rows: 5, execTime: 181us, totalTime: 182us outputVar: [ { “colNames”: [ “_path” ], “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__Project_6” } ] inputVar: __Filter_5 columns: [ “PathBuild[VERTEX,EDGE] AS _path” ]
5 Filter 49 ver: 0, rows: 0, execTime: 60us, totalTime: 62us outputVar: [ { “colNames”: , “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__Filter_5” } ] inputVar: __GetNeighbors_4 condition: (VERTEX.code==“3701011478”) isStable: false
49 GetNeighbors 43 { ver: 0, rows: 0, execTime: 45us, totalTime: 730us “”:9779 exec/total/vertices: 215(us)/538(us)/1, storage_detail: {GetNeighborsNode:108(us),HashJoinNode:87(us),RelNode:108(us),SingleEdgeNode:45(us),TagNode:31(us)} total_rpc_time: 668(us) } outputVar: [ { “colNames”: , “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__GetNeighbors_4” } ] inputVar: __IndexScan_1 space: 325 dedup: true limit: -1 filter: orderBy: src: $_vid edgeTypes: edgeDirection: BOTH vertexProps: edgeProps: [ { “props”: [ “_src”, “_type”, “_rank”, “_dst”, “type”, “primary_code”, “primary_name”, “primary_type”, “related_code”, “related_name”, “related_type”, “realtion”, “status”, “remark” ], “type”: “-363” }, { “props”: [ “_src”, “_type”, “_rank”, “_dst”, “type”, “primary_code”, “primary_name”, “primary_type”, “related_code”, “related_name”, “related_type”, “realtion”, “status”, “remark” ], “type”: “363” }, { “props”: [ “_src”, “_type”, “_rank”, “_dst”, “type”, “level”, “relation_type” ], “type”: “-357” }, { “props”: [ “_src”, “_type”, “_rank”, “_dst”, “type”, “level”, “relation_type” ], “type”: “357” } ] statProps: exprs: random: false
43 IndexScan 0 { ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 0us, totalTime: 1057us storage_detail: {DedupNode:502(us),IndexOpuputNode:497(us),IndexScanNode:479(us),RelNode:505(us)} “”:9779 exec/total: 594(us)/935(us) } outputVar: [ { “colNames”: [ “_vid” ], “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__IndexScan_1” } ] inputVar: __VAR_1 space: 325 dedup: false limit: 9223372036854775807 filter: orderBy: schemaId: 355 isEdge: false returnCols: [ “_vid” ] indexCtx: [ { “columnHints”: [ { “endValue”: “EMPTY”, “beginValue”: “"3701011478”, “scanType”: “PREFIX”, “column”: “code” } ], “filter”: “”, “index_id”: 365 } ]
0 Start ver: 0, rows: 0, execTime: 0us, totalTime: 28us outputVar: [ { “colNames”: , “type”: “DATASET”, “name”: “__Start_0” } ]
共计 35
执行时间消耗 0 (s)

profiling data	
operator info	
42	DataCollect	41		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "p", "le", "testLength", "pathLength" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__DataCollect_42" } ] inputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "p", "le", "testLength", "pathLength" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Limit_41" } ] kind: ROW
41	Limit	40		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "p", "le", "testLength", "pathLength" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Limit_41" } ] inputVar: __Sort_40 offset: 1 count: 10
40	Sort	39		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "p", "le", "testLength", "pathLength" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Sort_40" } ] inputVar: __Project_39 factors: [ { "le": "ASCEND" } ]
39	Project	38		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "p", "le", "testLength", "pathLength" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_39" } ] inputVar: __Filter_38 columns: [ "$-.path AS p", "$-.le AS le", "$-.testLength AS testLength", "$-.pathLength AS pathLength" ]
38	Filter	37		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "testLength", "path", "pathLength", "le" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_38" } ] inputVar: __Project_37 condition: ($-.testLength==$-.pathLength) isStable: false
37	Project	36		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "testLength", "path", "pathLength", "le" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_37" } ] inputVar: __Aggregate_36 columns: [ "size($collect(distinct w1))", "$path", "$pathLength", "$le" ]
36	Aggregate	35		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "collect(distinct w1)", "path", "pathLength", "le" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Aggregate_36" } ] inputVar: __Unwind_35 groupKeys: [ "$path", "(length($path)+1)", "length($path)" ] groupItems: [ { "expr": "collect(distinct $w1)" }, { "expr": "$path" }, { "expr": "(length($path)+1)" }, { "expr": "length($path)" } ]
35	Unwind	34		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "w", "start_valid_date", "failure_date", "path", "w1" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Unwind_35" } ] inputVar: __Filter_34 alias: w1 unwindExpr: $w
34	Filter	33		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "w", "start_valid_date", "failure_date", "path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_34" } ] inputVar: __Project_33 condition: ((date($start_valid_date)<date()) AND (date($failure_date)>date())) isStable: false
33	Project	32		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "w", "start_valid_date", "failure_date", "path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_33" } ] inputVar: __Filter_32 columns: [ "nodes($path)", "$r.start_valid_date", "$r.failure_date", "$path" ]
32	Filter	31		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "n", "g", "b", "r", "m", "path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_32" } ] inputVar: __Project_31 condition: !(hasSameEdgeInPath($-.path)) isStable: false
31	Project	30		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "n", "g", "b", "r", "m", "path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_31" } ] inputVar: __InnerJoin_30 columns: [ "startNode($-._path_0) AS n", "relationships($-._path_0) AS g", "startNode($-._path_1) AS b", "relationships($-._path_1)[0] AS r", "startNode($-._path_2) AS m", "PathBuild[PathBuild[$-._path_0,$-._path_1,$-._path_2]] AS path" ]
30	InnerJoin	29		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path_0", "_path_1", "_path_2" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__InnerJoin_30" } ] inputVar: { "rightVar": { "__Project_29": "0" }, "leftVar": { "__InnerJoin_24": "0" } } hashKeys: [ "endNode($-._path_1)._vid" ] probeKeys: [ "startNode($-._path)._vid" ] kind: InnerJoin
29	Project	28		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_29" } ] inputVar: __Filter_28 columns: [ "PathBuild[VERTEX]" ]
28	Filter	45		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_28" } ] inputVar: __GetVertices_27 condition: (VERTEX.code=="91110000633774479A") isStable: false
45	GetVertices	24		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__GetVertices_27" } ] inputVar: __InnerJoin_24 space: 325 dedup: true limit: 9223372036854775807 filter: orderBy: [] src: endNode($-._path_1)._vid props: [ { "props": [ "code", "name", "parent", "level", "is_leaf", "remark", "nodeType", "_tag" ], "tagId": 355 }, { "props": [ "code", "name", "nodeType", "_tag" ], "tagId": 359 } ] exprs:
24	InnerJoin	23		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path_0", "_path_1" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__InnerJoin_24" } ] inputVar: { "rightVar": { "__Filter_23": "0" }, "leftVar": { "__Filter_17": "0" } } hashKeys: [ "endNode($-._path)._vid" ] probeKeys: [ "startNode($-._path)._vid" ] kind: InnerJoin
23	Filter	22		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_23" } ] inputVar: __Project_22 condition: (length($-._path)>=1) isStable: false
22	Project	21		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_22" } ] inputVar: __Filter_21 columns: [ "PathBuild[VERTEX,EDGE] AS _path" ]
21	Filter	51		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_21" } ] inputVar: __GetNeighbors_20 condition: ("Industry" IN tags(VERTEX)) isStable: false

1	GetNeighbors	17		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__GetNeighbors_20" } ] inputVar: __Filter_17 space: 325 dedup: true limit: -1 filter: orderBy: [] src: endNode($-._path)._vid edgeTypes: [] edgeDirection: BOTH vertexProps: [] edgeProps: [ { "props": [ "_src", "_type", "_rank", "_dst", "publish_date", "report_date", "entry_date", "start_valid_date", "failure_date", "status", "type" ], "type": "-361" }, { "props": [ "_src", "_type", "_rank", "_dst", "publish_date", "report_date", "entry_date", "start_valid_date", "failure_date", "status", "type" ], "type": "361" } ] statProps: exprs: random: false
17	Filter	16		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_17" } ] inputVar: __UnionAllVersionVar_16 condition: (length($-._path)>=5) isStable: false
16	UnionAllVersionVar	15		outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__UnionAllVersionVar_16" } ] inputVar: __Project_6
15	Loop	6	ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 6us, totalTime: 7us ver: 1, rows: 1, execTime: 6us, totalTime: 6us ver: 2, rows: 1, execTime: 9us, totalTime: 9us	outputVar: [ { "colNames": [], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Loop_15" } ] inputVar: __Project_6 condition: ((++($__VAR_0)<=5) AND (($__Project_6==__EMPTY__) OR (size($__Project_6)!=0))) loopBody: 14
14	Filter	13	ver: 0, rows: 1233, execTime: 826us, totalTime: 827us ver: 1, rows: 21847, execTime: 36696us, totalTime: 36700us	branch: true, nodeId: 15 outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_6" } ] inputVar: __Project_13 condition: !(hasSameEdgeInPath($-._path)) isStable: false
13	Project	12	ver: 0, rows: 1238, execTime: 14534us, totalTime: 14535us ver: 1, rows: 23080, execTime: 416680us, totalTime: 416684us	outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_13" } ] inputVar: __InnerJoin_12 columns: [ "PathBuild[$-._path_0,$-._path_1]" ]
12	InnerJoin	11	ver: 0, rows: 1238, execTime: 8256us, totalTime: 8257us ver: 1, rows: 23080, execTime: 217452us, totalTime: 217456us ver: 2, rows: 1196608, execTime: 13682367us, totalTime: 13682372us	outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path_0", "_path_1" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__InnerJoin_12" } ] inputVar: { "rightVar": { "__Project_11": "0" }, "leftVar": { "__Project_6": "0" } } hashKeys: [ "endNode($-._path)._vid" ] probeKeys: [ "startNode($-._path)._vid" ] kind: InnerJoin
11	Project	50	ver: 0, rows: 1238, execTime: 11739us, totalTime: 11740us ver: 1, rows: 13581, execTime: 129479us, totalTime: 129483us ver: 2, rows: 38175, execTime: 370695us, totalTime: 370700us	outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_11" } ] inputVar: __GetNeighbors_10 columns: [ "PathBuild[VERTEX,EDGE] AS _path" ]
50	GetNeighbors	7	{ ver: 0, rows: 0, execTime: 82us, totalTime: 6816us storage_detail: {GetNeighborsNode:3807(us),HashJoinNode:558(us),RelNode:3808(us),SingleEdgeNode:304(us),TagNode:228(us)} total_rpc_time: 6714(us) "":9779 exec/total/vertices: 3978(us)/6559(us)/5, } { ver: 1, rows: 0, execTime: 828us, totalTime: 108465us total_rpc_time: 107613(us) "":9779 exec/total/vertices: 78850(us)/107112(us)/877, storage_detail: {GetNeighborsNode:78178(us),HashJoinNode:41527(us),RelNode:78238(us),SingleEdgeNode:28486(us),TagNode:10066(us)} } { ver: 2, rows: 0, execTime: 18087us, totalTime: 292057us "":9779 exec/total/vertices: 200407(us)/272758(us)/2521, storage_detail: {GetNeighborsNode:199026(us),HashJoinNode:98087(us),RelNode:199223(us),SingleEdgeNode:70831(us),TagNode:20209(us)} total_rpc_time: 273942(us) }	outputVar: [ { "colNames": [], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__GetNeighbors_10" } ] inputVar: __Project_6 space: 325 dedup: true limit: -1 filter: orderBy: [] src: endNode($-._path)._vid edgeTypes: [] edgeDirection: BOTH vertexProps: [] edgeProps: [ { "props": [ "_src", "_type", "_rank", "_dst", "type", "primary_code", "primary_name", "primary_type", "related_code", "related_name", "related_type", "realtion", "status", "remark" ], "type": "-363" }, { "props": [ "_src", "_type", "_rank", "_dst", "type", "primary_code", "primary_name", "primary_type", "related_code", "related_name", "related_type", "realtion", "status", "remark" ], "type": "363" }, { "props": [ "_src", "_type", "_rank", "_dst", "type", "level", "relation_type" ], "type": "-357" }, { "props": [ "_src", "_type", "_rank", "_dst", "type", "level", "relation_type" ], "type": "357" } ] statProps: exprs: random: false
7	Start		ver: 0, rows: 0, execTime: 0us, totalTime: 6us ver: 1, rows: 0, execTime: 0us, totalTime: 10us ver: 2, rows: 0, execTime: 0us, totalTime: 14us	outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_6" } ]
6	Project	5	ver: 0, rows: 5, execTime: 181us, totalTime: 182us	outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_path" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Project_6" } ] inputVar: __Filter_5 columns: [ "PathBuild[VERTEX,EDGE] AS _path" ]
5	Filter	49	ver: 0, rows: 0, execTime: 60us, totalTime: 62us	outputVar: [ { "colNames": [], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Filter_5" } ] inputVar: __GetNeighbors_4 condition: (VERTEX.code=="3701011478") isStable: false
49	GetNeighbors	43	{ ver: 0, rows: 0, execTime: 45us, totalTime: 730us "":9779 exec/total/vertices: 215(us)/538(us)/1, storage_detail: {GetNeighborsNode:108(us),HashJoinNode:87(us),RelNode:108(us),SingleEdgeNode:45(us),TagNode:31(us)} total_rpc_time: 668(us) }	outputVar: [ { "colNames": [], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__GetNeighbors_4" } ] inputVar: __IndexScan_1 space: 325 dedup: true limit: -1 filter: orderBy: [] src: $_vid edgeTypes: [] edgeDirection: BOTH vertexProps: [] edgeProps: [ { "props": [ "_src", "_type", "_rank", "_dst", "type", "primary_code", "primary_name", "primary_type", "related_code", "related_name", "related_type", "realtion", "status", "remark" ], "type": "-363" }, { "props": [ "_src", "_type", "_rank", "_dst", "type", "primary_code", "primary_name", "primary_type", "related_code", "related_name", "related_type", "realtion", "status", "remark" ], "type": "363" }, { "props": [ "_src", "_type", "_rank", "_dst", "type", "level", "relation_type" ], "type": "-357" }, { "props": [ "_src", "_type", "_rank", "_dst", "type", "level", "relation_type" ], "type": "357" } ] statProps: exprs: random: false
43	IndexScan	0	{ ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 0us, totalTime: 1057us storage_detail: {DedupNode:502(us),IndexOpuputNode:497(us),IndexScanNode:479(us),RelNode:505(us)} "":9779 exec/total: 594(us)/935(us) }	outputVar: [ { "colNames": [ "_vid" ], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__IndexScan_1" } ] inputVar: __VAR_1 space: 325 dedup: false limit: 9223372036854775807 filter: orderBy: [] schemaId: 355 isEdge: false returnCols: [ "_vid" ] indexCtx: [ { "columnHints": [ { "endValue": "__EMPTY__", "beginValue": "\"3701011478", "scanType": "PREFIX", "column": "code" } ], "filter": "", "index_id": 365 } ]
0	Start		ver: 0, rows: 0, execTime: 0us, totalTime: 28us	outputVar: [ { "colNames": [], "type": "DATASET", "name": "__Start_0" } ]

我已经贴语句和 profile 了