

  • nebula 版本: 2.6.1
  • 部署方式:分布式
  • 安装方式:RPM


I0121 02:39:01.372963  4923 RaftexService.cpp:93] Starting the Raftex Service
I0121 02:39:01.379938  4923 RaftexService.cpp:83] Starting the Raftex Service on 9790
I0121 02:39:01.379971  4923 RaftexService.cpp:103] Start the Raftex Service successfully
I0121 02:39:01.380116  4858 NebulaStore.cpp:188] Init listener from partManager for "":9789
I0121 02:39:01.380160  4858 NebulaStore.cpp:77] Register handler...
I0121 02:39:01.380168  4858 StorageServer.cpp:85] Starting Storage HTTP Service
I0121 02:39:01.380419  4858 StorageServer.cpp:89] Http Thread Pool started
I0121 02:39:01.382331  4928 WebService.cpp:124] Web service started on HTTP[19789], HTTP2[19790]
I0121 02:39:01.382424  4858 TransactionManager.cpp:25] TransactionManager ctor()
F0121 02:39:01.399186  4858 RocksEngine.cpp:376] Check failed: key.size() == sizeof(PartitionID) + sizeof(NebulaSystemKeyType) (12 vs. 8)

listener 怎么建的呢?

就按文档写的流程建的,show listener,进程也都在

具体的点呢? 比如说 , 您这是一个 新的 listener? 还是老的, 重启一下起不来了?


这个具体是怎么做的? 按说如果您删了 listener下面的 data, 应该是可以起来的.