

  • nebula 版本:2.6.2
  • 部署方式:分布式
  • 安装方式:tar.gz
  • 是否为线上版本:Y
  • 硬件信息
    • 7TB HDD Raid
    • E5-2680 v3,256GB RAM
  • 当创建带有GEOPOINT类型属性值(该属性被正常赋值)时,无法通过nGQL语言进行查询,报如下异常:Storage Error: Edge prop not found.
  • 相关的 meta / storage / graph info 日志信息列举于下方


E0712 13:16:26.017154 34888 RowReaderV2.cpp:190] Geography::fromWKB failed: Failed to parse an valid Geography instance from the wkb `'
E0712 13:16:26.017154 34888 RowReaderV2.cpp:190] Geography::fromWKB failed: Failed to parse an valid Geography instance from the wkb `'
E0712 13:16:26.471570 34888 RowReaderV2.cpp:190] Geography::fromWKB failed: Failed to parse an valid Geography instance from the wkb `'
E0712 13:16:26.773860 34888 RowReaderV2.cpp:190] Geography::fromWKB failed: Failed to parse an valid Geography instance from the wkb `'
E0712 13:16:27.073959 34888 RowReaderV2.cpp:190] Geography::fromWKB failed: Failed to parse an valid Geography instance from the wkb `'



INSERT VERTEX IF NOT EXISTS CONCEPT (id, name, iri, nicks, source_type, source_name, source_batch, create_user, update_user, create_time, update_time) VALUES 
"75c5eebd3eaea875c822ad5598aef065":("75c5eebd3eaea875c822ad5598aef065", "AAA", "https://g.w/test#AAA", NULL, "MANUAL", "test", "test-0711", "jal", "jal", datetime("2022-03-22 11:10:00.000"), datetime("2022-07-01 20:29:54.342")), 
"91b32acd631cfdcc171ce93":("91b32acd631cfdcc171ce93", "BBB", "https://g.w/test#BBB", NULL, "MANUAL", "test", "test-0711", "jal", "jal", datetime("2022-03-22 11:10:00.000"), datetime("2022-07-01 20:29:54.342"))


INSERT EDGE RELATETO (id, ontrelid, ontreliri, name, nicks, weight, time_start, time_finish, address_point, address_name, address_detail, source_type, source_name, source_batch, create_user, update_user, create_time, update_time) VALUES "75c5eebd3eaea875c822ad5598aef065"->"cb3a063a491b32acd631cfdcc171ce93"@0:("d6ba99a8aafcd2a6e6bc6e4c46745c82", "74004a7a62f3dd1fe160f02203c6933c", null, "居住", "", 0.0, null, null, ST_Point(39.657589, 116.070870), "房山区", "世界名园A区", "MANUAL", "el51:9101", "20220623", "el51:9101", "el51:9101", datetime("2022-03-22 11:10:00.000"), datetime("2022-07-01 20:29:54.342"));


MATCH p=(m:ENTITY {id: "5f136053f62099a86cb15d2121f2dace"})-[r:RELATETO]-(n:ENTITY)  RETURN p
MATCH p=(v)-[e:RELATETO*1]-(v2) 
WHERE id(v) IN ["75c5eebd3eaea875c822ad5598aef065"] 
     RETURN p LIMIT 100
1 个赞

st_point的第一个参数是经度, 第二个参数是纬度,
ST_Point(39.657589, 116.070870)你这个数据经纬度写反了

2 个赞

多谢 :+1: :+1: :+1: :+1: