{ # Spark relation config spark: { app: { name: Louvain # spark.app.partitionNum partitionNum:50 } master:local, port:{ maxRetries:100 } } data: { # data source. optional of nebula,csv,json source: nebula # data sink, means the algorithm result will be write into this sink. optional of nebula,csv,text sink: nebula # if your algorithm needs weight hasWeight: false } # Nebula Graph relation config nebula: { # algo's data source from Nebula. If data.source is nebula, then this nebula.read config can be valid. read: { # Nebula metad server address, multiple addresses are split by English comma metaAddress: ",," # Nebula space space: ldbc # Nebula edge types, multiple labels means that data from multiple edges will union together labels: ["LIKES"] # Nebula edge property name for each edge type, this property will be as weight col for algorithm. # Make sure the weightCols are corresponding to labels. weightCols: [] } # algo result sink into Nebula. If data.sink is nebula, then this nebula.write config can be valid. write:{ # Nebula graphd server address, multiple addresses are split by English comma graphAddress: ",,,," # Nebula metad server address, multiple addresses are split by English comma metaAddress: ",," user:root pswd:nebula # Nebula space name space:ldbc # Nebula tag name, the algorithm result will be write into this tag tag:Post # algorithm result is insert into new tag or update to original tag. type: insert/update type:update } } local: { # algo's data source from Nebula. If data.source is csv or json, then this local.read can be valid. read:{ filePath: "file:///tmp/algo_edge.csv" # srcId column srcId:"_c0" # dstId column dstId:"_c1" # weight column #weight: "col3" # if csv file has header header: false # csv file's delimiter delimiter:"," } # algo result sink into local file. If data.sink is csv or text, then this local.write can be valid. write:{ resultPath:/tmp/count } } algorithm: { # the algorithm that you are going to execute,pick one from [pagerank, louvain, connectedcomponent, # labelpropagation, shortestpaths, degreestatic, kcore, stronglyconnectedcomponent, trianglecount, # betweenness, graphtriangleCount, clusteringcoefficient, bfs, hanp, closeness, jaccard, node2vec] executeAlgo: louvain # PageRank parameter pagerank: { maxIter: 10 resetProb: 0.15 # default 0.15 } # Louvain parameter louvain: { maxIter: 20 internalIter: 10 tol: 0.8 } # connected component parameter. connectedcomponent: { maxIter: 20 } # LabelPropagation parameter labelpropagation: { maxIter: 20 } # ShortestPaths parameter shortestpaths: { # several vertices to compute the shortest path to all vertices. landmarks: "1" } # Vertex degree statistics parameter degreestatic: {} # KCore parameter kcore:{ maxIter:10 degree:1 } # Trianglecount parameter trianglecount:{} # graphTriangleCount parameter graphtrianglecount:{} # Betweenness centrality parameter. maxIter parameter means the max times of iterations. betweenness:{ maxIter:5 } # Clustering Coefficient parameter. The type parameter has two choice, local or global # local type will compute the clustering coefficient for each vertex, and print the average coefficient for graph. # global type just compute the graph's clustering coefficient. clusteringcoefficient:{ type: local } # ClosenessAlgo parameter closeness:{} # BFS parameter bfs:{ maxIter:5 root:"10" } # HanpAlgo parameter hanp:{ hopAttenuation:0.1 maxIter:10 preference:1.0 } #Node2vecAlgo parameter node2vec:{ maxIter: 10, lr: 0.025, dataNumPartition: 10, modelNumPartition: 10, dim: 10, window: 3, walkLength: 5, numWalks: 3, p: 1.0, q: 1.0, directed: false, degree: 30, embSeparate: ",", modelPath: "hdfs://" } # JaccardAlgo parameter jaccard:{ tol: 1.0 } } }