

Log file created at: 2022/11/16 15:39:47
Running on machine: bogon
Running duration (h:mm:ss): 0:00:00
Log line format: [IWEF]yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E20221116 15:39:47.013434 25347 MetaClient.cpp:758] Send request to "":9559, exceed retry limit
E20221116 15:39:47.039855 25347 MetaClient.cpp:759] RpcResponse exception: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Dropping unsent request. Connection closed after: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: connect failed, type = Socket not open, errno = 111 (Connection refused): Connection refused
E20221116 15:39:47.040077 25356 MetaClient.cpp:192] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Dropping unsent request. Connection closed after: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: connect failed, type = Socket not open, errno = 111 (Connect

提问的时候注意看下模版,不要将帖子发到不正确的分类里。一般研发同学专注于 用户问答分类的,以及分类乱用的话,会降低服务等级的,具体参考 关于论坛帖子审核时间的说明(最后更新 2023.04.20)

补充下你的 Nebula 版本。


需要看什么日志? 我看了graphd,stored以及metad的ERROR,找不到有用信息

把 meta 的日志贴上来。

I20221204 18:51:26.637195 26084 MetaDaemon.cpp:137] localhost = "":9559
I20221204 18:51:26.681198 26084 NebulaStore.cpp:51] Start the raft service...
I20221204 18:51:26.687198 26084 NebulaSnapshotManager.cpp:25] Send snapshot is rate limited to 10485760 for each part by default
I20221204 18:51:26.737588 26084 RaftexService.cpp:46] Start raft service on 9560
I20221204 18:51:26.737780 26084 NebulaStore.cpp:85] Scan the local path, and init the spaces_
I20221204 18:51:26.737862 26084 NebulaStore.cpp:92] Scan path "/opt/nebula-graph-3.3.0.el7.x86_64/data/meta/nebula/0"
I20221204 18:51:26.737885 26084 NebulaStore.cpp:271] Init data from partManager for "":9559
I20221204 18:51:26.737915 26084 NebulaStore.cpp:387] Create data space 0
I20221204 18:51:26.772130 26084 RocksEngine.cpp:97] open rocksdb on /opt/nebula-graph-3.3.0.el7.x86_64/data/meta/nebula/0/data
I20221204 18:51:27.022960 26084 NebulaStore.cpp:459] Space 0, part 0 has been added, asLearner 0
I20221204 18:51:27.023021 26084 NebulaStore.cpp:78] Register handler...
I20221204 18:51:27.023030 26084 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:106] Waiting for the leader elected...
I20221204 18:51:27.023036 26084 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:118] Leader has not been elected, sleep 1s
I20221204 18:51:28.023492 26084 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:145] Get meta version is 3
I20221204 18:51:28.023564 26084 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:162] Nebula store init succeeded, clusterId 5910483749134832870
I20221204 18:51:28.023582 26084 MetaDaemon.cpp:150] Start http service
I20221204 18:51:28.024032 26084 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:219] Starting Meta HTTP Service
I20221204 18:51:28.027415 26241 WebService.cpp:124] Web service started on HTTP[19559]
I20221204 18:51:28.027860 26084 JobDescription.cpp:52] p = code_index
I20221204 18:51:28.028059 26084 JobManager.cpp:60] JobManager initialized
I20221204 18:51:28.028090 26247 JobManager.cpp:136] JobManager::scheduleThread enter
I20221204 18:51:28.028131 26084 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:185] Check root user
I20221204 18:51:28.029151 26084 RootUserMan.h:35] God user exists
I20221204 18:51:28.037345 26084 MetaDaemon.cpp:201] The meta daemon start on "":9559
I20221204 18:51:28.911325 26269 HBProcessor.cpp:33] Receive heartbeat from "":9669, role = GRAPH
I20221204 18:51:28.911438 26269 HBProcessor.cpp:87] Update host "":9669 dir info, root path: /opt/nebula-graph-3.3.0.el7.x86_64, data path size: 0
I20221204 18:51:28.932780 26269 SessionManagerProcessor.cpp:130] resp list session: 1670144536163600
I20221204 18:51:28.932835 26269 SessionManagerProcessor.cpp:130] resp list session: 1670143342729490
I20221204 18:51:28.932844 26269 SessionManagerProcessor.cpp:130] resp list session: 1670143405455636
I20221204 18:51:28.932852 26269 SessionManagerProcessor.cpp:130] resp list session: 1670143577792294
I20221204 18:51:28.932858 26269 SessionManagerProcessor.cpp:130] resp list session: 1670142666078761
I20221204 18:51:28.932865 26269 SessionManagerProcessor.cpp:130] resp list session: 1670143268421941
I20221204 18:51:28.932873 26269 SessionManagerProcessor.cpp:130] resp list session: 1670144773288256
I20221204 18:51:28.932879 26269 SessionManagerProcessor.cpp:130] resp list session: 1670139140558669
I20221204 18:51:28.932886 26269 SessionManagerProcessor.cpp:130] resp list session: 1670139505324622
I20221204 18:51:28.932893 26269 SessionManagerProcessor.cpp:130] resp list session: 1670150823136861
I20221204 18:51:28.932899 26269 SessionManagerProcessor.cpp:130] resp list session: 1670143641392280
I20221204 18:51:28.932906 26269 SessionManagerProcessor.cpp:130] resp list session: 1670130347246517
I20221204 18:51:28.932912 26269 SessionManagerProcessor.cpp:130] resp list session: 1670144237902326
I20221204 18:51:28.964171 26269 ListHostsProcessor.cpp:247] skip inactive host: "":9779
I20221204 18:51:28.964228 26269 ListHostsProcessor.cpp:247] skip inactive host: "":9779
I20221204 18:51:28.964241 26269 ListHostsProcessor.cpp:247] skip inactive host: "":9779
I20221204 18:51:28.964264 26269 ListHostsProcessor.cpp:247] skip inactive host: "":9779
I20221204 18:51:28.964273 26269 ListHostsProcessor.cpp:247] skip inactive host: "":9779


Log file created at: 2022/12/04 18:42:46
Running on machine: bogon
Running duration (h:mm:ss): 0:00:00
Log line format: [IWEF]yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E20221204 18:42:46.576459 25987 Serializer.h:43] Thrift serialization is only defined for structs and unions, not containers thereof. Attemping to deserialize a value of type `nebula::Value`.



I20221204 18:15:13.798262 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:205] Need to open 100 parts of space 27
I20221204 18:15:14.076941 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 1 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.077432 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 3 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.079005 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 4 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.080281 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 2 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.349669 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 5 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.349920 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 7 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.352535 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 8 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.354765 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 6 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.621219 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 9 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.621625 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 11 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.625839 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 12 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.628883 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 10 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.900787 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 16 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.901180 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 15 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.903131 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 13 from disk
I20221204 18:15:14.905676 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 14 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.173940 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 19 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.174760 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 20 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.176457 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 17 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.185698 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 18 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.445986 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 23 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.448555 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 24 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.448623 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 21 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.463191 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 22 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.718781 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 27 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.721365 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 25 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.723249 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 28 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.746831 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 26 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.991832 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 31 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.996610 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 29 from disk
I20221204 18:15:15.997835 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 32 from disk
I20221204 18:15:16.022711 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 30 from disk
I20221204 18:15:16.263918 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 35 from disk
I20221204 18:15:16.270942 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 33 from disk
I20221204 18:15:16.272256 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 36 from disk
I20221204 18:15:16.297061 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 34 from disk
I20221204 18:15:16.535604 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 39 from disk
I20221204 18:15:16.544061 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 37 from disk
I20221204 18:15:16.546097 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 40 from disk
I20221204 18:15:16.571847 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 38 from disk
I20221204 18:15:16.807008 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 43 from disk
I20221204 18:15:16.816931 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 41 from disk
I20221204 18:15:16.819892 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 44 from disk
I20221204 18:15:16.846452 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 42 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.079249 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 47 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.089460 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 45 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.093348 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 48 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.121588 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 46 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.350723 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 51 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.362306 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 49 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.367234 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 52 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.410864 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 50 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.621950 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 55 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.635304 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 53 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.644244 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 56 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.687861 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 54 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.896286 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 59 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.909204 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 57 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.919160 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 60 from disk
I20221204 18:15:17.962442 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 58 from disk
I20221204 18:15:18.168416 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 63 from disk
I20221204 18:15:18.182289 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 61 from disk
I20221204 18:15:18.195151 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 64 from disk
I20221204 18:15:18.238164 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 62 from disk
I20221204 18:15:18.441437 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 67 from disk
I20221204 18:15:18.456648 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 65 from disk
I20221204 18:15:18.469509 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 68 from disk
I20221204 18:15:18.514204 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 66 from disk
I20221204 18:15:18.715499 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 71 from disk
I20221204 18:15:18.729418 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 69 from disk
I20221204 18:15:18.745024 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 72 from disk
I20221204 18:15:18.788638 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 70 from disk
I20221204 18:15:18.995721 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 75 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.005394 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 73 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.020443 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 76 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.063937 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 74 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.275404 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 79 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.280642 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 77 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.296397 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 80 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.338905 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 78 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.555543 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 83 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.561230 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 81 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.572643 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 84 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.613766 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 82 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.835024 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 87 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.842593 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 85 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.847214 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 88 from disk
I20221204 18:15:19.888327 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 86 from disk
I20221204 18:15:20.106820 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 91 from disk
I20221204 18:15:20.116609 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 89 from disk
I20221204 18:15:20.124488 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 92 from disk
I20221204 18:15:20.162976 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 90 from disk
I20221204 18:15:20.378378 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 95 from disk
I20221204 18:15:20.389320 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 93 from disk
I20221204 18:15:20.405562 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 96 from disk
I20221204 18:15:20.444320 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 94 from disk
I20221204 18:15:20.650784 25870 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 99 from disk
I20221204 18:15:20.662956 25868 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 97 from disk
I20221204 18:15:20.678161 25867 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 100 from disk
I20221204 18:15:20.719827 25869 NebulaStore.cpp:228] Load part 27, 98 from disk
I20221204 18:15:20.720342 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:262] Load space 27 complete
I20221204 18:15:20.720486 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:271] Init data from partManager for "":9779
I20221204 18:15:20.720736 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:369] Data space 1 has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720804 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 1] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720827 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 2] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720841 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 3] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720867 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 4] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720877 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 5] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720886 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 6] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720894 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 7] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720902 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 8] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720911 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 9] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720918 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 10] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720927 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 11] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720934 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 12] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720942 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 13] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720950 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 14] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720958 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 15] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720966 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 16] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720974 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 17] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720983 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 18] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720990 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 19] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.720999 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 20] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721006 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 21] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721014 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 22] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721022 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 23] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721030 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 24] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721038 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 25] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721046 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 26] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721055 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 27] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721062 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 28] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721071 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 29] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721078 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 30] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721086 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 31] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721094 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 32] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721102 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 33] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721110 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 34] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721118 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 35] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721125 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 36] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721134 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 37] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721143 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 38] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721150 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 39] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721158 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 40] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721165 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 41] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721174 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 42] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721181 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 43] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721189 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 44] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721197 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 45] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721205 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 46] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721213 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 47] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721221 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 48] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721230 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 49] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721237 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 50] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721251 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 51] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721259 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 52] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721268 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 53] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721276 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 54] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721284 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 55] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721292 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 56] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721300 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 57] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721308 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 58] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721316 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 59] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721324 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 60] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721333 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 61] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721340 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 62] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721349 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 63] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721356 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 64] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721365 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 65] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721372 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 66] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721381 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 67] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721390 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 68] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721397 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 69] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721405 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 70] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721413 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 71] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721421 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 72] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721429 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 73] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721437 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 74] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721446 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 75] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721454 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 76] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721462 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 77] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721470 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 78] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721478 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 79] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721486 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 80] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721494 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 81] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721503 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 82] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721510 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 83] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721518 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 84] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721527 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 85] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721534 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 86] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721544 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 87] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721551 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 88] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721560 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 89] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721566 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 90] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721575 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 91] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721582 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 92] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721590 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 93] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721598 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 94] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721606 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 95] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721614 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 96] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721622 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 97] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721634 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 98] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721642 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 99] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721650 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 1, Part: 100] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721662 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:369] Data space 23 has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721683 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 1] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721715 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 2] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721724 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 3] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721732 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 4] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721740 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 5] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721748 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 6] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721756 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 7] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721765 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 8] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721773 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 9] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721781 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 10] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721789 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 11] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721797 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 12] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721805 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 13] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721813 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 14] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721822 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 15] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721829 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 16] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721840 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 17] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721848 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 18] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721856 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 19] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721866 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 20] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721875 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 21] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721884 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 22] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721890 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 23] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721899 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 24] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721906 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 25] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721915 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 26] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721922 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 27] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721930 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 28] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721938 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 29] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721946 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 30] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721954 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 31] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721962 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 32] has existed!
I20221204 18:15:20.721973 25798 NebulaStore.cpp:430] [Space: 23, Part: 33] has existed!

你的名字正好是一个游戏平台的名字,每次我看到邮箱开头是steam都当垃圾邮件 :laughing:

我英文不是很好,我朋友说“清蒸”的英文就是 steam。所以…就 Steam 了。

我叫他 蒸汽,快催一下研发人员



  1. storaged 内存是不是 OOM 了?看下dmesg,有没有啥oom kill
  2. storaged 最大支持的连接数是不是不够?通过 ulimit -n 检查下当前最大文件打开数,如果过小的话,可能新建立不起来连接。
  3. 如果 Storaged 宕机能复现,可以通过设置 ulimit -c unlimited 抓一下 corefile(一般在 storaged bin 目录附近,如果找不到可以搜下 ulimit -c 咋用)。然后用 gdb 打开 corefile,贴下出错堆栈。


2 个赞


1 个赞


好的,感谢,出问题了随时贴过来;对于 storaged crash,有大概猜测么,比如 OOM、连接数,或者某些特定语句触发 ?

此话题已在最后回复的 30 天后被自动关闭。不再允许新回复。