RocksDB Iterator Internal, part 3


RocksDB Iterator 系列的最后一篇,看一看 SST 文件的格式,以及基于 SST 的迭代器是如何工作的。


我们之前在第一篇介绍过,一个 SST 文件的 LevelIterator 是经过下面的路径,最终被加入到 DBIter 中的。

	-> DBImpl::NewIteratorImpl
		-> DBImpl::NewInternalIterator
      -> Version::AddIterators
        -> Version::AddIteratorsForLevel
          -> new LevelIterator

LevelIterator 更像一个 wrapper,对于任何一个 SST 文件,它会检查这个文件是否已经被打开,对应的数据是否在 BlockCache 中等等,而最核心部分的功能是由 BlockBasedTableIterator 完成的。从 LevelIterator::Seek 相关代码就能看到:

  • 首先在 TableCache 这一层会尝试打开 SST 文件,如果之前已经打开了对应文件,则直接使用之前的句柄
  • 如果之前没有打开这个 SST 文件,生成对应的 TableReader,加入到 TableCache
  • 由于 BlockedBaseTable 中有 index block 和 data block,因此需要把 IndexBlockIterator 也生成,并传入到 BlockBasedTableIterator
  • 最终调用 BlockBasedTableIterator::Seek
  -> LevelIterator::InitFileIterator
    -> LevelIterator::NewFileIterator
      -> TableCache::NewIterator
        -> BlockBasedTable::NewIterator
          -> new BlockBasedTableIterator
  -> BlockBasedTableIterator::Seek
InternalIterator* BlockBasedTable::NewIterator(
    const ReadOptions& read_options, const SliceTransform* prefix_extractor,
    Arena* arena, bool skip_filters, TableReaderCaller caller,
    size_t compaction_readahead_size, bool allow_unprepared_value) {
  BlockCacheLookupContext lookup_context{caller};
  bool need_upper_bound_check =
      read_options.auto_prefix_mode || PrefixExtractorChanged(prefix_extractor);
  std::unique_ptr<InternalIteratorBase<IndexValue>> index_iter(NewIndexIterator(
      /*disable_prefix_seek=*/need_upper_bound_check &&
          rep_->index_type == BlockBasedTableOptions::kHashSearch,
      /*input_iter=*/nullptr, /*get_context=*/nullptr, &lookup_context));
  if (arena == nullptr) {
    return new BlockBasedTableIterator(
        this, read_options, rep_->internal_comparator, std::move(index_iter),
        !skip_filters && !read_options.total_order_seek &&
            prefix_extractor != nullptr,
        need_upper_bound_check, prefix_extractor, caller,
        compaction_readahead_size, allow_unprepared_value);
  } else {
    auto* mem = arena->AllocateAligned(sizeof(BlockBasedTableIterator));
    return new (mem) BlockBasedTableIterator(
        this, read_options, rep_->internal_comparator, std::move(index_iter),
        !skip_filters && !read_options.total_order_seek &&
            prefix_extractor != nullptr,
        need_upper_bound_check, prefix_extractor, caller,
        compaction_readahead_size, allow_unprepared_value);

注意 BlockBasedTableIterator 构造的第 5 个参数如果为 true,即没有指定 total_order_seek 且指定了 prefix_extractor 时,可以在使用 BlockBasedTableIterator 时通过检查前缀布隆过滤器是否匹配,避免读取 index block 和 data block。


目前 RocksDB 有三种索引类型:

  • BinarySearchIndex: 最常见的形式,二分查找。
  • HashIndex: 哈希索引,如果同时配置了 prefix_extractor 时,会通过哈希进行查找。如果用户在读取时指定 ReadOptions.total_order_seek = true,就可以忽略索引,直接查找 data block。
  • PartitionIndex: 当数据量特别大时,默认的 index/filter 都不计入在 BlockCache 容量之内,而 index/filter 又会保存在内存中。而 PartitionIndexReader 就会将 index 分层,通过配置可以只将 top level index 放在内存中,减少内存消耗。

BinarySearchIndexPartitionIndex 保证有序,HashIndex 在默认 total_order_seek 为 false 的情况下无法保证有序。

以默认的 BinarySearchIndex 为例,看下是如何读取构造 index block 的 reader 路径的。在构造 BlockBasedTableIterator 之前,会先调用 NewIndexIterator。调用路径如下:

  -> BlockBasedTable::NewIndexIterator
    -> BinarySearchIndexReader::NewIterator
    or HashIndexReader::NewIterator
    or PartitionIndexReader::NewIterator
      -> Block::NewIndexIterator
        -> IndexBlockIter::Initialize
// disable_prefix_seek should be set to true when prefix_extractor found in SST
// differs from the one in mutable_cf_options and index type is HashBasedIndex
InternalIteratorBase<IndexValue>* BlockBasedTable::NewIndexIterator(
    const ReadOptions& read_options, bool disable_prefix_seek,
    IndexBlockIter* input_iter, GetContext* get_context,
    BlockCacheLookupContext* lookup_context) const {
  assert(rep_ != nullptr);
  assert(rep_->index_reader != nullptr);

  // We don't return pinned data from index blocks, so no need
  // to set `block_contents_pinned`.
  return rep_->index_reader->NewIterator(read_options, disable_prefix_seek,
                                         input_iter, get_context,

disable_prefix_seek 只是提供给 HashIndex 使用(比如当 prefix_extractor 发生变化时,HashIndex 就不能使用 SST 中之前生成的索引,此时需要禁用),其他两种索引后续都会忽略这个参数。

BinarySearchIndex 为例,注意它调用 NewIndexIterator 的第 5 个参数 true 对应total_order_seek

InternalIteratorBase<IndexValue>* BinarySearchIndexReader::NewIterator(
    const ReadOptions& read_options, bool /* disable_prefix_seek */,
    IndexBlockIter* iter, GetContext* get_context,
    BlockCacheLookupContext* lookup_context) {
  const BlockBasedTable::Rep* rep = table()->get_rep();
  const bool no_io = (read_options.read_tier == kBlockCacheTier);
  CachableEntry<Block> index_block;
  const Status s =
      GetOrReadIndexBlock(no_io, read_options.rate_limiter_priority,
                          get_context, lookup_context, &index_block);
  if (!s.ok()) {
    if (iter != nullptr) {
      return iter;

    return NewErrorInternalIterator<IndexValue>(s);

  Statistics* kNullStats = nullptr;
  // We don't return pinned data from index blocks, so no need
  // to set `block_contents_pinned`.
  auto it = index_block.GetValue()->NewIndexIterator(
      rep->get_global_seqno(BlockType::kIndex), iter, kNullStats, true,
      index_has_first_key(), index_key_includes_seq(), index_value_is_full());

  assert(it != nullptr);

  return it;

构造和初始化 IndexBlockIter 的相关代码,所有类型的索引都会调用到 Block::NewIndexIterator

IndexBlockIter* Block::NewIndexIterator(
    const Comparator* raw_ucmp, SequenceNumber global_seqno,
    IndexBlockIter* iter, Statistics* /*stats*/, bool total_order_seek,
    bool have_first_key, bool key_includes_seq, bool value_is_full,
    bool block_contents_pinned, BlockPrefixIndex* prefix_index) {
  IndexBlockIter* ret_iter;
  if (iter != nullptr) {
    ret_iter = iter;
  } else {
    ret_iter = new IndexBlockIter;
  if (size_ < 2 * sizeof(uint32_t)) {
    ret_iter->Invalidate(Status::Corruption("bad block contents"));
    return ret_iter;
  if (num_restarts_ == 0) {
    // Empty block.
    return ret_iter;
  } else {
    BlockPrefixIndex* prefix_index_ptr =
        total_order_seek ? nullptr : prefix_index;
    ret_iter->Initialize(raw_ucmp, data_, restart_offset_, num_restarts_,
                         global_seqno, prefix_index_ptr, have_first_key,
                         key_includes_seq, value_is_full,

  return ret_iter;


BlockBasedTableIterator::Seek 的实现如下,我们只保留主干路径:

  • 如果条件允许,检查 prefix bloom filter 是否匹配,如果不匹配可以直接返回无效迭代器,跳过后续的 IO 操作
  • 用索引进行 Seek,不同索引类型对应不同 read,如 BinarySearchIndexReaderHashIndexReaderPartitionIndexReader,最常见的 BinarySearchIndex 最终会调用 IndexBlockIter::Seek
  • 根据索引查找结果,决定是否要读取 data block
void BlockBasedTableIterator::SeekImpl(const Slice* target,
                                       bool async_prefetch) {
  // ...
  // 如果可以用前缀匹配进行判断,且前缀的确不匹配,可以将 Iterator 置为无效,并直接返回
  if (target && !CheckPrefixMayMatch(*target, IterDirection::kForward)) {

  bool need_seek_index = true;
  // ...
  // 一些情况下 need_seek_index 可以设置为 false

  if (need_seek_index) {
    if (target) {
    } else {

    if (!index_iter_->Valid()) {

  IndexValue v = index_iter_->value();
  const bool same_block = block_iter_points_to_real_block_ &&
                          v.handle.offset() == prev_block_offset_;

  if (...) {
    // ...
    // 一些情况下,根据索引查找结果就不需要再读取 data block
  } else {
    // Need to use the data block.
    if (!same_block) {
      if (read_options_.async_io && async_prefetch) {
        // ...
        // async io优化
      } else {
        // 初始化data block
    } else {
      // ...
    // 读取data block
    if (target) {
    } else {


  if (target) {
    assert(!Valid() || icomp_.Compare(*target, key()) <= 0);
  • 前缀布隆过滤器匹配

check_filter_ 就是指是否要检查 prefix bloom filter 匹配,即 BlockBasedTable::NewIterator 构造的第五个参数,当 total_order_seek 为 true 且 prefix_extractor 不为空时,就可以通过 SST 文件中的前缀布隆过滤器进行检查。

  bool CheckPrefixMayMatch(const Slice& ikey, IterDirection direction) {
    if (need_upper_bound_check_ && direction == IterDirection::kBackward) {
      // Upper bound check isn't sufficient for backward direction to
      // guarantee the same result as total order, so disable prefix
      // check.
      return true;
    if (check_filter_ && !table_->PrefixRangeMayMatch(
                             ikey, read_options_, prefix_extractor_,
                             need_upper_bound_check_, &lookup_context_)) {
      // TODO remember the iterator is invalidated because of prefix
      // match. This can avoid the upper level file iterator to falsely
      // believe the position is the end of the SST file and move to
      // the first key of the next file.
      return false;
    return true;


  -> FilterBlockReaderCommon<TBlocklike>::RangeMayExist
    -> FullFilterBlockReader::PrefixMayMatch
      -> FullFilterBlockReader::MayMatch
        -> FastLocalBloomBitsReader::MayMatch
  • 读取 index block,实际就是对 index block 进行二分查找
void IndexBlockIter::SeekImpl(const Slice& target) {
  if (data_ == nullptr) {  // Not init yet
  Slice seek_key = target;
  if (raw_key_.IsUserKey()) {
    seek_key = ExtractUserKey(target);
  status_ = Status::OK();
  uint32_t index = 0;
  bool skip_linear_scan = false;
  bool ok = false;
  if (prefix_index_) {
    bool prefix_may_exist = true;
    ok = PrefixSeek(target, &index, &prefix_may_exist);
    if (!prefix_may_exist) {
      // This is to let the caller to distinguish between non-existing prefix,
      // and when key is larger than the last key, which both set Valid() to
      // false.
      current_ = restarts_;
      status_ = Status::NotFound();
    // restart interval must be one when hash search is enabled so the binary
    // search simply lands at the right place.
    skip_linear_scan = true;
  } else if (value_delta_encoded_) {
    ok = BinarySeek<DecodeKeyV4>(seek_key, &index, &skip_linear_scan);
  } else {
    ok = BinarySeek<DecodeKey>(seek_key, &index, &skip_linear_scan);

  if (!ok) {
  FindKeyAfterBinarySeek(seek_key, index, skip_linear_scan);
  • 初始化 data block iterator
void BlockBasedTableIterator::InitDataBlock() {
  BlockHandle data_block_handle = index_iter_->value().handle;
  if (!block_iter_points_to_real_block_ ||
      data_block_handle.offset() != prev_block_offset_ ||
      // if previous attempt of reading the block missed cache, try again
      block_iter_.status().IsIncomplete()) {
    if (block_iter_points_to_real_block_) {
    auto* rep = table_->get_rep();

    bool is_for_compaction =
        lookup_context_.caller == TableReaderCaller::kCompaction;
    // Prefetch additional data for range scans (iterators).
    // Implicit auto readahead:
    //   Enabled after 2 sequential IOs when ReadOptions.readahead_size == 0.
    // Explicit user requested readahead:
    //   Enabled from the very first IO when ReadOptions.readahead_size is set.
        rep, data_block_handle, read_options_.readahead_size, is_for_compaction,
        /*no_sequential_checking=*/false, read_options_.rate_limiter_priority);
    Status s;
        read_options_, data_block_handle, &block_iter_, BlockType::kData,
        /*get_context=*/nullptr, &lookup_context_,
        /*for_compaction=*/is_for_compaction, /*async_read=*/false, s);
    block_iter_points_to_real_block_ = true;

NewDataBlockIterator 里面会读取 SST 文件进行解压缩,并保存到 block cache 中。

// Convert an index iterator value (i.e., an encoded BlockHandle)
// into an iterator over the contents of the corresponding block.
// If input_iter is null, new a iterator
// If input_iter is not null, update this iter and return it
template <typename TBlockIter>
TBlockIter* BlockBasedTable::NewDataBlockIterator(
    const ReadOptions& ro, const BlockHandle& handle, TBlockIter* input_iter,
    BlockType block_type, GetContext* get_context,
    BlockCacheLookupContext* lookup_context,
    FilePrefetchBuffer* prefetch_buffer, bool for_compaction, bool async_read,
    Status& s) const {

  TBlockIter* iter = input_iter != nullptr ? input_iter : new TBlockIter;
  if (!s.ok()) {
    return iter;

  CachableEntry<Block> block;
  if (rep_->uncompression_dict_reader && block_type == BlockType::kData) {
    CachableEntry<UncompressionDict> uncompression_dict;
    const bool no_io = (ro.read_tier == kBlockCacheTier);
    s = rep_->uncompression_dict_reader->GetOrReadUncompressionDictionary(
        prefetch_buffer, no_io, ro.verify_checksums, get_context,
        lookup_context, &uncompression_dict);
    if (!s.ok()) {
      return iter;
    const UncompressionDict& dict = uncompression_dict.GetValue()
                                        ? *uncompression_dict.GetValue()
                                        : UncompressionDict::GetEmptyDict();
    s = RetrieveBlock(prefetch_buffer, ro, handle, dict, &block, block_type,
                      get_context, lookup_context, for_compaction,
                      /* use_cache */ true, /* wait_for_cache */ true,
  } else {
    s = RetrieveBlock(
        prefetch_buffer, ro, handle, UncompressionDict::GetEmptyDict(), &block,
        block_type, get_context, lookup_context, for_compaction,
        /* use_cache */ true, /* wait_for_cache */ true, async_read);

  if (s.IsTryAgain() && async_read) {
    return iter;

  if (!s.ok()) {
    return iter;

  assert(block.GetValue() != nullptr);

  // Block contents are pinned and it is still pinned after the iterator
  // is destroyed as long as cleanup functions are moved to another object,
  // when:
  // 1. block cache handle is set to be released in cleanup function, or
  // 2. it's pointing to immortal source. If own_bytes is true then we are
  //    not reading data from the original source, whether immortal or not.
  //    Otherwise, the block is pinned iff the source is immortal.
  const bool block_contents_pinned =
      block.IsCached() ||
      (!block.GetValue()->own_bytes() && rep_->immortal_table);
  iter = InitBlockIterator<TBlockIter>(rep_, block.GetValue(), block_type, iter,

  if (!block.IsCached()) {
    if (!ro.fill_cache) {
      Cache* const block_cache = rep_->table_options.block_cache.get();
      if (block_cache) {
        // insert a dummy record to block cache to track the memory usage
        Cache::Handle* cache_handle = nullptr;
        CacheKey key = CacheKey::CreateUniqueForCacheLifetime(block_cache);
        s = block_cache->Insert(key.AsSlice(), nullptr,
                                nullptr, &cache_handle);

        if (s.ok()) {
          assert(cache_handle != nullptr);
          iter->RegisterCleanup(&ForceReleaseCachedEntry, block_cache,
  } else {


  return iter;
  • 读取 data block,里面也会对 data block 进行二分查找
void DataBlockIter::SeekImpl(const Slice& target) {
  Slice seek_key = target;
  if (data_ == nullptr) {  // Not init yet
  uint32_t index = 0;
  bool skip_linear_scan = false;
  bool ok = BinarySeek<DecodeKey>(seek_key, &index, &skip_linear_scan);

  if (!ok) {
  FindKeyAfterBinarySeek(seek_key, index, skip_linear_scan);

最终在 FindKeyAfterBinarySeek 中将解析好的 key/value 设置好并返回


Next 部分就非常简单,调用 DataBlock 的 Next 即可,在 DataBlockIter::NextImpl() 里面会将下一个合法 key/value 设置好并返回。

void BlockBasedTableIterator::Next() {
  if (is_at_first_key_from_index_ && !MaterializeCurrentBlock()) {

到这 BlockBasedTableIterator 的主干代码就分析完了,这里会再展开解释一下,BlockBasedTableIterator 是如何在一个 Block 之内进行二分查找的。

SST Format

首先一个 SST 文件的格式如下:

  • Data Block 用来保存真正的数据,而 Index Block 是 Data Block 的索引,用来加速查找 Data Block
  • Meta Block 主要保存几类信息:
    • Filter
    • Index
    • Compression Dictionary
    • Range deletion tombstone
  • MetaIndex Blocks 是 Meta Block 的索引,保存了不同 Meta Block 的偏移量
  • Footer 保存 Index Block 和 MetaIndex Block 的偏移量,一个 Magic Number,以及一些校验信息



[data block 1]
[data block 2]
[data block N]
[meta block 1: filter block]                  (see section: "filter" Meta Block)
[meta block 2: index block]
[meta block 3: compression dictionary block]  (see section: "compression dictionary" Meta Block)
[meta block 4: range deletion block]          (see section: "range deletion" Meta Block)
[meta block 5: stats block]                   (see section: "properties" Meta Block)
[meta block K: future extended block]  (we may add more meta blocks in the future)
[metaindex block]
[Footer]                               (fixed size; starts at file_size - sizeof(Footer))

所以拿到一个 SST 文件,通过解析 Footer,可以获知 MetaIndex 的偏移量,进而就可以解析到剩余所有 Block 的偏移量位置。

Block Format

不论是 index block 还是 data block,其物理结构和格式都是相同的。RocksDB 的配置中 block_size 就是每个 Block 的大小,默认为 4K。但其大小只是不是硬限制,即如果新增完一个 kv 之后,如果大小超过了 4K,就会新建一个 Block。因此如果单个 kv 的 value 非常大,那么对应的 Block 大小也会非常大,对单个 kv 不会进行切分。

一个 Block 的格式如下所示:


Record 用来保存 kv 数据,一个 Record 中只保存 key-value。由于 SST 中所有 key 都是有序存储,因此可以利用 delta encoding 来节省存储空间。即一个 key 可以只保存和上一个 key 不同的部分,而相同的部分只需要记录一个长度即可。另外,Block 每隔 restart_interval 条数据(默认值为 16)才完整保存一次 key,这些完整保存的 key 称为 restart point。

restart point 主要就是为了在单个 Block 之内进行加速查找,这里有两方面因素:

  • 多个 restart point 也是有序的,因此可以组成一个小型的索引,可以先对 restart point 进行二分查找,然后再顺序查找
  • 由于 record 中保存了 key 和 value,而 restart point 只保存 key,因此 locality 会更好

restart point 实际在 Block 中是以偏移量的形式保存的,类型为 uint32_t。一个 Block 的最后保存了有多少个 restart point,压缩类型以及校验和。

Binary search in Block

现在可以分析 RocksDB 是如何在一个 Block 中进行二分查找。其原理就是首先根据 restart point 进行二分查找,然后再根据 restart point 跳转到对应的 record 开始顺序查找。实现就是非常典型的二分实现,在退出 BinarySeek 时能保证 RestartPoint[index] ≤ target< RestartPoint[index + 1],而 skip_linear_scan 如果为 true,就说明 RestartPoint[index] = target,不需要再进行顺序查找。

// Binary searches in restart array to find the starting restart point for the
// linear scan, and stores it in `*index`. Assumes restart array does not
// contain duplicate keys. It is guaranteed that the restart key at `*index + 1`
// is strictly greater than `target` or does not exist (this can be used to
// elide a comparison when linear scan reaches all the way to the next restart
// key). Furthermore, `*skip_linear_scan` is set to indicate whether the
// `*index`th restart key is the final result so that key does not need to be
// compared again later.
template <class TValue>
template <typename DecodeKeyFunc>
bool BlockIter<TValue>::BinarySeek(const Slice& target, uint32_t* index,
                                   bool* skip_linear_scan) {
  if (restarts_ == 0) {
    // SST files dedicated to range tombstones are written with index blocks
    // that have no keys while also having `num_restarts_ == 1`. This would
    // cause a problem for `BinarySeek()` as it'd try to access the first key
    // which does not exist. We identify such blocks by the offset at which
    // their restarts are stored, and return false to prevent any attempted
    // key accesses.
    return false;

  *skip_linear_scan = false;
  // Loop invariants:
  // - Restart key at index `left` is less than or equal to the target key. The
  //   sentinel index `-1` is considered to have a key that is less than all
  //   keys.
  // - Any restart keys after index `right` are strictly greater than the target
  //   key.
  int64_t left = -1, right = num_restarts_ - 1;
  while (left != right) {
    // The `mid` is computed by rounding up so it lands in (`left`, `right`].
    int64_t mid = left + (right - left + 1) / 2;
    uint32_t region_offset = GetRestartPoint(static_cast<uint32_t>(mid));
    uint32_t shared, non_shared;
    const char* key_ptr = DecodeKeyFunc()(
        data_ + region_offset, data_ + restarts_, &shared, &non_shared);
    if (key_ptr == nullptr || (shared != 0)) {
      return false;
    Slice mid_key(key_ptr, non_shared);
    raw_key_.SetKey(mid_key, false /* copy */);
    int cmp = CompareCurrentKey(target);
    if (cmp < 0) {
      // Key at "mid" is smaller than "target". Therefore all
      // blocks before "mid" are uninteresting.
      left = mid;
    } else if (cmp > 0) {
      // Key at "mid" is >= "target". Therefore all blocks at or
      // after "mid" are uninteresting.
      right = mid - 1;
    } else {
      // target和mid指向的restart point相同 就不需要后续顺序查找了
      *skip_linear_scan = true;
      left = right = mid;

  if (left == -1) {
    // All keys in the block were strictly greater than `target`. So the very
    // first key in the block is the final seek result.
    *skip_linear_scan = true;
    *index = 0;
  } else {
    *index = static_cast<uint32_t>(left);
  return true;

如果已经找到了合适的 restart point,接下来就可以开始顺序查找了。max_offset 是这次顺序查找的最大偏移量,如果超过 max_offset 还没有找到就可以退出循环了。

template <class TValue>
void BlockIter<TValue>::FindKeyAfterBinarySeek(const Slice& target,
                                               uint32_t index,
                                               bool skip_linear_scan) {
  // SeekToRestartPoint() only does the lookup in the restart block. We need
  // to follow it up with NextImpl() to position the iterator at the restart
  // key.

  if (!skip_linear_scan) {
    // Linear search (within restart block) for first key >= target
    uint32_t max_offset;
    if (index + 1 < num_restarts_) {
      // We are in a non-last restart interval. Since `BinarySeek()` guarantees
      // the next restart key is strictly greater than `target`, we can
      // terminate upon reaching it without any additional key comparison.
      max_offset = GetRestartPoint(index + 1);
    } else {
      // We are in the last restart interval. The while-loop will terminate by
      // `Valid()` returning false upon advancing past the block's last key.
      max_offset = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max();
    while (true) {
      if (!Valid()) {
      if (current_ == max_offset) {
        assert(CompareCurrentKey(target) > 0);
      } else if (CompareCurrentKey(target) >= 0) {


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