
  • nebula 版本:3.6.0

  • 部署方式:华为云ECS
  • 安装方式:RPM
  • 是否上生产环境: N
  • 硬件信息 3节点,每个节点配置如下:
    • 磁盘 机械盘2T
    • CPU 8
    • 内存信息 32G

1、在每个节点上执行: /usr/local/nebula/scripts/nebula.service start all
2、过一段时间执行: /usr/local/nebula/scripts/nebula.service status all



> I20240826 17:53:13.732348 19551 NebulaSnapshotManager.cpp:67] Space 0 Part 0 start send snapshot of commitLogId 220604815 commitLogTerm 7, rate limited to 10485760, batch size is 524288
> I20240826 17:53:14.121416 19552 NebulaSnapshotManager.cpp:67] Space 0 Part 0 start send snapshot of commitLogId 220604815 commitLogTerm 7, rate limited to 10485760, batch size is 524288
> I20240826 17:53:14.506019 19553 NebulaSnapshotManager.cpp:67] Space 0 Part 0 start send snapshot of commitLogId 220604815 commitLogTerm 7, rate limited to 10485760, batch size is 524288


E20240826 17:46:42.199613 18130 MetaClient.cpp:112] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: TTransportException: Timed out
I20240826 17:46:42.199652 18130 MetaClient.cpp:137] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
E20240826 17:49:55.407919 18266 MetaClient.cpp:772] Send request to “”:9559, exceed retry limit
E20240826 17:49:55.407992 18266 MetaClient.cpp:773] RpcResponse exception: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: TTransportException: Timed out
E20240826 17:49:55.408043 18130 MetaClient.cpp:112] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: TTransportException: Timed out
I20240826 17:49:55.408082 18130 MetaClient.cpp:137] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
E20240826 17:52:08.427695 18130 MetaClient.cpp:112] Heartbeat failed, status:Machine not existed!
I20240826 17:52:08.427763 18130 MetaClient.cpp:137] Waiting for the metad to be ready!

  • graph

0240826 17:32:23.058907 20294 MetaClient.cpp:773] RpcResponse exception: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: TTransportException: Timed out
E20240826 17:32:23.058969 20114 MetaClient.cpp:157] RPC failure in MetaClient: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: TTransportException: Timed out
E20240826 17:32:23.059001 20114 GraphService.cpp:49] Failed to wait for meta service ready synchronously.
E20240826 17:32:23.059024 20114 GraphServer.cpp:39] Failed to wait for meta service ready synchronously.
E20240826 17:32:23.060482 20114 GraphDaemon.cpp:156] The graph server start failed

看起来像所有的节点都在等待其中一个节点的meta 服务启动,是不是不太正常啊。

每次都提交了相同的 commitLogId,我是不是应该重启这个meta


########## logging ##########

The directory to host logging files


Log level, 0, 1, 2, 3 for INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL respectively


Verbose log level, 1, 2, 3, 4, the higher of the level, the more verbose of the logging


Maximum seconds to buffer the log messages


Whether to redirect stdout and stderr to separate output files


Destination filename of stdout and stderr, which will also reside in log_dir.


Copy log messages at or above this level to stderr in addition to logfiles. The numbers of severity levels INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL are 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively.


wether logging files’ name contain time stamp, If Using logrotate to rotate logging files, than should set it to true.


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