E20240813 22:22:36.621757 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 22:27:36.622488 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 22:32:36.625272 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 22:37:36.626252 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 22:42:36.628463 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 22:47:36.629469 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 22:52:36.632472 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 22:57:36.634542 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 23:02:36.636488 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 23:07:36.638197 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 23:12:36.639199 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 23:17:36.640349 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 23:22:36.641211 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 23:27:36.642768 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 23:32:36.643545 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 23:37:36.644567 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 23:42:36.645612 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 23:47:36.646515 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 23:52:36.649052 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240813 23:57:36.650925 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240814 00:02:36.653823 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240814 00:07:36.655525 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240814 00:12:36.656461 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240814 00:17:36.657305 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240814 00:22:36.658582 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240814 00:27:36.660043 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240814 00:32:36.660893 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240814 00:37:36.663690 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240814 00:42:36.664991 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
E20240814 00:47:36.667853 4061836 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
Log file created at: 2024/10/23 09:57:30
Running on machine:
Running duration (h:mm:ss): 0:00:00
Log line format: [IWEF]yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I20241023 09:57:30.271616 3378153 MetaDaemon.cpp:137] localhost = “”:9559
I20241023 09:57:30.363868 3378153 NebulaStore.cpp:48] Start the raft service…
I20241023 09:57:30.385318 3378153 NebulaSnapshotManager.cpp:25] Send snapshot is rate limited to 10485760 for each part by default
I20241023 09:57:30.590737 3378153 RaftexService.cpp:46] Start raft service on 9560
I20241023 09:57:30.591388 3378153 NebulaStore.cpp:82] Scan the local path, and init the spaces_
I20241023 09:57:30.591778 3378153 NebulaStore.cpp:90] Scan path “/data/nebula/meta/nebula/0”
I20241023 09:57:30.592232 3378153 NebulaStore.cpp:292] Init data from partManager for “”:9559
I20241023 09:57:30.592253 3378153 NebulaStore.cpp:417] Create data space 0
I20241023 09:57:31.136878 3378339 RocksEngine.cpp:107] open rocksdb on /data/nebula/meta/nebula/0/data
W20241023 09:57:31.366534 3378153 FileBasedWal.cpp:392] LogId is not consistent 0 40775068
W20241023 09:57:31.366772 3378153 FileBasedWal.cpp:431] Invalid wal /data/nebula/meta/nebula/0/wal/0/0000000000040703541.wal, truncate from offset 5426102
I20241023 09:57:31.368924 3378153 NebulaStore.cpp:480] Space 0, part 0 has been added, asLearner 0
I20241023 09:57:31.368971 3378153 NebulaStore.cpp:75] Register handler…
I20241023 09:57:31.368980 3378153 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:106] Waiting for the leader elected…
I20241023 09:57:31.368988 3378153 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:118] Leader has not been elected, sleep 1s
I20241023 09:57:32.369122 3378153 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:118] Leader has not been elected, sleep 1s
I20241023 09:57:33.369406 3378153 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:153] Get meta version is 4
I20241023 09:57:33.369493 3378153 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:169] Nebula store init succeeded, clusterId 7561498644083194501
I20241023 09:57:33.369504 3378153 MetaDaemon.cpp:150] Start http service
I20241023 09:57:33.372892 3378153 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:226] Starting Meta HTTP Service
I20241023 09:57:33.433444 3378553 WebService.cpp:124] Web service started on HTTP[19559]
I20241023 09:57:33.433531 3378153 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:192] Check root user
I20241023 09:57:33.433676 3378153 RootUserMan.h:35] God user exists
I20241023 09:57:33.438246 3378153 MetaDaemon.cpp:193] The meta daemon start on “”:9559
I20241023 09:57:33.438294 3378153 JobManager.cpp:88] Not leader, skip reading remaining jobs
I20241023 09:57:33.441310 3378153 JobManager.cpp:64] JobManager initialized
I20241023 09:57:33.441370 3378559 JobManager.cpp:150] JobManager::scheduleThread enter
I20241023 09:57:34.313455 3378213 Part.cpp:565] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] Clean rocksdb part data
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