nebula 版本:3.8社区版
部署方式: 分布式 , 3台服务器,每个都运行graphd/metad/storaged
安装方式: tar
- 磁盘( 推荐使用 SSD)
- CPU、:16个内核
- memory: 64G
cpu 在做查询时,被graphd和storaged耗尽,所有节点都是如此
相关的 meta / storage / graph info 日志信息(尽量使用文本形式方便检索)
cat nebula-graphd.ERROR
E20241128 16:21:39.517479 25928 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
[root@hazujian3 logs]# cat nebula-graphd.WARNING
Log file created at: 2024/11/28 16:21:39
Running on machine: hazujian3
Running duration (h:mm:ss): 0:00:00
Log line format: [IWEF]yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E20241128 16:21:39.517479 25928 FunctionUdfManager.cpp:41] UDF Folder doesn’t Exist!
cat nebula-storaged.WARNING
E20241128 16:22:05.741307 26097 Serializer.h:43] Thrift serialization is only defined for structs and unions, not containers thereof. Attemping to deserialize a value of type nebula::Value
cat nebula-storaged.ERROR
with start, end, properties(start) as p, r as relationships
where id(start) == ‘1234’
or p.tableId== ‘1234’
return start, end, relationships