Nebula Graph v2 集群的BALANCE LEADER无效问题

  • nebula 版本:v2-nightly
  • 部署方式:分布式
  • 问题的具体描述

Create SPACE 之后,leader始终分布始终为0,使用Balance Leader指令之后,仍然没有变化:

(root@nebula) [(none)]> show hosts
| Host            | Port  | Status   | Leader count | Leader distribution  | Partition distribution |
| "" | 44500 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition" | "stock:15"             |
| "" | 44500 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition" | "stock:15"             |
| "" | 44500 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition" | "stock:15"             |
| "Total"         |       |          | 0            |                      | "stock:45"             |
Got 4 rows (time spent 2774/4015 us)

Mon, 04 Jan 2021 17:00:56 CST

(root@nebula) [(none)]> balance data
[ERROR (-8)]: The cluster is balanced!

Mon, 04 Jan 2021 17:01:04 CST

(root@nebula) [(none)]> balance leader
Execution succeeded (time spent 40172703/40173475 us)

Mon, 04 Jan 2021 17:01:51 CST

(root@nebula) [(none)]> show hosts
| Host            | Port  | Status   | Leader count | Leader distribution  | Partition distribution |
| "" | 44500 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition" | "stock:15"             |
| "" | 44500 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition" | "stock:15"             |
| "" | 44500 | "ONLINE" | 0            | "No valid partition" | "stock:15"             |
| "Total"         |       |          | 0            |                      | "stock:45"             |
Got 4 rows (time spent 2127/3280 us)

Mon, 04 Jan 2021 17:02:15 CST


2021/01/04-08:56:12.240330 7ff4bc8e1980 RocksDB version: 6.7.3
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240370 7ff4bc8e1980 Git sha rocksdb_build_git_sha:@0@
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240374 7ff4bc8e1980 Compile date Jul  8 2020
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240376 7ff4bc8e1980 DB SUMMARY
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240434 7ff4bc8e1980 CURRENT file:  CURRENT
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240436 7ff4bc8e1980 IDENTITY file:  IDENTITY
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240441 7ff4bc8e1980 MANIFEST file:  MANIFEST-000014 size: 486 Bytes
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240443 7ff4bc8e1980 SST files in /data/meta/nebula/0/data dir, Total Num: 2, files: 000018.sst 000020.sst 
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240444 7ff4bc8e1980 Write Ahead Log file in /data/meta/nebula/0/data: 000019.log size: 26891335 ; 
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240446 7ff4bc8e1980                         Options.error_if_exists: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240447 7ff4bc8e1980                       Options.create_if_missing: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240448 7ff4bc8e1980                         Options.paranoid_checks: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240449 7ff4bc8e1980                                     Options.env: 0x2b7eb20
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240450 7ff4bc8e1980                                      Options.fs: Posix File System
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240452 7ff4bc8e1980                                Options.info_log: 0x7ff4bb48bca0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240453 7ff4bc8e1980                Options.max_file_opening_threads: 16
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240454 7ff4bc8e1980                              Options.statistics: (nil)
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240455 7ff4bc8e1980                               Options.use_fsync: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240456 7ff4bc8e1980                       Options.max_log_file_size: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240456 7ff4bc8e1980                  Options.max_manifest_file_size: 1073741824
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240457 7ff4bc8e1980                   Options.log_file_time_to_roll: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240458 7ff4bc8e1980                       Options.keep_log_file_num: 1000
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240459 7ff4bc8e1980                    Options.recycle_log_file_num: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240460 7ff4bc8e1980                         Options.allow_fallocate: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240460 7ff4bc8e1980                        Options.allow_mmap_reads: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240461 7ff4bc8e1980                       Options.allow_mmap_writes: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240462 7ff4bc8e1980                        Options.use_direct_reads: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240463 7ff4bc8e1980                        Options.use_direct_io_for_flush_and_compaction: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240464 7ff4bc8e1980          Options.create_missing_column_families: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240464 7ff4bc8e1980                              Options.db_log_dir: 
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240465 7ff4bc8e1980                                 Options.wal_dir: /data/meta/nebula/0/data
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240466 7ff4bc8e1980                Options.table_cache_numshardbits: 6
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240467 7ff4bc8e1980                      Options.max_subcompactions: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240468 7ff4bc8e1980                  Options.max_background_flushes: -1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240469 7ff4bc8e1980                         Options.WAL_ttl_seconds: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240469 7ff4bc8e1980                       Options.WAL_size_limit_MB: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240470 7ff4bc8e1980                        Options.max_write_batch_group_size_bytes: 1048576
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240471 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.manifest_preallocation_size: 4194304
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240472 7ff4bc8e1980                     Options.is_fd_close_on_exec: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240473 7ff4bc8e1980                   Options.advise_random_on_open: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240474 7ff4bc8e1980                    Options.db_write_buffer_size: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240474 7ff4bc8e1980                    Options.write_buffer_manager: 0x7ff4bb498d40
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240475 7ff4bc8e1980         Options.access_hint_on_compaction_start: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240476 7ff4bc8e1980  Options.new_table_reader_for_compaction_inputs: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240477 7ff4bc8e1980           Options.random_access_max_buffer_size: 1048576
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240477 7ff4bc8e1980                      Options.use_adaptive_mutex: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240484 7ff4bc8e1980                            Options.rate_limiter: (nil)
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240486 7ff4bc8e1980     Options.sst_file_manager.rate_bytes_per_sec: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240487 7ff4bc8e1980                       Options.wal_recovery_mode: 2
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240488 7ff4bc8e1980                  Options.enable_thread_tracking: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240489 7ff4bc8e1980                  Options.enable_pipelined_write: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240490 7ff4bc8e1980                  Options.unordered_write: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240490 7ff4bc8e1980         Options.allow_concurrent_memtable_write: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240491 7ff4bc8e1980      Options.enable_write_thread_adaptive_yield: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240492 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.write_thread_max_yield_usec: 100
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240493 7ff4bc8e1980            Options.write_thread_slow_yield_usec: 3
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240494 7ff4bc8e1980                               Options.row_cache: None
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240494 7ff4bc8e1980                              Options.wal_filter: None
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240495 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.avoid_flush_during_recovery: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240496 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.allow_ingest_behind: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240497 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.preserve_deletes: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240498 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.two_write_queues: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240498 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.manual_wal_flush: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240499 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.atomic_flush: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240500 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.avoid_unnecessary_blocking_io: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240501 7ff4bc8e1980                 Options.persist_stats_to_disk: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240502 7ff4bc8e1980                 Options.write_dbid_to_manifest: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240502 7ff4bc8e1980                 Options.log_readahead_size: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240503 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.max_background_jobs: 2
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240504 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.max_background_compactions: -1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240505 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.avoid_flush_during_shutdown: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240506 7ff4bc8e1980           Options.writable_file_max_buffer_size: 1048576
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240506 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.delayed_write_rate : 16777216
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240507 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.max_total_wal_size: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240508 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.delete_obsolete_files_period_micros: 21600000000
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240509 7ff4bc8e1980                   Options.stats_dump_period_sec: 600
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240510 7ff4bc8e1980                 Options.stats_persist_period_sec: 600
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240511 7ff4bc8e1980                 Options.stats_history_buffer_size: 1048576
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240512 7ff4bc8e1980                          Options.max_open_files: -1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240512 7ff4bc8e1980                          Options.bytes_per_sync: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240513 7ff4bc8e1980                      Options.wal_bytes_per_sync: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240514 7ff4bc8e1980                   Options.strict_bytes_per_sync: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240515 7ff4bc8e1980       Options.compaction_readahead_size: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240515 7ff4bc8e1980 Compression algorithms supported:
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240516 7ff4bc8e1980 	kZSTDNotFinalCompression supported: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240519 7ff4bc8e1980 	kZSTD supported: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240520 7ff4bc8e1980 	kXpressCompression supported: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240521 7ff4bc8e1980 	kLZ4HCCompression supported: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240522 7ff4bc8e1980 	kLZ4Compression supported: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240523 7ff4bc8e1980 	kBZip2Compression supported: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240524 7ff4bc8e1980 	kZlibCompression supported: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240524 7ff4bc8e1980 	kSnappyCompression supported: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240527 7ff4bc8e1980 Fast CRC32 supported: Supported on x86
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240809 7ff4bc8e1980 [] Recovering from manifest file: /data/meta/nebula/0/data/MANIFEST-000014
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240879 7ff4bc8e1980 [] --------------- Options for column family [default]:
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240883 7ff4bc8e1980               Options.comparator: leveldb.BytewiseComparator
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240885 7ff4bc8e1980           Options.merge_operator: None
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240886 7ff4bc8e1980        Options.compaction_filter: None
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240887 7ff4bc8e1980        Options.compaction_filter_factory: None
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240888 7ff4bc8e1980         Options.memtable_factory: SkipListFactory
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240889 7ff4bc8e1980            Options.table_factory: BlockBasedTable
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240925 7ff4bc8e1980            table_factory options:   flush_block_policy_factory: FlushBlockBySizePolicyFactory (0x7ff4bb408090)
  cache_index_and_filter_blocks: 0
  cache_index_and_filter_blocks_with_high_priority: 1
  pin_l0_filter_and_index_blocks_in_cache: 0
  pin_top_level_index_and_filter: 1
  index_type: 0
  data_block_index_type: 0
  index_shortening: 1
  data_block_hash_table_util_ratio: 0.750000
  hash_index_allow_collision: 1
  checksum: 1
  no_block_cache: 0
  block_cache: 0x7ff4bb5d1890
  block_cache_name: LRUCache
    capacity : 1073741824
    num_shard_bits : 8
    strict_capacity_limit : 0
    memory_allocator : None
    high_pri_pool_ratio: 0.500
  block_cache_compressed: (nil)
  persistent_cache: (nil)
  block_size: 4096
  block_size_deviation: 10
  block_restart_interval: 16
  index_block_restart_interval: 1
  metadata_block_size: 4096
  partition_filters: 0
  use_delta_encoding: 1
  filter_policy: rocksdb.BuiltinBloomFilter
  whole_key_filtering: 1
  verify_compression: 0
  read_amp_bytes_per_bit: 0
  format_version: 2
  enable_index_compression: 1
  block_align: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240928 7ff4bc8e1980        Options.write_buffer_size: 67108864
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240929 7ff4bc8e1980  Options.max_write_buffer_number: 2
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240930 7ff4bc8e1980          Options.compression: Snappy
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240931 7ff4bc8e1980                  Options.bottommost_compression: Disabled
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240932 7ff4bc8e1980       Options.prefix_extractor: nullptr
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240933 7ff4bc8e1980   Options.memtable_insert_with_hint_prefix_extractor: nullptr
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240934 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.num_levels: 7
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240935 7ff4bc8e1980        Options.min_write_buffer_number_to_merge: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240936 7ff4bc8e1980     Options.max_write_buffer_number_to_maintain: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240936 7ff4bc8e1980     Options.max_write_buffer_size_to_maintain: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240937 7ff4bc8e1980            Options.bottommost_compression_opts.window_bits: -14
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240938 7ff4bc8e1980                  Options.bottommost_compression_opts.level: 32767
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240939 7ff4bc8e1980               Options.bottommost_compression_opts.strategy: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240940 7ff4bc8e1980         Options.bottommost_compression_opts.max_dict_bytes: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240941 7ff4bc8e1980         Options.bottommost_compression_opts.zstd_max_train_bytes: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240941 7ff4bc8e1980                  Options.bottommost_compression_opts.enabled: false
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240942 7ff4bc8e1980            Options.compression_opts.window_bits: -14
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240943 7ff4bc8e1980                  Options.compression_opts.level: 32767
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240944 7ff4bc8e1980               Options.compression_opts.strategy: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240945 7ff4bc8e1980         Options.compression_opts.max_dict_bytes: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240946 7ff4bc8e1980         Options.compression_opts.zstd_max_train_bytes: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240946 7ff4bc8e1980                  Options.compression_opts.enabled: false
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240947 7ff4bc8e1980      Options.level0_file_num_compaction_trigger: 4
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240948 7ff4bc8e1980          Options.level0_slowdown_writes_trigger: 20
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240956 7ff4bc8e1980              Options.level0_stop_writes_trigger: 36
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240957 7ff4bc8e1980                   Options.target_file_size_base: 67108864
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240958 7ff4bc8e1980             Options.target_file_size_multiplier: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240959 7ff4bc8e1980                Options.max_bytes_for_level_base: 268435456
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240960 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.level_compaction_dynamic_level_bytes: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240961 7ff4bc8e1980          Options.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier: 10.000000
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240963 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier_addtl[0]: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240964 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier_addtl[1]: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240965 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier_addtl[2]: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240966 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier_addtl[3]: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240967 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier_addtl[4]: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240968 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier_addtl[5]: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240968 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.max_bytes_for_level_multiplier_addtl[6]: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240969 7ff4bc8e1980       Options.max_sequential_skip_in_iterations: 8
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240970 7ff4bc8e1980                    Options.max_compaction_bytes: 1677721600
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240971 7ff4bc8e1980                        Options.arena_block_size: 8388608
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240972 7ff4bc8e1980   Options.soft_pending_compaction_bytes_limit: 68719476736
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240973 7ff4bc8e1980   Options.hard_pending_compaction_bytes_limit: 274877906944
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240973 7ff4bc8e1980       Options.rate_limit_delay_max_milliseconds: 100
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240974 7ff4bc8e1980                Options.disable_auto_compactions: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240976 7ff4bc8e1980                        Options.compaction_style: kCompactionStyleLevel
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240977 7ff4bc8e1980                          Options.compaction_pri: kMinOverlappingRatio
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240978 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.compaction_options_universal.size_ratio: 1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240979 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.compaction_options_universal.min_merge_width: 2
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240980 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.compaction_options_universal.max_merge_width: 4294967295
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240980 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.compaction_options_universal.max_size_amplification_percent: 200
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240981 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.compaction_options_universal.compression_size_percent: -1
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240982 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.compaction_options_universal.stop_style: kCompactionStopStyleTotalSize
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240983 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.compaction_options_fifo.max_table_files_size: 1073741824
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240984 7ff4bc8e1980 Options.compaction_options_fifo.allow_compaction: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240985 7ff4bc8e1980                   Options.table_properties_collectors: 
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240986 7ff4bc8e1980                   Options.inplace_update_support: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240987 7ff4bc8e1980                 Options.inplace_update_num_locks: 10000
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240987 7ff4bc8e1980               Options.memtable_prefix_bloom_size_ratio: 0.000000
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240989 7ff4bc8e1980               Options.memtable_whole_key_filtering: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240989 7ff4bc8e1980   Options.memtable_huge_page_size: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240990 7ff4bc8e1980                           Options.bloom_locality: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240991 7ff4bc8e1980                    Options.max_successive_merges: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240992 7ff4bc8e1980                Options.optimize_filters_for_hits: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240992 7ff4bc8e1980                Options.paranoid_file_checks: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240993 7ff4bc8e1980                Options.force_consistency_checks: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240994 7ff4bc8e1980                Options.report_bg_io_stats: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.240999 7ff4bc8e1980                               Options.ttl: 2592000
2021/01/04-08:56:12.241000 7ff4bc8e1980          Options.periodic_compaction_seconds: 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.241590 7ff4bc8e1980 [] Recovered from manifest file:/data/meta/nebula/0/data/MANIFEST-000014 succeeded,manifest_file_number is 14, next_file_number is 22, last_sequence is 932602, log_number is 19,prev_log_number is 0,max_column_family is 0,min_log_number_to_keep is 0
2021/01/04-08:56:12.241596 7ff4bc8e1980 [] Column family [default] (ID 0), log number is 19
2021/01/04-08:56:12.241755 7ff4bc8e1980 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1609750572241750, "job": 1, "event": "recovery_started", "log_files": [19]}
2021/01/04-08:56:12.241760 7ff4bc8e1980 [db_impl/] Recovering log #19 mode 2
2021/01/04-08:56:12.451969 7ff4bc8e1980 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1609750572451922, "cf_name": "default", "job": 1, "event": "table_file_creation", "file_number": 22, "file_size": 2043, "table_properties": {"data_size": 1111, "index_size": 51, "index_partitions": 0, "top_level_index_size": 0, "index_key_is_user_key": 0, "index_value_is_delta_encoded": 0, "filter_size": 69, "raw_key_size": 1211, "raw_average_key_size": 29, "raw_value_size": 1545, "raw_average_value_size": 37, "num_data_blocks": 1, "num_entries": 41, "num_deletions": 0, "num_merge_operands": 0, "num_range_deletions": 0, "format_version": 0, "fixed_key_len": 0, "filter_policy": "rocksdb.BuiltinBloomFilter", "column_family_name": "default", "column_family_id": 0, "comparator": "leveldb.BytewiseComparator", "merge_operator": "nullptr", "prefix_extractor_name": "nullptr", "property_collectors": "[]", "compression": "Snappy", "compression_options": "window_bits=-14; level=32767; strategy=0; max_dict_bytes=0; zstd_max_train_bytes=0; enabled=0; ", "creation_time": 1609750572, "oldest_key_time": 3, "file_creation_time": 0}}
2021/01/04-08:56:12.452061 7ff4bc8e1980 [] Creating manifest 23
2021/01/04-08:56:12.463340 7ff4bc8e1980 EVENT_LOG_v1 {"time_micros": 1609750572463337, "job": 1, "event": "recovery_finished"}
2021/01/04-08:56:12.471130 7ff4bc8e1980 DB pointer 0x7ff4bb460800
2021/01/04-08:56:12.471477 7ff4953df700 [db_impl/] ------- DUMPING STATS -------
2021/01/04-08:56:12.471516 7ff4953df700 [db_impl/] 
** DB Stats **
Uptime(secs): 0.2 total, 0.2 interval
Cumulative writes: 0 writes, 0 keys, 0 commit groups, 0.0 writes per commit group, ingest: 0.00 GB, 0.00 MB/s
Cumulative WAL: 0 writes, 0 syncs, 0.00 writes per sync, written: 0.00 GB, 0.00 MB/s
Cumulative stall: 00:00:0.000 H:M:S, 0.0 percent
Interval writes: 0 writes, 0 keys, 0 commit groups, 0.0 writes per commit group, ingest: 0.00 MB, 0.00 MB/s
Interval WAL: 0 writes, 0 syncs, 0.00 writes per sync, written: 0.00 MB, 0.00 MB/s
Interval stall: 00:00:0.000 H:M:S, 0.0 percent

** Compaction Stats [default] **
Level    Files   Size     Score Read(GB)  Rn(GB) Rnp1(GB) Write(GB) Wnew(GB) Moved(GB) W-Amp Rd(MB/s) Wr(MB/s) Comp(sec) CompMergeCPU(sec) Comp(cnt) Avg(sec) KeyIn KeyDrop
  L0      2/0    3.20 KB   0.5      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   1.0      0.0      0.1      0.03              0.00         1    0.026       0      0
  L1      1/0    1.78 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00              0.00         0    0.000       0      0
 Sum      3/0    4.97 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   1.0      0.0      0.1      0.03              0.00         1    0.026       0      0
 Int      0/0    0.00 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   1.0      0.0      0.1      0.03              0.00         1    0.026       0      0

** Compaction Stats [default] **
Priority    Files   Size     Score Read(GB)  Rn(GB) Rnp1(GB) Write(GB) Wnew(GB) Moved(GB) W-Amp Rd(MB/s) Wr(MB/s) Comp(sec) CompMergeCPU(sec) Comp(cnt) Avg(sec) KeyIn KeyDrop
User      0/0    0.00 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.1      0.03              0.00         1    0.026       0      0
Uptime(secs): 0.2 total, 0.2 interval
Flush(GB): cumulative 0.000, interval 0.000
AddFile(GB): cumulative 0.000, interval 0.000
AddFile(Total Files): cumulative 0, interval 0
AddFile(L0 Files): cumulative 0, interval 0
AddFile(Keys): cumulative 0, interval 0
Cumulative compaction: 0.00 GB write, 0.01 MB/s write, 0.00 GB read, 0.00 MB/s read, 0.0 seconds
Interval compaction: 0.00 GB write, 0.01 MB/s write, 0.00 GB read, 0.00 MB/s read, 0.0 seconds
Stalls(count): 0 level0_slowdown, 0 level0_slowdown_with_compaction, 0 level0_numfiles, 0 level0_numfiles_with_compaction, 0 stop for pending_compaction_bytes, 0 slowdown for pending_compaction_bytes, 0 memtable_compaction, 0 memtable_slowdown, interval 0 total count

** File Read Latency Histogram By Level [default] **

** Compaction Stats [default] **
Level    Files   Size     Score Read(GB)  Rn(GB) Rnp1(GB) Write(GB) Wnew(GB) Moved(GB) W-Amp Rd(MB/s) Wr(MB/s) Comp(sec) CompMergeCPU(sec) Comp(cnt) Avg(sec) KeyIn KeyDrop
  L0      2/0    3.20 KB   0.5      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   1.0      0.0      0.1      0.03              0.00         1    0.026       0      0
  L1      1/0    1.78 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00              0.00         0    0.000       0      0
 Sum      3/0    4.97 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   1.0      0.0      0.1      0.03              0.00         1    0.026       0      0
 Int      0/0    0.00 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00              0.00         0    0.000       0      0

** Compaction Stats [default] **
Priority    Files   Size     Score Read(GB)  Rn(GB) Rnp1(GB) Write(GB) Wnew(GB) Moved(GB) W-Amp Rd(MB/s) Wr(MB/s) Comp(sec) CompMergeCPU(sec) Comp(cnt) Avg(sec) KeyIn KeyDrop
User      0/0    0.00 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.1      0.03              0.00         1    0.026       0      0
Uptime(secs): 0.2 total, 0.0 interval
Flush(GB): cumulative 0.000, interval 0.000
AddFile(GB): cumulative 0.000, interval 0.000
AddFile(Total Files): cumulative 0, interval 0
AddFile(L0 Files): cumulative 0, interval 0
AddFile(Keys): cumulative 0, interval 0
Cumulative compaction: 0.00 GB write, 0.01 MB/s write, 0.00 GB read, 0.00 MB/s read, 0.0 seconds
Interval compaction: 0.00 GB write, 0.00 MB/s write, 0.00 GB read, 0.00 MB/s read, 0.0 seconds
Stalls(count): 0 level0_slowdown, 0 level0_slowdown_with_compaction, 0 level0_numfiles, 0 level0_numfiles_with_compaction, 0 stop for pending_compaction_bytes, 0 slowdown for pending_compaction_bytes, 0 memtable_compaction, 0 memtable_slowdown, interval 0 total count

** File Read Latency Histogram By Level [default] **
2021/01/04-09:06:12.472075 7ff4953df700 [db_impl/] ------- DUMPING STATS -------
2021/01/04-09:06:12.472228 7ff4953df700 [db_impl/] 
** DB Stats **
Uptime(secs): 600.2 total, 600.0 interval
Cumulative writes: 1170 writes, 3917 keys, 1170 commit groups, 1.0 writes per commit group, ingest: 0.00 GB, 0.00 MB/s
Cumulative WAL: 1170 writes, 0 syncs, 1170.00 writes per sync, written: 0.00 GB, 0.00 MB/s
Cumulative stall: 00:00:0.000 H:M:S, 0.0 percent
Interval writes: 1170 writes, 3917 keys, 1170 commit groups, 1.0 writes per commit group, ingest: 0.21 MB, 0.00 MB/s
Interval WAL: 1170 writes, 0 syncs, 1170.00 writes per sync, written: 0.00 MB, 0.00 MB/s
Interval stall: 00:00:0.000 H:M:S, 0.0 percent

** Compaction Stats [default] **
Level    Files   Size     Score Read(GB)  Rn(GB) Rnp1(GB) Write(GB) Wnew(GB) Moved(GB) W-Amp Rd(MB/s) Wr(MB/s) Comp(sec) CompMergeCPU(sec) Comp(cnt) Avg(sec) KeyIn KeyDrop
  L0      2/0    3.20 KB   0.5      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   1.0      0.0      0.1      0.03              0.00         1    0.026       0      0
  L1      1/0    1.78 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00              0.00         0    0.000       0      0
 Sum      3/0    4.97 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   1.0      0.0      0.1      0.03              0.00         1    0.026       0      0
 Int      0/0    0.00 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00              0.00         0    0.000       0      0

** Compaction Stats [default] **
Priority    Files   Size     Score Read(GB)  Rn(GB) Rnp1(GB) Write(GB) Wnew(GB) Moved(GB) W-Amp Rd(MB/s) Wr(MB/s) Comp(sec) CompMergeCPU(sec) Comp(cnt) Avg(sec) KeyIn KeyDrop
User      0/0    0.00 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.1      0.03              0.00         1    0.026       0      0
Uptime(secs): 600.2 total, 600.0 interval
Flush(GB): cumulative 0.000, interval 0.000
AddFile(GB): cumulative 0.000, interval 0.000
AddFile(Total Files): cumulative 0, interval 0
AddFile(L0 Files): cumulative 0, interval 0
AddFile(Keys): cumulative 0, interval 0
Cumulative compaction: 0.00 GB write, 0.00 MB/s write, 0.00 GB read, 0.00 MB/s read, 0.0 seconds
Interval compaction: 0.00 GB write, 0.00 MB/s write, 0.00 GB read, 0.00 MB/s read, 0.0 seconds
Stalls(count): 0 level0_slowdown, 0 level0_slowdown_with_compaction, 0 level0_numfiles, 0 level0_numfiles_with_compaction, 0 stop for pending_compaction_bytes, 0 slowdown for pending_compaction_bytes, 0 memtable_compaction, 0 memtable_slowdown, interval 0 total count

** File Read Latency Histogram By Level [default] **

** Compaction Stats [default] **
Level    Files   Size     Score Read(GB)  Rn(GB) Rnp1(GB) Write(GB) Wnew(GB) Moved(GB) W-Amp Rd(MB/s) Wr(MB/s) Comp(sec) CompMergeCPU(sec) Comp(cnt) Avg(sec) KeyIn KeyDrop
  L0      2/0    3.20 KB   0.5      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   1.0      0.0      0.1      0.03              0.00         1    0.026       0      0
  L1      1/0    1.78 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00              0.00         0    0.000       0      0
 Sum      3/0    4.97 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   1.0      0.0      0.1      0.03              0.00         1    0.026       0      0
 Int      0/0    0.00 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00              0.00         0    0.000       0 


Log file created at: 2021/01/04 08:56:08
Running on machine: node172
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I0104 08:56:08.597884     1 StorageDaemon.cpp:82] host = []
I0104 08:56:08.601301     1 MetaClient.cpp:47] Create meta client to []
I0104 08:56:08.601788     1 GflagsManager.cpp:138] Prepare to register 12 gflags to meta
W0104 08:56:08.601830     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E0104 08:56:11.650269    47 MetaClient.cpp:581] Send request to [], exceed retry limit
E0104 08:56:11.650499     1 MetaClient.cpp:60] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: N6apache6thrift9transport19TTransportExceptionE: AsyncSocketException: connect failed, type = Socket not open, errno = 111 (Connection refused): Connection refused
I0104 08:56:11.650516     1 MetaClient.cpp:85] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W0104 08:56:13.650666     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E0104 08:56:16.660264    48 MetaClient.cpp:581] Send request to [], exceed retry limit
E0104 08:56:16.660404     1 MetaClient.cpp:60] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: N6apache6thrift9transport19TTransportExceptionE: AsyncSocketException: connect failed, type = Socket not open, errno = 111 (Connection refused): Connection refused
I0104 08:56:16.660473     1 MetaClient.cpp:85] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W0104 08:56:18.660640     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E0104 08:56:21.670261    49 MetaClient.cpp:581] Send request to [], exceed retry limit
E0104 08:56:21.670401     1 MetaClient.cpp:60] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: N6apache6thrift9transport19TTransportExceptionE: AsyncSocketException: connect failed, type = Socket not open, errno = 111 (Connection refused): Connection refused
I0104 08:56:21.670470     1 MetaClient.cpp:85] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W0104 08:56:23.670642     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
I0104 08:56:25.775450    50 MetaClient.cpp:2283] Persisit the cluster Id from metad 274343612749538315
I0104 08:56:25.775559    50 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:23] Remove the existed file
I0104 08:56:25.776135    50 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:36] Persiste clusterId 274343612749538315 succeeded!
I0104 08:56:25.798593     1 MetaClient.cpp:2777] Register gflags ok 12
W0104 08:56:25.800551     1 GflagsManager.cpp:45] Unknown type: __EMPTY__
I0104 08:56:25.800832     1 MetaClient.cpp:96] Register time task for heartbeat!
I0104 08:56:25.800886     1 StorageServer.cpp:140] Init schema manager
I0104 08:56:25.800913     1 StorageServer.cpp:143] Init index manager
I0104 08:56:25.800930     1 StorageServer.cpp:146] Init kvstore
I0104 08:56:25.800964     1 NebulaStore.cpp:47] Start the raft service...
I0104 08:56:25.801728     1 RaftexService.cpp:65] Init thrift server for raft service, port: 44501
I0104 08:56:25.801970    68 RaftexService.cpp:99] Starting the Raftex Service
I0104 08:56:25.805099    68 RaftexService.cpp:87] Starting the Raftex Service on 44501
I0104 08:56:25.805150    68 RaftexService.cpp:111] Start the Raftex Service successfully
I0104 08:56:25.805279     1 NebulaStore.cpp:75] Scan the local path, and init the spaces_
E0104 08:56:25.805362     1 FileUtils.cpp:384] Failed to read the directory "/data/storage/nebula" (2): No such file or directory
I0104 08:56:25.805418     1 NebulaStore.cpp:201] Init data from partManager for []
I0104 08:56:25.805476     1 NebulaStore.cpp:296] Create data space 1
I0104 08:56:25.807031     1 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option max_bytes_for_level_base=268435456
I0104 08:56:25.807077     1 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option write_buffer_size=67108864
I0104 08:56:25.807096     1 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option max_write_buffer_number=4
I0104 08:56:25.807219     1 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option block_size=8192
I0104 08:56:25.847467     1 RocksEngine.cpp:105] open rocksdb on /data/storage/nebula/1/data
I0104 08:56:25.859071     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.859241     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.859309     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.859359     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.859405     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 1 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.859773     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.859949     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.860003     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.860044     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.860093     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 2 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.860391     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.860499     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.860534     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.860575     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.860617     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 3 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.860880     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.860951     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.860985     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.861021     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.861061     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 4 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.861452     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.861517     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.861547     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.861579     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.861624     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 5 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.861907     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.861948     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.861972     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.862002     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.862041     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 6 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.862324     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.862426     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.862458     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.862494     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.862534     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 7 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.862809     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.862977     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.863036     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.863086     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.863133     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 8 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.863588     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.863636     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.863668     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.863730     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.863778     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 9 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.864069     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.864137     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.864169     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.864205     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.864248     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 10 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.864475     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.864540     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.864574     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.864612     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.864655     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 11 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.864904     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.864979     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.865007     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.865041     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.865084     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 12 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.865461     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.865527     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.865723     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.865775     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.865824     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 13 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.866112     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.866230     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.866263     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.866295     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.866345     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 14 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.866590     1 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0104 08:56:25.866652     1 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.866680     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.866734     1 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] Add peer []
I0104 08:56:25.866780     1 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 1, part 15 has been added, asLearner 0
I0104 08:56:25.866820     1 NebulaStore.cpp:68] Register handler...
I0104 08:56:25.866850     1 StorageServer.cpp:84] Starting Storage HTTP Service
I0104 08:56:25.867283     1 StorageServer.cpp:88] Http Thread Pool started
I0104 08:56:25.871536    94 WebService.cpp:143] Web service started on HTTP[12000], HTTP2[19780]
I0104 08:56:25.871744     1 AdminTaskManager.cpp:17] max concurrenct subtasks: 10
I0104 08:56:25.872058     1 AdminTaskManager.cpp:27] exit AdminTaskManager::init()
I0104 08:56:25.872143   100 AdminTaskManager.cpp:89] waiting for incoming task
I0104 08:56:25.872633   102 StorageServer.cpp:219] The admin service start on []
I0104 08:56:25.880276   103 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0104 08:56:25.880635   103 StorageServer.cpp:242] The internal storage service start(same with admin) on []
I0104 08:56:25.887030   101 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0104 08:56:25.893353   101 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0104 08:56:25.899637   101 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0104 08:56:25.904026   101 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0104 08:56:25.907480   101 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0104 08:56:25.910549   101 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0104 08:56:25.913111   101 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0104 08:56:25.915573   101 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0104 08:56:25.917730   101 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0104 08:56:25.917811   101 StorageServer.cpp:192] The storage service start on []
I0104 08:56:25.933460    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 11, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:25.933548    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.933596    44 RaftPart.cpp:1458] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition will vote for the candidate
I0104 08:56:25.935164    44 RaftPart.cpp:1747] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader [Term: 1]
I0104 08:56:25.935293    64 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] Find the new leader []
I0104 08:56:25.936038    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 7, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:25.936122    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:25.936136    44 RaftPart.cpp:1458] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition will vote for the candidate
I0104 08:56:25.937587    44 RaftPart.cpp:1747] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader [Term: 1]
I0104 08:56:25.937626    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] Find the new leader []
I0104 08:56:26.072494    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 10, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:26.072638    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:26.072679    44 RaftPart.cpp:1458] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition will vote for the candidate
I0104 08:56:26.074999    44 RaftPart.cpp:1747] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader [Term: 1]
I0104 08:56:26.075228    66 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] Find the new leader []
I0104 08:56:26.125926    65 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 264, term 0
I0104 08:56:26.126008    65 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 6, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP =, candidatePort = 44501)
I0104 08:56:26.128113    65 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0104 08:56:26.128293    65 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition is elected as the leader
I0104 08:56:26.128680    49 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] [Host:] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0104 08:56:26.129304    49 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] [Host:] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0104 08:56:26.377646    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 3, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:26.377857    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:26.377918    44 RaftPart.cpp:1458] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition will vote for the candidate
I0104 08:56:26.380982    44 RaftPart.cpp:1747] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader [Term: 2]
I0104 08:56:26.381186    67 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] Find the new leader []
I0104 08:56:26.535235    64 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 674, term 0
I0104 08:56:26.535420    64 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 5, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP =, candidatePort = 44501)
I0104 08:56:26.538537    64 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0104 08:56:26.538688    64 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition is elected as the leader
I0104 08:56:26.539099    51 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] [Host:] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0104 08:56:26.539567    51 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] [Host:] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0104 08:56:26.593535    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 2, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:26.593652    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:26.593688    44 RaftPart.cpp:1458] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition will vote for the candidate
I0104 08:56:26.596899    44 RaftPart.cpp:1747] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader [Term: 2]
I0104 08:56:26.597031    64 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] Find the new leader []
I0104 08:56:26.646229    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 1, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:26.646332    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:26.646368    44 RaftPart.cpp:1458] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition will vote for the candidate
I0104 08:56:26.647514    67 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 785, term 0
I0104 08:56:26.647591    67 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 8, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP =, candidatePort = 44501)
I0104 08:56:26.649438    44 RaftPart.cpp:1747] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader [Term: 1]
I0104 08:56:26.649531    43 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 13, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:26.649657    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] Find the new leader []
I0104 08:56:26.649698    43 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:26.649828    43 RaftPart.cpp:1458] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition will vote for the candidate
I0104 08:56:26.650640    67 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0104 08:56:26.650758    67 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition is elected as the leader
I0104 08:56:26.651121    53 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] [Host:] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0104 08:56:26.651610    53 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] [Host:] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0104 08:56:26.652984    43 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 9, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:26.653100    43 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:26.653172    44 RaftPart.cpp:1747] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader [Term: 1]
I0104 08:56:26.653244    43 RaftPart.cpp:1458] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition will vote for the candidate
I0104 08:56:26.653365    64 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] Find the new leader []
I0104 08:56:26.656141    44 RaftPart.cpp:1747] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader [Term: 2]
I0104 08:56:26.656345    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] Find the new leader []
I0104 08:56:26.727461    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 15, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:26.727535    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:26.727569    44 RaftPart.cpp:1458] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition will vote for the candidate
I0104 08:56:26.729758    44 RaftPart.cpp:1747] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader [Term: 2]
I0104 08:56:26.729873    64 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] Find the new leader []
I0104 08:56:26.781047    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 4, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:26.781124    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0104 08:56:26.781158    44 RaftPart.cpp:1458] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition will vote for the candidate
I0104 08:56:26.783532    44 RaftPart.cpp:1747] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader [Term: 1]
I0104 08:56:26.783653    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] Find the new leader []
I0104 08:56:26.854413    65 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 989, term 0
I0104 08:56:26.854573    65 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 14, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP =, candidatePort = 44501)
I0104 08:56:26.857339    65 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0104 08:56:26.857522    65 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition is elected as the leader
I0104 08:56:26.857921    55 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] [Host:] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0104 08:56:26.858425    55 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] [Host:] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0104 08:56:26.860996    67 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 996, term 0
I0104 08:56:26.861188    67 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 12, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP =, candidatePort = 44501)
I0104 08:56:26.863873    67 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0104 08:56:26.864017    67 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition is elected as the leader
I0104 08:56:26.864331    57 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] [Host:] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0104 08:56:26.865012    57 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] [Host:] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0104 08:56:34.648849    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 2, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:34.649011    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:34.649053    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition currently is on term 2. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:34.687423    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 5, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:34.687614    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:34.687651    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:34.734742    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 14, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:34.734892    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:34.734927    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:34.802373    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 15, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:34.802568    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:34.802623    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition currently is on term 2. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.034759    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 10, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.034866    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:35.034901    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.128907    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 4, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.129015    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:35.129050    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.253790    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 6, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.253899    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:35.253998    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.280407    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 3, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.280596    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:35.280635    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition currently is on term 2. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.286377    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 13, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.286530    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:35.286567    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.348074    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 8, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.348182    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:35.348217    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.455493    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 9, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.455600    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:35.455633    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition currently is on term 2. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.484678    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 12, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.484813    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:35.484849    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.488205    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 11, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.488405    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:35.488459    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.495108    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 1, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.495260    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:35.495299    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.504837    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 7, candidateAddr =, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.504997    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:35.505033    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.691241    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 4, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.691437    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:35.691493    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.787626    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 3, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.787701    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:35.787765    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition currently is on term 2. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:35.937963    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 10, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:35.938038    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:35.938068    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.034993    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 8, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.035176    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:36.035230    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.060447    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 14, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.060521    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:36.060551    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.081475    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 12, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.081548    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:36.081578    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.264902    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 15, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.264979    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:36.264991    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition currently is on term 2. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.283197    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 5, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.283216    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:36.283223    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.468535    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 9, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.468642    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:36.468677    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition currently is on term 2. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.601493    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 12, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.601573    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:36.601603    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.629528    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 2, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.629604    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:36.629634    44 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition currently is on term 2. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.700688    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 10, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.700786    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:36.700817    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.705637    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 13, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.705732    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:36.705765    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.797868    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 1, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.798070    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:36.798125    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.879865    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 6, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.879946    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:36.879988    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.888798    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 7, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.888872    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:36.888902    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:36.969997    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 15, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:36.970070    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:36.970100    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:37.202219    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 5, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:37.202417    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:37.202471    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:37.212338    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 11, candidateAddr =, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:37.212492    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:37.212529    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:37.244488    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 9, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:37.244570    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:37.244745    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:37.267644    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 3, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:37.267791    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:37.267829    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:37.374819    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 2, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:37.374894    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:37.374938    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:37.426753    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 10, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:37.426827    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:37.426857    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:37.494160    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 1, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:37.494359    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:37.494413    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:37.531985    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 13, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:37.532183    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:37.532238    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:37.543526    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 7, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:37.543599    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:37.543629    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:37.661361    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 4, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:37.661552    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:37.661828    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:37.744530    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 8, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:37.744680    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:37.744738    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:37.840952    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 14, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:37.841099    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:37.841142    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:37.934935    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 11, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:37.935119    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:37.935174    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:38.535876    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 5, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:38.535990    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:38.536022    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:38.560101    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 12, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:38.560173    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:38.560204    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:38.586921    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 13, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:38.587002    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:38.587038    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:38.605185    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 6, candidateAddr =, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:38.611183    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:38.611272    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:38.619267    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 9, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:38.620784    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:38.620798    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:38.717279    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 15, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:38.717481    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:38.717536    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:38.842327    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 2, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:38.842402    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:38.842432    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:38.851579    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 14, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:38.851653    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:38.851683    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:38.869768    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 10, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:38.869843    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:38.869877    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:38.874882    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 4, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:38.875066    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:38.875134    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:38.971765    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 3, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:38.971840    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:38.972066    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:39.215611    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 1, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:39.215747    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:39.215783    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:39.286448    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 5, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:39.286521    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:39.286551    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:39.453056    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 7, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:39.453264    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:39.453320    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:39.457142    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 8, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:39.457327    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:39.457382    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:39.486239    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 14, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:39.486313    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:39.486344    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:39.506529    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 3, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:39.506603    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:39.506633    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:39.730012    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 2, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:39.730085    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:39.730216    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:39.757166    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 10, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:39.757357    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:39.757412    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:39.766677    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 11, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:39.766825    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:39.766855    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:39.804785    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 1, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:39.804860    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:39.804889    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:39.870828    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 9, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:39.870903    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:39.870934    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:39.887059    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 6, candidateAddr =, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:39.887137    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:39.887167    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:40.128700    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 13, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:40.128804    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:40.128834    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:40.196332    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 4, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:40.196413    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:40.196477    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:40.216357    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 12, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:40.216432    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:40.216464    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:40.263948    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 14, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:40.264024    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:40.264058    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:40.423664    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 15, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:40.423854    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:40.423894    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:40.431210    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 6, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:40.431284    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:40.431315    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:40.494942    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 11, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:40.495146    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:40.495203    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:40.612574    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 5, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:40.612751    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:40.612787    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:40.621127    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 3, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:40.621260    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:40.621299    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:40.996420    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 8, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:40.996601    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:40.996639    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:41.100685    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 10, candidateAddr =, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:41.100890    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:41.100929    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:41.122975    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 9, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:41.123179    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:41.123234    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:41.133430    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 2, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:41.133569    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:41.133607    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:41.144675    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 15, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:41.144773    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:41.144804    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:41.350484    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 14, candidateAddr =, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:41.350558    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:41.350591    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:41.418944    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 7, candidateAddr =, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:41.419078    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:41.419116    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:41.426944    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 1, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:41.427161    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:41.427217    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:41.507196    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 13, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:41.507380    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:41.507436    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:41.664340    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 12, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:41.664413    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:41.664443    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:41.795558    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 5, candidateAddr =, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:41.795634    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:41.795665    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:41.822499    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 11, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:41.822572    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:41.822602    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:41.877936    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 6, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:41.878119    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:41.878173    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:42.004369    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 4, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:42.004577    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:42.004623    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:42.176913    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 9, candidateAddr =, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:42.177058    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2
I0104 08:56:42.177093    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 2, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:42.185698    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 8, candidateAddr =, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:42.185798    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:42.185838    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:42.274881    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 13, candidateAddr =, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:42.275336    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0104 08:56:42.275882    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:42.414233    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 6, candidateAddr =, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:42.414435    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0104 08:56:42.414489    44 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0104 08:56:42.416968    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 3, candidateAddr =, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0104 08:56:42.417151    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 44501, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 2, committedLogId 0, term 2


version: '3.6'
    container_name: nebula-mate0
    image: vesoft/nebula-metad:v2-nightly
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/nebula.env
      - --meta_server_addrs=,,
      - --local_ip=
      - --ws_ip=
      - --port=45500
      - --ws_http_port=11000
      - --data_path=/data/meta
      - --log_dir=/logs
      - --v=0
      - --minloglevel=0
      replicas: 1
        condition: on-failure
          - node.hostname == node172
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 20s
      - target: 11000
        published: 11000
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 11002
        published: 11002
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 45500
        published: 45500
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/data/meta0:/data/meta
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/logs/meta0:/logs
      - nebula-net

    container_name: nebula-mate1
    image: vesoft/nebula-metad:v2-nightly
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/nebula.env
      - --meta_server_addrs=,,
      - --local_ip=
      - --ws_ip=
      - --port=45500
      - --ws_http_port=11000
      - --data_path=/data/meta
      - --log_dir=/logs
      - --v=0
      - --minloglevel=0
      replicas: 1
        condition: on-failure
          - node.hostname == node173
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 20s
      - target: 11000
        published: 11000
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 11002
        published: 11002
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 45500
        published: 45500
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/data/meta1:/data/meta
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/logs/meta1:/logs
      - nebula-net

    container_name: nebula-mate2
    image: vesoft/nebula-metad:v2-nightly
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/nebula.env
      - --meta_server_addrs=,,
      - --local_ip=
      - --ws_ip=
      - --port=45500
      - --ws_http_port=11000
      - --data_path=/data/meta
      - --log_dir=/logs
      - --v=0
      - --minloglevel=0
      replicas: 1
        condition: on-failure
          - node.hostname == node174
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 20s
      - target: 11000
        published: 11000
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 11002
        published: 11002
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 45500
        published: 45500
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/data/meta2:/data/meta
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/logs/meta2:/logs
      - nebula-net

    container_name: nebula-storaged0
    image: vesoft/nebula-storaged:v2-nightly
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/nebula.env
      - --meta_server_addrs=,,
      - --local_ip=
      - --ws_ip=
      - --port=44500
      - --ws_http_port=12000
      - --data_path=/data/storage
      - --log_dir=/logs
      - --v=0
      - --minloglevel=0
      replicas: 1
        condition: on-failure
          - node.hostname == node172
      - metad0
      - metad1
      - metad2
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 20s
      - target: 12000
        published: 12000
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 12002
        published: 12002
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/data/storaged0:/data/meta
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/logs/storaged0:/logs
      - nebula-net

    container_name: nebula-storaged1
    image: vesoft/nebula-storaged:v2-nightly
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/nebula.env
      - --meta_server_addrs=,,
      - --local_ip=
      - --ws_ip=
      - --port=44500
      - --ws_http_port=12000
      - --data_path=/data/storage
      - --log_dir=/logs
      - --v=0
      - --minloglevel=0
      replicas: 1
        condition: on-failure
          - node.hostname == node173
      - metad0
      - metad1
      - metad2
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 20s
      - target: 12000
        published: 12000
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 12002
        published: 12004
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/data/storaged1:/data/meta
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/logs/storaged1:/logs
      - nebula-net

    container_name: nebula-storaged2
    image: vesoft/nebula-storaged:v2-nightly
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/nebula.env
      - --meta_server_addrs=,,
      - --local_ip=
      - --ws_ip=
      - --port=44500
      - --ws_http_port=12000
      - --data_path=/data/storage
      - --log_dir=/logs
      - --v=0
      - --minloglevel=0
      replicas: 1
        condition: on-failure
          - node.hostname == node174
      - metad0
      - metad1
      - metad2
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 20s
      - target: 12000
        published: 12000
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 12002
        published: 12006
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/data/storaged2:/data/meta
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/logs/storaged2:/logs
      - nebula-net

    container_name: nebula-graphd0
    image: vesoft/nebula-graphd:v2-nightly
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/nebula.env
      - --meta_server_addrs=,,
      - --port=3699
      - --ws_http_port=13000
      - --ws_ip=
      - --log_dir=/logs
      - --v=0
      - --minloglevel=0
      replicas: 1
        condition: on-failure
          - node.hostname == node172
      - metad0
      - metad1
      - metad2
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 20s
      - target: 3699
        published: 3699
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 13000
        published: 13000
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 13002
        published: 13002
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/logs/graphd0:/logs
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/config:/usr/local/nebula/etc
      - nebula-net

    container_name: nebula-graphd1
    image: vesoft/nebula-graphd:v2-nightly
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/nebula.env
      - --meta_server_addrs=,,
      - --port=3699
      - --ws_http_port=13000
      - --ws_ip=
      - --log_dir=/logs
      - --v=0
      - --minloglevel=0
      replicas: 1
        condition: on-failure
          - node.hostname == node173
      - metad0
      - metad1
      - metad2
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 20s
      - target: 3699
        published: 3699
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 13000
        published: 13000
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 13002
        published: 13002
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/logs/graphd1:/logs
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/config:/usr/local/nebula/etc
      - nebula-net

    container_name: nebula-graphd2
    image: vesoft/nebula-graphd:v2-nightly
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/nebula.env
      - --meta_server_addrs=,,
      - --port=3699
      - --ws_http_port=13000
      - --ws_ip=
      - --log_dir=/logs
      - --v=0
      - --minloglevel=0
      replicas: 1
        condition: on-failure
          - node.hostname == node174
      - metad0
      - metad1
      - metad2
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", ""]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 20s
      - target: 3699
        published: 3699
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 13000
        published: 13000
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - target: 13002
        published: 13002
        protocol: tcp
        mode: host
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/logs/graphd2:/logs
      - /home/gdelt/nebula/config:/usr/local/nebula/etc
      - nebula-net

    external: true
    attachable: true
    name: host



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