flink导入数据batch insert Error: -8

  • nebula 版本:1.x

  • 部署方式:DockerSwarm

  • 问题的具体描述:

 2021-01-08 12:41:35 INFO   method:[org.apache.flink.connector.nebula.sink.NebulaBatchExecutor$1.onSuccess(NebulaBatchExecutor.java:71) (6752986ms)] - batch insert Succeed
 2021-01-08 12:41:35 ERROR  method:[com.vesoft.nebula.client.graph.async.AsyncGraphClientImpl.lambda$execute$0(AsyncGraphClientImpl.java:139) (6752988ms)] - execute error: Insert vertex not complete, completeness: 0
 2021-01-08 12:41:35 ERROR  method:[com.vesoft.nebula.client.graph.async.AsyncGraphClientImpl.lambda$execute$0(AsyncGraphClientImpl.java:139) (6752988ms)] - execute error: Insert edge `relat' not complete, completeness: 50
 2021-01-08 12:41:35 ERROR  method:[org.apache.flink.connector.nebula.sink.NebulaBatchExecutor$1.onSuccess(NebulaBatchExecutor.java:73) (6752989ms)] - batch insert Error: -8
 2021-01-08 12:41:35 ERROR  method:[org.apache.flink.connector.nebula.sink.NebulaBatchExecutor$1.onSuccess(NebulaBatchExecutor.java:73) (6752990ms)] - batch insert Error: -8
 2021-01-08 12:41:35 ERROR  method:[com.vesoft.nebula.client.graph.async.AsyncGraphClientImpl.lambda$execute$0(AsyncGraphClientImpl.java:139) (6753051ms)] - execute error: Insert vertex not complete, completeness: 0
 2021-01-08 12:41:35 ERROR  method:[org.apache.flink.connector.nebula.sink.NebulaBatchExecutor$1.onSuccess(NebulaBatchExecutor.java:73) (6753051ms)] - batch insert Error: -8
 2021-01-08 12:41:35 ERROR  method:[com.vesoft.nebula.client.graph.async.AsyncGraphClientImpl.lambda$execute$0(AsyncGraphClientImpl.java:139) (6753051ms)] - execute error: Insert vertex not complete, completeness: 0
 2021-01-08 12:41:35 ERROR  method:[com.vesoft.nebula.client.graph.async.AsyncGraphClientImpl.lambda$execute$0(AsyncGraphClientImpl.java:139) (6753052ms)] - execute error: Insert edge `relat' not complete, completeness: 0

你show hosts 结果截图

空间用的是testmo这个,在下图用红框框出来了已经 ,创建空间都用的默认的分区、副本数等





nebula_metad0.1.o4yi6hetgy0f@p47709v    | E0105 02:14:24.658562   123 RaftPart.cpp:365] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] The partition is not a leader
nebula_metad0.1.o4yi6hetgy0f@p47709v    | E0105 02:14:24.696879   123 RaftPart.cpp:635] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Cannot append logs, clean the buffer
nebula_metad0.1.o4yi6hetgy0f@p47709v    | E0105 02:14:24.696990   123 CreateSpaceProcessor.cpp:46] Create Space Failed : Get space id failed
nebula_metad0.1.o4yi6hetgy0f@p47709v    | E0106 03:41:59.477578   126 CreateTagProcessor.cpp:46] Create tag failed : Get tag id failed
nebula_metad0.1.o4yi6hetgy0f@p47709v    | E0106 12:28:19.841782   124 CreateTagProcessor.cpp:46] Create tag failed : Get tag id failed
nebula_metad0.1.o4yi6hetgy0f@p47709v    | E0107 08:46:40.298844   123 CreateSpaceProcessor.cpp:46] Create Space Failed : Get space id failed
nebula_metad0.1.49dili9god2x@p47709v    | E1015 02:21:07.669759     1 FileUtils.cpp:384] Failed to read the directory "/data/meta/nebula" (2): No such file or directory
nebula_metad0.1.49dili9god2x@p47709v    | E1015 02:21:08.038604    47 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -6
nebula_metad0.1.49dili9god2x@p47709v    | E1015 02:21:08.038739    47 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -6
nebula_metad0.1.49dili9god2x@p47709v    | E1015 02:21:10.043824    49 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -6
nebula_metad0.1.49dili9god2x@p47709v    | E1015 02:21:10.043968    49 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -6
nebula_metad0.1.49dili9god2x@p47709v    | E1119 07:33:15.151211   109 JobManager.cpp:95] [JobManager] load a invalid job from queue 0


nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.121035    50 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 6] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -5)
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.140705    52 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 15] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -5)
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.160609    50 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 6] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -5)
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.180233    48 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 9] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -5)
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.183295    44 RaftPart.cpp:773] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 9] Replicate logs failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.203984    51 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 3] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -5)
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.223682    44 RaftPart.cpp:773] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 6] Replicate logs failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.228250    51 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 3] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -5)
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.257439    51 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 3] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -5)
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.270783    44 RaftPart.cpp:773] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 15] Replicate logs failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.297205    51 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 3] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -5)
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.342047    49 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 12] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -5)
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.387400    49 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 12] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -5)
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.431855    49 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 12] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -5)
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.451790    32 RaftPart.cpp:773] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 12] Replicate logs failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1106 03:09:17.478860    32 RaftPart.cpp:773] [Port: 44501, Space: 686, Part: 3] Replicate logs failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 03:37:08.298668    58 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 44501, Space: 794, Part: 92] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -5
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 03:37:08.340111    56 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 44501, Space: 794, Part: 74] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -5
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 03:37:08.449316    56 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 44501, Space: 794, Part: 74] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -5
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 03:37:13.634847    65 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 44501, Space: 794, Part: 39] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -5)
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 03:37:13.815127    56 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 44501, Space: 794, Part: 85] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -5
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 03:37:13.830907    55 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 44501, Space: 794, Part: 59] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -5
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 03:37:13.969200    57 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 44501, Space: 794, Part: 20] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -5
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 03:37:14.047925    56 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 44501, Space: 794, Part: 28] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -5
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 03:37:14.112963    56 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 44501, Space: 794, Part: 70] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -5
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:26:18.626457    18 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:39] Execute Execution Plan! ret = -5, spaceId = 794, partId =  2
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:26:30.010609    22 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:39] Execute Execution Plan! ret = -5, spaceId = 794, partId =  40
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:26:53.090278    31 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:39] Execute Execution Plan! ret = -5, spaceId = 794, partId =  54
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:26:53.912637    31 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:39] Execute Execution Plan! ret = -5, spaceId = 794, partId =  61
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:26:54.489195    31 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:39] Execute Execution Plan! ret = -5, spaceId = 794, partId =  68
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:26:54.673898    31 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:39] Execute Execution Plan! ret = -5, spaceId = 794, partId =  69
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:27:17.505357    34 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:39] Execute Execution Plan! ret = -5, spaceId = 794, partId =  78
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:29:53.019953    18 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:39] Execute Execution Plan! ret = -5, spaceId = 794, partId =  80
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:30:29.955263    44 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:39] Execute Execution Plan! ret = -5, spaceId = 794, partId =  88
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:39:47.816849    15 NebulaStore.cpp:812] Part sync failed. space : 328 Part : 1
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:39:47.877640    15 NebulaStore.cpp:812] Part sync failed. space : 328 Part : 1
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:39:59.954005    20 NebulaStore.cpp:812] Part sync failed. space : 794 Part : 2
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:40:00.028110    20 NebulaStore.cpp:812] Part sync failed. space : 794 Part : 2
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:40:00.091583    20 NebulaStore.cpp:812] Part sync failed. space : 794 Part : 2
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:40:00.169164    20 RaftPart.cpp:365] [Port: 44501, Space: 794, Part: 2] The partition is not a leader
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:40:00.169375    20 RaftPart.cpp:635] [Port: 44501, Space: 794, Part: 2] Cannot append logs, clean the buffer
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:40:00.169426    20 NebulaStore.cpp:812] Part sync failed. space : 794 Part : 2
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:42:54.938027    14 NebulaStore.cpp:812] Part sync failed. space : 794 Part : 2
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:42:55.011226    14 NebulaStore.cpp:812] Part sync failed. space : 794 Part : 2
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:42:55.085098    14 RaftPart.cpp:365] [Port: 44501, Space: 794, Part: 2] The partition is not a leader
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:42:55.085196    14 RaftPart.cpp:635] [Port: 44501, Space: 794, Part: 2] Cannot append logs, clean the buffer
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:42:55.085251    14 NebulaStore.cpp:812] Part sync failed. space : 794 Part : 2
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:42:55.158740    14 NebulaStore.cpp:812] Part sync failed. space : 794 Part : 2
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 06:42:55.231240    14 NebulaStore.cpp:812] Part sync failed. space : 794 Part : 2
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 07:04:17.277881    13 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:28] Build Execution Plan Failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 07:04:20.878859    13 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:28] Build Execution Plan Failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 07:04:21.393054    13 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:28] Build Execution Plan Failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 07:04:21.604502    13 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:28] Build Execution Plan Failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 07:04:21.804446    13 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:28] Build Execution Plan Failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 07:04:21.963030    13 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:28] Build Execution Plan Failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 07:04:22.324875    13 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:28] Build Execution Plan Failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 07:04:22.499888    13 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:28] Build Execution Plan Failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 07:04:22.649360    13 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:28] Build Execution Plan Failed
nebula_storaged0.1.m4dqm4iiccvw@p47709v    | E1119 07:04:23.031064    13 LookUpIndexProcessor.cpp:28] Build Execution Plan Failed

meta和storage都是几副本?先得看show hosts里面leader都为0的问题,贴下meta leader的info日志,storage的也可以随便贴几个info看看


nebula_metad1.1.rysxumw16a9u@p47710v    | E1015 02:09:27.987901     1 FileUtils.cpp:384] Failed to read the directory "/data/meta/nebula" (2): No such file or directory
nebula_metad1.1.rysxumw16a9u@p47710v    | E1015 02:17:40.052323   108 JobManager.cpp:95] [JobManager] load a invalid job from queue 0
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1015 02:17:45.351166   130 RaftPart.cpp:365] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] The partition is not a leader
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1015 02:17:45.352038   130 RaftPart.cpp:635] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Cannot append logs, clean the buffer
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1016 03:16:53.679371   130 CreateSpaceProcessor.cpp:25] Create Space Failed : Space cpc_test have existed!
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1019 04:07:27.590750   128 CreateTagIndexProcessor.cpp:35] Create Tag Index Failed: index_player have existed
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1019 06:38:03.950448   128 CreateTagIndexProcessor.cpp:47] Create Tag Index Failed: Tag player not exist
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1019 06:40:17.476393   128 CreateTagIndexProcessor.cpp:47] Create Tag Index Failed: Tag player not exist
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1019 06:40:18.648186   128 CreateTagIndexProcessor.cpp:47] Create Tag Index Failed: Tag player not exist
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1019 06:40:42.201274   128 CreateTagIndexProcessor.cpp:47] Create Tag Index Failed: Tag player not exist
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1019 06:50:57.817140   130 CreateTagIndexProcessor.cpp:35] Create Tag Index Failed: index_course have existed
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1019 06:51:03.094725   130 BaseProcessor.inl:481] Index index_course have existed
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1019 06:51:05.811226   130 BaseProcessor.inl:481] Index index_course have existed
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1019 06:51:13.263222   130 BaseProcessor.inl:481] Index index_course have existed
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1019 06:56:37.443516   130 CreateTagIndexProcessor.cpp:47] Create Tag Index Failed: Tag device not exist
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1019 06:59:10.353564   130 CreateTagIndexProcessor.cpp:35] Create Tag Index Failed: index_imei have existed
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1019 07:21:18.787794   128 CreateTagIndexProcessor.cpp:35] Create Tag Index Failed: index_player have existed
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1019 07:22:36.040249   128 DropTagIndexProcessor.cpp:20] Tag Index not exists in Space: 155 Index name: player_index
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1020 02:26:19.709758   128 CreateSpaceProcessor.cpp:25] Create Space Failed : Space cpc_demo have existed!
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1026 03:24:59.630911   130 BaseProcessor.inl:461] Index conflict, index :PMdemo, column : calltime
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1026 03:24:59.648602   130 AlterEdgeProcessor.cpp:57] Alter edge error, index conflict : -29
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1026 03:25:08.747277   130 BaseProcessor.inl:461] Index conflict, index :PMdemo, column : calltime
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1026 03:25:08.747423   130 AlterEdgeProcessor.cpp:57] Alter edge error, index conflict : -29
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E1119 07:34:00.166199    47 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -5
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1026 03:25:15.101953   130 BaseProcessor.inl:461] Index conflict, index :PMdemo, column : calltime
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1026 03:25:15.102072   130 AlterEdgeProcessor.cpp:57] Alter edge error, index conflict : -29
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E1119 07:34:01.168149    48 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -5
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1026 03:25:19.336797   130 BaseProcessor.inl:461] Index conflict, index :PMdemo, column : calltime
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E1119 07:34:02.117308    49 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -5
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1026 03:25:19.336953   130 AlterEdgeProcessor.cpp:57] Alter edge error, index conflict : -29
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E1119 07:34:02.848394    50 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -5
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1026 03:25:42.533617   130 BaseProcessor.inl:461] Index conflict, index :PMdemo, column : calltime
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E1119 07:34:04.638278    47 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -5
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E1119 07:34:05.549589    48 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -6
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E1119 07:34:06.403945    49 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -6
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1026 03:25:42.533753   130 AlterEdgeProcessor.cpp:57] Alter edge error, index conflict : -29
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E1119 07:34:07.723187    50 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -6
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E1119 07:34:08.587494    47 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -6
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1026 03:25:53.928537   130 DropEdgeProcessor.cpp:36] Drop edge error, index conflict
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1026 03:25:58.598129   130 DropEdgeProcessor.cpp:36] Drop edge error, index conflict
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E1119 07:34:09.127573    48 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -6
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1026 03:26:05.131675   130 DropEdgeProcessor.cpp:36] Drop edge error, index conflict
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E1119 07:34:10.099844    49 RaftPart.cpp:1075] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Receive response about askForVote from [], error code is -6
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1028 09:17:50.079375   130 CreateSpaceProcessor.cpp:25] Create Space Failed : Space test_expoler have existed!
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E1119 07:43:36.317390   136 RaftPart.cpp:365] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] The partition is not a leader
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1030 02:24:21.260110   128 Balancer.cpp:36] Create balance plan failed
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 02:34:43.081176   129 CreateTagIndexProcessor.cpp:47] Create Tag Index Failed: Tag db not exist
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E1119 07:43:36.318444   136 RaftPart.cpp:635] [Port: 45501, Space: 0, Part: 0] Cannot append logs, clean the buffer
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:12:05.794097   130 CreateEdgeIndexProcessor.cpp:37] Create Edge Index Failed: index_db_source_space have existed
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E0105 08:52:55.615687   127 CreateSpaceProcessor.cpp:46] Create Space Failed : Get space id failed
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:12:08.127388   130 CreateEdgeIndexProcessor.cpp:37] Create Edge Index Failed: index_db_source_space have existed
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E0106 08:34:59.395900   135 CreateTagProcessor.cpp:46] Create tag failed : Get tag id failed
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:39:47.820111   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:39:49.494172   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:39:51.166646   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:39:52.887439   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E0107 04:31:28.898017   133 CreateSpaceProcessor.cpp:46] Create Space Failed : Get space id failed
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:39:54.614007   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:39:56.293046   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.o0oegour9npj@p47710v    | E0107 08:27:31.980201   114 JobManager.cpp:95] [JobManager] load a invalid job from queue 0
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:39:58.766600   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:40:01.100903   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:40:03.334472   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:42:43.274436   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:42:44.944667   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:42:46.611737   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:42:48.322031   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:42:49.988492   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:42:51.656515   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:42:53.603933   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:42:55.961441   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 06:42:58.267040   129 SnapShot.cpp:68]  Send blocking sign error on host :
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 07:24:05.452746   130 CreateEdgeIndexProcessor.cpp:107] Field ranking not found in Edge db
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 07:24:12.613924   130 CreateEdgeIndexProcessor.cpp:107] Field ranking not found in Edge db
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 07:24:22.120551   130 CreateEdgeIndexProcessor.cpp:107] Field ranking not found in Edge db
nebula_metad1.1.i74beyen4adt@p47710v    | E1119 07:32:50.731036   108 JobManager.cpp:95] [JobManager] load a invalid job from queue 0


我是直接docker service logs 【id】 直接看的日志,貌似没有别的了额

可能得去挂载目录下的logs看下 conf里有log的路径

谢谢回复!请教一下这个conf在哪儿看呢?是docker swarm的那个yml文件吗?
