Match 查询机制问题

  • nebula 版本:
  • 部署方式:单机compose
  • 硬件信息
    • 磁盘:SSD
    • CPU、内存信息:Intel® Xeon® CPU E5-2630L v2 @ 2.40GHz、32G
  • 问题的具体描述
  1. 插入7000w信息,其中Tag为Person节点300w个,在Person: name上建立索引(长度50)、compact、rebuild均完成。
  2. 分别使用MATCH (v:Person) WHERE == "Donald_Trump" RETURN v;| match (v: Person{name: "Donald_Trump"}) return v;两种方式查询某节点信息。
  3. 其中MATCH (v:Person) WHERE == "Donald_Trump" RETURN v;可以快速找到具体节点。
  4. match (v: Person{name: "Donald_Trump"}) return v;会缓慢将32G内存拉满,快拉满时怕机器卡死,只能直接停止docker。



  1. 查询tag 的 index存在:
(root@nebula) [yago]> show tag indexes
| Names               |
| "person_name_index" |
Got 1 rows (time spent 1973/2859 us)

(root@nebula) [yago]> describe tag index person_name_index
| Field  | Type               |
| "name" | "fixed_string(50)" |
Got 1 rows (time spent 2073/2990 us)

2.compact rebuild 均完成

(root@nebula) [yago]> show jobs
| Job Id | Command             | Status     | Start Time | Stop Time  |
| 340    | "REBUILD_TAG_INDEX" | "FINISHED" | 1610588574 | 1610588590 |
| 338    | "COMPACT"           | "FINISHED" | 1610551821 | 1610552355 |
Got 2 rows (time spent 4264/5872 us)
  1. 查询该节点存在
(root@nebula) [yago]> fetch prop on Person "e51acdc4ae8125e4966b4feec468fcef"
| VertexID                           |    | Person.yago_url                                     |
| "e51acdc4ae8125e4966b4feec468fcef" | "Donald_Trump" | "<>" |
Got 1 rows (time spent 3151/4037 us)
  1. 第一种Match语句,查询有效
(root@nebula) [yago]> MATCH (v:Person) WHERE == "Donald_Trump" RETURN v;
| v                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
| ("e51acdc4ae8125e4966b4feec468fcef" :Thing{name: "Donald_Trump", yago_url: "<>"} :Person{name: "Donald_Trump", yago_url: "<>"}) |
Got 1 rows (time spent 12229/13485 us)
  1. 第二种match语句会拉满内存,直接关了docker,就不贴了。



(root@nebula) [yago]> PROFILE format="row" MATCH (v:Person) WHERE == "Donald_Trump" RETURN v;
| v                                                                                                                                                                                                                             |
| ("e51acdc4ae8125e4966b4feec468fcef" :Thing{name: "Donald_Trump", yago_url: "<>"} :Person{name: "Donald_Trump", yago_url: "<>"}) |
Got 1 rows (time spent 16857/18135 us)

Execution Plan

| id | name        | dependencies | profiling data                                       | operator info                                                                                                                                     |
|  9 | Project     | 8            | ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 34us, totalTime: 35us     | outputVar: [{"colNames":["v"],"name":"__Project_9","type":"DATASET"}]                                                                             |
|    |             |              |                                                      | inputVar: __Filter_8                                                                                                                              |
|    |             |              |                                                      | columns: ["$v"]                                                                                                                                   |
|  8 | Filter      | 7            | ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 2us, totalTime: 6us       | outputVar: [{"colNames":["v","__COL_0"],"name":"__Filter_8","type":"DATASET"}]                                                                    |
|    |             |              |                                                      | inputVar: __Filter_7                                                                                                                              |
|    |             |              |                                                      | condition: ($                                                                                                                |
|  7 | Filter      | 6            | ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 35us, totalTime: 36us     | outputVar: [{"colNames":["v","__COL_0"],"name":"__Filter_7","type":"DATASET"}]                                                                    |
|    |             |              |                                                      | inputVar: __Project_6                                                                                                                             |
|    |             |              |                                                      | condition: (hasSameEdgeInPath($-.__COL_0)==false)                                                                                                 |
|  6 | Project     | 5            | ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 27us, totalTime: 28us     | outputVar: [{"colNames":["v","__COL_0"],"name":"__Project_6","type":"DATASET"}]                                                                   |
|    |             |              |                                                      | inputVar: __Project_5                                                                                                                             |
|    |             |              |                                                      | columns: ["startNode($-._path) AS v","reversePath(PathBuild[$-._path]) AS __COL_0"]                                                               |
|  5 | Project     | 4            | ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 1018us, totalTime: 1020us | outputVar: [{"colNames":["_path"],"name":"__Project_5","type":"DATASET"}]                                                                         |
|    |             |              |                                                      | inputVar: __Filter_4                                                                                                                              |
|    |             |              |                                                      | columns: ["PathBuild[VERTEX]"]                                                                                                                    |
|  4 | Filter      | 3            | ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 344us, totalTime: 346us   | outputVar: [{"colNames":[],"name":"__Filter_4","type":"DATASET"}]                                                                                 |
|    |             |              |                                                      | inputVar: __GetVertices_3                                                                                                                         |
|    |             |              |                                                      | condition: (Person IN tags(VERTEX))                                                                                                               |
|  3 | GetVertices | 2            | ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 852us, totalTime: 10779us | outputVar: [{"colNames":[],"name":"__GetVertices_3","type":"DATASET"}]                                                                            |
|    |             |              |                                                      | inputVar: __Dedup_2                                                                                                                               |
|    |             |              |                                                      | space: 1                                                                                                                                          |
|    |             |              |                                                      | dedup: false                                                                                                                                      |
|    |             |              |                                                      | limit: 9223372036854775807                                                                                                                        |
|    |             |              |                                                      | filter:                                                                                                                                           |
|    |             |              |                                                      | orderBy: []                                                                                                                                       |
|    |             |              |                                                      | src: $-._vid                                                                                                                                      |
|    |             |              |                                                      | props: []                                                                                                                                         |
|    |             |              |                                                      | exprs: []                                                                                                                                         |
|  2 | Dedup       | 1            | ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 10us, totalTime: 18us     | outputVar: [{"colNames":["_vid"],"name":"__Dedup_2","type":"DATASET"}]                                                                            |
|    |             |              |                                                      | inputVar: __Project_1                                                                                                                             |
|  1 | Project     | 12           | ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 43us, totalTime: 45us     | outputVar: [{"colNames":["_vid"],"name":"__Project_1","type":"DATASET"}]                                                                          |
|    |             |              |                                                      | inputVar: __IndexScan_0                                                                                                                           |
|    |             |              |                                                      | columns: ["$_vid"]                                                                                                                                |
| 12 | IndexScan   | 11           | ver: 0, rows: 1, execTime: 0us, totalTime: 3425us    | outputVar: [{"colNames":["_vid"],"name":"__IndexScan_0","type":"DATASET"}]                                                                        |
|    |             |              |                                                      | inputVar:                                                                                                                                         |
|    |             |              |                                                      | space: 1                                                                                                                                          |
|    |             |              |                                                      | dedup: false                                                                                                                                      |
|    |             |              |                                                      | limit: 9223372036854775807                                                                                                                        |
|    |             |              |                                                      | filter:                                                                                                                                           |
|    |             |              |                                                      | orderBy: []                                                                                                                                       |
|    |             |              |                                                      | schemaId: 25                                                                                                                                      |
|    |             |              |                                                      | isEdge: false                                                                                                                                     |
|    |             |              |                                                      | returnCols: ["_vid"]                                                                                                                              |
|    |             |              |                                                      | indexCtx: [{"columnHints":[{"endValue":"__EMPTY__","beginValue":"Donald_Trump","column":"name","scanType":"PREFIX"}],"index_id":339,"filter":""}] |
| 11 | Start       |              | ver: 0, rows: 0, execTime: 2us, totalTime: 94us      | outputVar: [{"colNames":[],"name":"__Start_11","type":"DATASET"}]                                                                                 |

Wed, 13 Jan 2021 22:26:02 EST


(root@nebula) [yago]> EXPLAIN format="row" match (v: Person{name: "Donald_Trump"}) return v;
Execution succeeded (time spent 639/1816 us)

Execution Plan

| id | name        | dependencies | profiling data | operator info                                                                       |
|  8 | Project     | 7            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["v"],"name":"__Project_8","type":"DATASET"}]               |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __Filter_7                                                                |
|    |             |              |                | columns: ["$v"]                                                                     |
|  7 | Filter      | 6            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["v","__COL_0"],"name":"__Filter_7","type":"DATASET"}]      |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __Project_6                                                               |
|    |             |              |                | condition: (hasSameEdgeInPath($-.__COL_0)==false)                                   |
|  6 | Project     | 5            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["v","__COL_0"],"name":"__Project_6","type":"DATASET"}]     |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __Project_5                                                               |
|    |             |              |                | columns: ["startNode($-._path) AS v","reversePath(PathBuild[$-._path]) AS __COL_0"] |
|  5 | Project     | 4            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["_path"],"name":"__Project_5","type":"DATASET"}]           |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __Filter_4                                                                |
|    |             |              |                | columns: ["PathBuild[VERTEX]"]                                                      |
|  4 | Filter      | 3            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":[],"name":"__Filter_4","type":"DATASET"}]                   |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __GetVertices_3                                                           |
|    |             |              |                | condition: (                                              |
|  3 | GetVertices | 2            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":[],"name":"__GetVertices_3","type":"DATASET"}]              |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __Dedup_2                                                                 |
|    |             |              |                | space: 1                                                                            |
|    |             |              |                | dedup: false                                                                        |
|    |             |              |                | limit: 9223372036854775807                                                          |
|    |             |              |                | filter:                                                                             |
|    |             |              |                | orderBy: []                                                                         |
|    |             |              |                | src: $-._vid                                                                        |
|    |             |              |                | props: []                                                                           |
|    |             |              |                | exprs: []                                                                           |
|  2 | Dedup       | 1            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["_vid"],"name":"__Dedup_2","type":"DATASET"}]              |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __Project_1                                                               |
|  1 | Project     | 11           |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["_vid"],"name":"__Project_1","type":"DATASET"}]            |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __IndexScan_0                                                             |
|    |             |              |                | columns: ["$_vid"]                                                                  |
| 11 | IndexScan   | 10           |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["_vid"],"name":"__IndexScan_0","type":"DATASET"}]          |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar:                                                                           |
|    |             |              |                | space: 1                                                                            |
|    |             |              |                | dedup: false                                                                        |
|    |             |              |                | limit: 9223372036854775807                                                          |
|    |             |              |                | filter:                                                                             |
|    |             |              |                | orderBy: []                                                                         |
|    |             |              |                | schemaId: 25                                                                        |
|    |             |              |                | isEdge: false                                                                       |
|    |             |              |                | returnCols: ["_vid"]                                                                |
|    |             |              |                | indexCtx: [{"columnHints":[],"index_id":339,"filter":""}]                           |
| 10 | Start       |              |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":[],"name":"__Start_10","type":"DATASET"}]                   |

Wed, 13 Jan 2021 22:27:07 EST

通过对比观察,二者只在id为4的步骤不同,初步想法是第一种match命中了tag的index,记录为condition: (Person IN tags(VERTEX)),第二种match没命中,所以要在所有节点中搜索,记录为condition: (,但是很奇怪是什么造成了这种情况呢?

1 个赞


你可以执行 show hosts看下集群的状态吗?


(root@nebula) [yago]> show hosts
| Host        | Port      | Status    | Leader count | Leader distribution  | Partition distribution |
| "storaged0" | 9779      | "ONLINE"  | 0            | "No valid partition" | "yago:15"              |
| "storaged1" | 9779      | "ONLINE"  | 15           | "yago:15"            | "yago:15"              |
| "storaged2" | 9779      | "ONLINE"  | 0            | "No valid partition" | "yago:15"              |
| "Total"     | __EMPTY__ | __EMPTY__ | 15           | "yago:15"            | "yago:45"              |
Got 4 rows (time spent 2927/3978 us)


(root@nebula) [yago]> balance leader
Execution succeeded (time spent 5172613/5174178 us)

Wed, 13 Jan 2021 22:40:19 EST

(root@nebula) [yago]> show hosts
| Host        | Port      | Status    | Leader count | Leader distribution | Partition distribution |
| "storaged0" | 9779      | "ONLINE"  | 5            | "yago:5"            | "yago:15"              |
| "storaged1" | 9779      | "ONLINE"  | 5            | "yago:5"            | "yago:15"              |
| "storaged2" | 9779      | "ONLINE"  | 5            | "yago:5"            | "yago:15"              |
| "Total"     | __EMPTY__ | __EMPTY__ | 15           | "yago:15"           | "yago:45"              |
Got 4 rows (time spent 2347/3395 us)

Wed, 13 Jan 2021 22:40:21 EST



(root@nebula) [yago]> EXPLAIN format="row" match (v: Person{name: "Donald_Trump"}) return v;
Execution succeeded (time spent 1281/2727 us)

Execution Plan

| id | name        | dependencies | profiling data | operator info                                                                       |
|  8 | Project     | 7            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["v"],"name":"__Project_8","type":"DATASET"}]               |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __Filter_7                                                                |
|    |             |              |                | columns: ["$v"]                                                                     |
|  7 | Filter      | 6            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["v","__COL_0"],"name":"__Filter_7","type":"DATASET"}]      |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __Project_6                                                               |
|    |             |              |                | condition: (hasSameEdgeInPath($-.__COL_0)==false)                                   |
|  6 | Project     | 5            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["v","__COL_0"],"name":"__Project_6","type":"DATASET"}]     |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __Project_5                                                               |
|    |             |              |                | columns: ["startNode($-._path) AS v","reversePath(PathBuild[$-._path]) AS __COL_0"] |
|  5 | Project     | 4            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["_path"],"name":"__Project_5","type":"DATASET"}]           |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __Filter_4                                                                |
|    |             |              |                | columns: ["PathBuild[VERTEX]"]                                                      |
|  4 | Filter      | 3            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":[],"name":"__Filter_4","type":"DATASET"}]                   |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __GetVertices_3                                                           |
|    |             |              |                | condition: (                                              |
|  3 | GetVertices | 2            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":[],"name":"__GetVertices_3","type":"DATASET"}]              |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __Dedup_2                                                                 |
|    |             |              |                | space: 1                                                                            |
|    |             |              |                | dedup: false                                                                        |
|    |             |              |                | limit: 9223372036854775807                                                          |
|    |             |              |                | filter:                                                                             |
|    |             |              |                | orderBy: []                                                                         |
|    |             |              |                | src: $-._vid                                                                        |
|    |             |              |                | props: []                                                                           |
|    |             |              |                | exprs: []                                                                           |
|  2 | Dedup       | 1            |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["_vid"],"name":"__Dedup_2","type":"DATASET"}]              |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __Project_1                                                               |
|  1 | Project     | 11           |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["_vid"],"name":"__Project_1","type":"DATASET"}]            |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar: __IndexScan_0                                                             |
|    |             |              |                | columns: ["$_vid"]                                                                  |
| 11 | IndexScan   | 10           |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":["_vid"],"name":"__IndexScan_0","type":"DATASET"}]          |
|    |             |              |                | inputVar:                                                                           |
|    |             |              |                | space: 1                                                                            |
|    |             |              |                | dedup: false                                                                        |
|    |             |              |                | limit: 9223372036854775807                                                          |
|    |             |              |                | filter:                                                                             |
|    |             |              |                | orderBy: []                                                                         |
|    |             |              |                | schemaId: 25                                                                        |
|    |             |              |                | isEdge: false                                                                       |
|    |             |              |                | returnCols: ["_vid"]                                                                |
|    |             |              |                | indexCtx: [{"columnHints":[],"index_id":339,"filter":""}]                           |
| 10 | Start       |              |                | outputVar: [{"colNames":[],"name":"__Start_10","type":"DATASET"}]                   |

Wed, 13 Jan 2021 22:43:19 EST

初步怀疑是 match 的索引选择策略的问题,等会定位一下,如果找到具体原因会在这里同步


Log file created at: 2021/01/14 02:24:09
Running on machine: 27efecae786b
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I0114 02:24:09.391011     1 GraphDaemon.cpp:106] Starting Graph HTTP Service
I0114 02:24:09.409101     7 WebService.cpp:143] Web service started on HTTP[19669], HTTP2[19670]
I0114 02:24:09.409242     1 GraphDaemon.cpp:120] Number of networking IO threads: 16
I0114 02:24:09.409292     1 GraphDaemon.cpp:129] Number of worker threads: 16
I0114 02:24:09.410704     1 MetaClient.cpp:49] Create meta client to [metad0:9559]
I0114 02:24:09.411348     1 GflagsManager.cpp:138] Prepare to register 5 gflags to meta
I0114 02:24:09.414790    14 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad0:9559] as []
E0114 02:24:12.424711    14 MetaClient.cpp:583] Send request to [metad0:9559], exceed retry limit
E0114 02:24:12.425490     1 MetaClient.cpp:62] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: N6apache6thrift9transport19TTransportExceptionE: AsyncSocketException: connect failed, type = Socket not open, errno = 111 (Connection refused): Connection refused
I0114 02:24:12.425567     1 MetaClient.cpp:87] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
I0114 02:24:14.432709    15 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.461242    16 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.464474    17 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.467691    18 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.470516    19 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.473217    20 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.475855    21 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.479352    22 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.483134    23 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.486368    24 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.488945    25 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.491657    26 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.493719    27 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.495218     1 MetaClient.cpp:2779] Register gflags ok 5
I0114 02:24:14.495853    28 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.497519     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Register time task for heartbeat!
I0114 02:24:14.497758     1 GraphDaemon.cpp:161] Starting nebula-graphd on
I0114 02:24:17.562451    29 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:20.594825    14 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:42.234146    52 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 02:24:54.954192    52 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 02:24:58.536974    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 02:25:24.364297    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 02:25:41.573112    49 MetaClient.cpp:2992] Load leader of [storaged0:9779] in 0 space
I0114 02:25:41.573261    49 MetaClient.cpp:2992] Load leader of [storaged1:9779] in 1 space
I0114 02:25:41.573303    49 MetaClient.cpp:2992] Load leader of [storaged2:9779] in 0 space
I0114 02:25:41.573320    49 MetaClient.cpp:2995] Load leader ok
I0114 02:25:41.574518    14 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 02:25:41.579962    15 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 02:26:09.884568    52 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 02:26:40.868969    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 02:26:47.175619    24 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 02:26:47.180173    25 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
E0114 02:27:16.378355    52 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `"'
I0114 02:31:52.848975    18 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 02:31:52.853808    19 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 02:32:13.323390    52 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
E0114 02:34:00.398609    51 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SemanticError: `(Geoffrey_Hinton-[award])' is not a valid expression, can not apply `-' to `STRING' and `LIST'.
I0114 02:35:03.138113    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 02:35:07.669975    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
E0114 02:35:26.708916    52 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `"'
E0114 02:36:45.483920    52 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `prop'
E0114 02:40:52.602140    52 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `prop'
E0114 02:41:06.066617    52 QueryInstance.cpp:120] TagName `person'  is nonexistent
I0114 03:00:10.402465    27 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 03:00:26.737128    21 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 03:07:31.935456    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 03:07:38.723028    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 03:22:36.163472    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 03:22:49.013614    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 03:26:02.509470    16 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 03:38:36.631752    50 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 03:38:42.963084    49 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1


Log file created at: 2021/01/14 02:24:10
Running on machine: 240c19801420
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I0114 02:24:10.571223     1 StorageDaemon.cpp:91] host = [storaged0:9779]
I0114 02:24:10.582728     1 MetaClient.cpp:49] Create meta client to [metad0:9559]
I0114 02:24:10.583670     1 GflagsManager.cpp:138] Prepare to register 12 gflags to meta
W0114 02:24:10.583777     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
I0114 02:24:10.587268    48 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad2:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:13.597898    48 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
E0114 02:24:13.598819    48 MetaClient.cpp:583] Send request to [metad1:9559], exceed retry limit
E0114 02:24:13.599339     1 MetaClient.cpp:62] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: N6apache6thrift9transport19TTransportExceptionE: AsyncSocketException: connect failed, type = Socket not open, errno = 111 (Connection refused): Connection refused
I0114 02:24:13.599427     1 MetaClient.cpp:87] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W0114 02:24:15.600350     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
I0114 02:24:15.605530    49 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad0:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.620411    49 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.639596    49 MetaClient.cpp:2285] Persisit the cluster Id from metad 5515666330599404307
I0114 02:24:16.639763    49 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:23] Remove the existed file
I0114 02:24:16.640065    49 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:36] Persiste clusterId 5515666330599404307 succeeded!
I0114 02:24:16.643977    50 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.656442    51 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.669404    52 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.676986    53 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.688856    54 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.699465    55 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.739449    56 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.751875    57 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.764174    58 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.773332    59 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.782418    60 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.785753    61 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.789310     1 MetaClient.cpp:2779] Register gflags ok 12
I0114 02:24:16.791426    62 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.796156     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Register time task for heartbeat!
I0114 02:24:16.796247     1 StorageServer.cpp:140] Init schema manager
I0114 02:24:16.796267     1 StorageServer.cpp:143] Init index manager
I0114 02:24:16.796329     1 StorageServer.cpp:146] Init kvstore
I0114 02:24:16.796392     1 NebulaStore.cpp:47] Start the raft service...
I0114 02:24:16.799734     1 RaftexService.cpp:65] Init thrift server for raft service, port: 9780
I0114 02:24:16.804160    69 RaftexService.cpp:99] Starting the Raftex Service
I0114 02:24:16.837441    69 RaftexService.cpp:87] Starting the Raftex Service on 9780
I0114 02:24:16.837646    69 RaftexService.cpp:111] Start the Raftex Service successfully
I0114 02:24:16.838382     1 NebulaStore.cpp:75] Scan the local path, and init the spaces_
I0114 02:24:16.838646     1 NebulaStore.cpp:81] Scan path "/data/storage/1"
I0114 02:24:16.838963     1 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option max_bytes_for_level_base=268435456
I0114 02:24:16.839303     1 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option write_buffer_size=67108864
I0114 02:24:16.840394     1 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option max_write_buffer_number=4
I0114 02:24:16.843528     1 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option block_size=8192
I0114 02:24:17.594785     1 RocksEngine.cpp:105] open rocksdb on /data/storage/nebula/1/data
I0114 02:24:17.598641     1 NebulaStore.cpp:111] Load space 1 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.600461     1 NebulaStore.cpp:146] Need to open 15 parts of space 1
I0114 02:24:17.614552    65 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/1/0000000000000078595.wal
I0114 02:24:17.614821    67 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/3/0000000000000078563.wal
I0114 02:24:17.615317    68 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/4/0000000000000078643.wal
I0114 02:24:17.617938    68 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.617784    65 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.617787    67 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.617481    66 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] lastLogId in wal is 78765, lastLogTerm is 4, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/2/0000000000000078536.wal
I0114 02:24:17.618607    66 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78765, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78764, term 4
I0114 02:24:17.618727    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.618893    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.619191    66 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 2 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.618350    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.618448    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.618233    68 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.620594    68 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.620417    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.620514    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.620290    66 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/6/0000000000000078665.wal
I0114 02:24:17.621464    66 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.621515    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.621559    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.621116    65 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 1 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.621346    67 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 3 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.621619    66 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 6 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.620851    68 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 4 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.622747    67 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/7/0000000000000078659.wal
I0114 02:24:17.623067    65 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] lastLogId in wal is 78766, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/5/0000000000000078608.wal
I0114 02:24:17.625363    66 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/10/0000000000000078529.wal
I0114 02:24:17.627964    65 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78766, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78765, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.627632    68 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/8/0000000000000078556.wal
I0114 02:24:17.627792    67 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.628118    68 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.628139    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628026    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628192    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628047    66 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.628168    68 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628217    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628273    67 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 7 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.628331    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628577    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628482    65 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 5 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.628408    68 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.632083    68 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 8 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.629621    67 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] lastLogId in wal is 78768, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/11/0000000000000078667.wal
I0114 02:24:17.631938    65 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] lastLogId in wal is 78768, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/9/0000000000000078546.wal
I0114 02:24:17.628648    66 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 10 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.633857    68 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] lastLogId in wal is 78768, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/12/0000000000000078573.wal
I0114 02:24:17.634008    67 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.634100    65 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.634253    68 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.636535    68 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.636585    68 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.636305    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.636162    66 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] lastLogId in wal is 78767, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/14/0000000000000078563.wal
I0114 02:24:17.636464    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.636662    68 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 12 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.636801    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.636898    66 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78767, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78766, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.637034    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.637506    67 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 11 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.637627    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.637822    65 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 9 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.638432    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.640410    67 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] lastLogId in wal is 78766, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/15/0000000000000078629.wal
I0114 02:24:17.643723    65 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] lastLogId in wal is 78768, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/13/0000000000000078562.wal
I0114 02:24:17.643916    66 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 14 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.647681    67 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78766, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78765, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.648582    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.648789    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.648916    67 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 15 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.647907    65 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.649379    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.649585    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.649788    65 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 13 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.650017     1 NebulaStore.cpp:192] Load space 1 complete
I0114 02:24:17.650271     1 NebulaStore.cpp:201] Init data from partManager for [storaged0:9779]
I0114 02:24:17.650514     1 NebulaStore.cpp:293] Data space 1 has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.650732     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 1] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.650925     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 2] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.651113     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 3] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.651253     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 4] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.652349     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 5] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.652545     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 6] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.652698     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 7] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.652863     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 8] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.653124     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 9] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.653306     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 10] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.653448     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 11] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.653576     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 12] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.653654     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 13] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.654348     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 14] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.655416     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 15] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.656412     1 NebulaStore.cpp:68] Register handler...
I0114 02:24:17.657369     1 StorageServer.cpp:84] Starting Storage HTTP Service
I0114 02:24:17.658119     1 StorageServer.cpp:88] Http Thread Pool started
I0114 02:24:17.680155    95 WebService.cpp:143] Web service started on HTTP[19779], HTTP2[19780]
I0114 02:24:17.680405     1 AdminTaskManager.cpp:17] max concurrenct subtasks: 10
I0114 02:24:17.681560     1 AdminTaskManager.cpp:27] exit AdminTaskManager::init()
I0114 02:24:17.681717   101 AdminTaskManager.cpp:89] waiting for incoming task
I0114 02:24:17.683504   103 StorageServer.cpp:219] The admin service start on [storaged0:9778]
I0114 02:24:17.697201   104 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.697459   104 StorageServer.cpp:242] The internal storage service start(same with admin) on [storaged0:9777]
I0114 02:24:17.707191   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.716306   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.725968   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.735292   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.744856   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.754057   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.762343   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.771133   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.779908   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.780109   102 StorageServer.cpp:192] The storage service start on [storaged0:9779]
I0114 02:24:20.685704    63 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:46.406826    45 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 78765, lastLogTerm = 4
I0114 02:24:46.407007    45 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78765, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78764, term 4
I0114 02:24:46.407100    45 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.411219    45 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 5]
I0114 02:24:46.411346    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.450525    45 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.450621    45 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.450654    45 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.454005    45 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.454116    66 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.510411    45 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.510500    45 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.510542    45 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.513837    45 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.514008    67 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.656741    45 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78766, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.656867    45 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78766, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78765, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.656901    45 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.659977    45 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.661371    68 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.823891    45 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.823945    45 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.823999    45 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.824846    45 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.824961    45 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.825162    45 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.828760    45 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.828979    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.829113    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.831228    66 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.847554    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78766, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.847604    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78766, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78765, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.847633    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.850749    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.850900    67 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.858781    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.858906    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.858937    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.861869    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.862241    68 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.884981    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.885028    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.885074    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.886341    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.886477    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.922374    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78768, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.922529    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.922560    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.923751    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.923899    66 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.994940    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78767, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.995069    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78767, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78766, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.995100    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.996512    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.997622    67 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.001471    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:47.001519    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:47.001547    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.002840    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:47.002948    68 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.080461    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78768, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:47.080518    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:47.080547    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.081672    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:47.081859    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.099023    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78768, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:47.099081    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:47.099110    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.100227    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:47.100322    66 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.207676    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78768, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:47.207731    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:47.207760    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.209012    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:47.209172    67 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:44:17.675513    71 EventListner.h:18] Rocksdb start compaction column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 0, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 02:44:17.676434    71 CompactionFilter.h:62] Do custom minor compaction!
I0114 02:44:18.164803    71 EventListner.h:30] Rocksdb compaction completed column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 1, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 03:24:17.733749    71 EventListner.h:18] Rocksdb start compaction column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 0, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 03:24:17.734477    71 CompactionFilter.h:66] Do default minor compaction!
I0114 03:24:18.184443    71 EventListner.h:30] Rocksdb compaction completed column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 1, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 03:40:13.915889    44 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] preprocess trans leader [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.925108    44 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.925166    44 RaftPart.cpp:400] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] I will be the new leader, trigger leader election now!
I0114 03:40:13.925299    35 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] preprocess trans leader [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.925511    35 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.925779    35 RaftPart.cpp:400] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] I will be the new leader, trigger leader election now!
I0114 03:40:13.925982    44 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] preprocess trans leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.926029    44 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.926060    44 RaftPart.cpp:398] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] I am follower, just wait for the new leader.
I0114 03:40:13.926107    67 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 12, term = 5, lastLogId = 78996, lastLogTerm = 4, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
I0114 03:40:13.925448    66 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 15, term = 5, lastLogId = 78994, lastLogTerm = 4, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
I0114 03:40:13.926584    44 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] preprocess trans leader [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.928236    38 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] preprocess trans leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.929345    38 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.929419    38 RaftPart.cpp:398] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] I am follower, just wait for the new leader.
I0114 03:40:13.926790    35 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] preprocess trans leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.935485    35 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.935559    35 RaftPart.cpp:398] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] I am follower, just wait for the new leader.
I0114 03:40:13.928313    58 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.928690    59 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.928301    44 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.937891    44 RaftPart.cpp:400] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] I will be the new leader, trigger leader election now!
I0114 03:40:13.936110    38 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] preprocess trans leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.938057    68 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 7, term = 5, lastLogId = 78997, lastLogTerm = 4, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
I0114 03:40:13.938407    58 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.938625    44 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] preprocess trans leader [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.948118    44 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.948208    44 RaftPart.cpp:400] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] I will be the new leader, trigger leader election now!
I0114 03:40:13.939438    35 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] preprocess trans leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.949621    31 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 78996, lastLogTerm = 4
I0114 03:40:13.947170    33 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] preprocess trans leader [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.947600    60 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.947712    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 78997, lastLogTerm = 4
I0114 03:40:13.938630    59 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.939235    38 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.968609    38 RaftPart.cpp:398] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] I am follower, just wait for the new leader.
I0114 03:40:13.948374    65 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 1, term = 5, lastLogId = 78997, lastLogTerm = 4, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
I0114 03:40:13.968936    67 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 5
I0114 03:40:13.969627    67 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 03:40:13.949895    33 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.970667    33 RaftPart.cpp:400] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] I will be the new leader, trigger leader election now!
I0114 03:40:13.958273    60 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.949054    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 78995, lastLogTerm = 4
I0114 03:40:13.971206    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78995, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78994, term 4
I0114 03:40:13.969178    31 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78996, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78995, term 4
I0114 03:40:13.979492    31 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.970297    61 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.970631    62 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78996, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.957818    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78997, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78996, term 4
I0114 03:40:13.970932    67 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 3, term = 5, lastLogId = 78997, lastLogTerm = 4, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
I0114 03:40:13.949636    35 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.986089    35 RaftPart.cpp:398] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] I am follower, just wait for the new leader.
I0114 03:40:13.939674    43 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 78996, lastLogTerm = 4
I0114 03:40:13.986414    43 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78996, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78995, term 4
I0114 03:40:13.986461    43 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.985442    61 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.985654    62 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.985977    63 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.972010    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.979761    66 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 5
I0114 03:40:13.984695    39 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.988982    63 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.986794    68 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 5
I0114 03:40:13.989111    68 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 03:40:13.987746    62 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78996, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.988914    66 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 03:40:13.989539    48 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78997, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.990823    65 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 5
I0114 03:40:13.991848    65 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 03:40:13.991118    49 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78994, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.991026    62 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.992985    49 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.993536    49 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78994, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.992132    48 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.992229    50 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78997, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.994242    39 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 5]
I0114 03:40:13.995509    49 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.995602    48 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78997, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.996016    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 5]
I0114 03:40:13.996714    50 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.997206    67 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 5
I0114 03:40:14.013422    67 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 03:40:14.003149    68 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.004107    44 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Commit transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.013993    44 RaftPart.cpp:436] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] I am already the leader!
I0114 03:40:14.003167    48 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:14.013712    67 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.013830    51 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78997, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:14.004217    50 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78997, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:14.014269    44 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Commit transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.016618    44 RaftPart.cpp:436] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] I am already the leader!
I0114 03:40:14.015559    43 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 78997, lastLogTerm = 4
I0114 03:40:14.024797    43 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78997, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78996, term 4
I0114 03:40:14.024852    43 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.016938    51 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:14.017607    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 5]
I0114 03:40:14.015040    39 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 5]
I0114 03:40:14.031862    66 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.024900    35 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Commit transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.032462    35 RaftPart.cpp:436] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] I am already the leader!
I0114 03:40:14.016913    50 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:14.032055    51 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78997, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:14.032025    67 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.033939    51 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:14.034256    35 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Commit transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.042384    35 RaftPart.cpp:436] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] I am already the leader!
I0114 03:40:14.042941    35 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Commit transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.043035    35 RaftPart.cpp:436] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] I am already the leader!
I0114 03:40:14.054433    35 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 5]
I0114 03:40:14.054597    68 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:30.500941    44 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Commit transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:30.500978    43 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Commit transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:30.501534    43 RaftPart.cpp:442] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] I am Follower, just wait for the new leader!
I0114 03:40:30.501060    35 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Commit transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:30.501760    35 RaftPart.cpp:442] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] I am Follower, just wait for the new leader!
I0114 03:40:30.501130    39 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Commit transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:30.501879    39 RaftPart.cpp:442] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] I am Follower, just wait for the new leader!
I0114 03:40:30.500998    31 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Commit transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:30.501986    31 RaftPart.cpp:442] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] I am Follower, just wait for the new leader!
I0114 03:40:30.501425    44 RaftPart.cpp:442] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] I am Follower, just wait for the new leader!
I0114 03:40:50.534083    53 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.534570    54 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.534723    56 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.534768    57 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.534921    55 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.536847    54 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.537333    56 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.537498    57 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.535684    53 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.537771    55 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:41:10.554819    52 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:41:10.556113    52 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []

初步定位是一个 bug,正在修,好了会把 PR 发这里。感谢你的反馈


你上面的失败的操作时间和你日志时间都是不同一天,你上面截图失败的是昨天的操作,你今天还有这样的失败吗?假如没有,昨天的失败可能是因为leader change,或者storage服务断开连接了,所以有这样的失败。


[yc@bigbro ~]$ date
Thu Jan 14 01:29:17 EST 2021

但是不知道为什么日志里会有2021/01/14 02:24:10这样超出当前时间的记录,这是当前日志文件中时间最新的一个日志。






Log file created at: 2021/01/14 02:24:09
Running on machine: 27efecae786b
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I0114 02:24:09.391011     1 GraphDaemon.cpp:106] Starting Graph HTTP Service
I0114 02:24:09.409101     7 WebService.cpp:143] Web service started on HTTP[19669], HTTP2[19670]
I0114 02:24:09.409242     1 GraphDaemon.cpp:120] Number of networking IO threads: 16
I0114 02:24:09.409292     1 GraphDaemon.cpp:129] Number of worker threads: 16
I0114 02:24:09.410704     1 MetaClient.cpp:49] Create meta client to [metad0:9559]
I0114 02:24:09.411348     1 GflagsManager.cpp:138] Prepare to register 5 gflags to meta
I0114 02:24:09.414790    14 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad0:9559] as []
E0114 02:24:12.424711    14 MetaClient.cpp:583] Send request to [metad0:9559], exceed retry limit
E0114 02:24:12.425490     1 MetaClient.cpp:62] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: N6apache6thrift9transport19TTransportExceptionE: AsyncSocketException: connect failed, type = Socket not open, errno = 111 (Connection refused): Connection refused
I0114 02:24:12.425567     1 MetaClient.cpp:87] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
I0114 02:24:14.432709    15 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.461242    16 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.464474    17 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.467691    18 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.470516    19 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.473217    20 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.475855    21 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.479352    22 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.483134    23 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.486368    24 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.488945    25 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.491657    26 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.493719    27 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.495218     1 MetaClient.cpp:2779] Register gflags ok 5
I0114 02:24:14.495853    28 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:14.497519     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Register time task for heartbeat!
I0114 02:24:14.497758     1 GraphDaemon.cpp:161] Starting nebula-graphd on
I0114 02:24:17.562451    29 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:20.594825    14 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:42.234146    52 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 02:24:54.954192    52 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 02:24:58.536974    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 02:25:24.364297    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 02:25:41.573112    49 MetaClient.cpp:2992] Load leader of [storaged0:9779] in 0 space
I0114 02:25:41.573261    49 MetaClient.cpp:2992] Load leader of [storaged1:9779] in 1 space
I0114 02:25:41.573303    49 MetaClient.cpp:2992] Load leader of [storaged2:9779] in 0 space
I0114 02:25:41.573320    49 MetaClient.cpp:2995] Load leader ok
I0114 02:25:41.574518    14 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 02:25:41.579962    15 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 02:26:09.884568    52 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 02:26:40.868969    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 02:26:47.175619    24 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 02:26:47.180173    25 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
E0114 02:27:16.378355    52 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `"'
I0114 02:31:52.848975    18 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 02:31:52.853808    19 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 02:32:13.323390    52 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
E0114 02:34:00.398609    51 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SemanticError: `(Geoffrey_Hinton-[award])' is not a valid expression, can not apply `-' to `STRING' and `LIST'.
I0114 02:35:03.138113    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 02:35:07.669975    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
E0114 02:35:26.708916    52 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `"'
E0114 02:36:45.483920    52 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `prop'
E0114 02:40:52.602140    52 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `prop'
E0114 02:41:06.066617    52 QueryInstance.cpp:120] TagName `person'  is nonexistent
I0114 03:00:10.402465    27 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 03:00:26.737128    21 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 03:07:31.935456    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 03:07:38.723028    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 03:22:36.163472    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 03:22:49.013614    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 03:26:02.509470    16 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 03:38:36.631752    50 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 03:38:42.963084    49 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 04:27:20.776347    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 04:27:27.514233    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 06:42:13.389153    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 06:42:18.333385    49 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 06:48:44.847055    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 06:48:44.858603    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `dns', space id: 341
I0114 06:49:30.739974    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 06:49:30.743947    50 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `dns', space id: 341
I0114 06:49:56.889195    19 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:49:56.891451    19 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:49:56.898169    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:56.899309    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 9] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:56.899708    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 14] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:56.900141    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 7] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:56.900713    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 12] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:56.901017    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 10] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:56.901355    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 3] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:56.901708    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 8] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:56.902175    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 2] to [storaged2:9779]
E0114 06:49:56.903132    51 QueryInstance.cpp:120] Request to storage failed, without failedCodes.
I0114 06:49:56.919486    20 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:49:56.921039    20 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:49:56.983069    22 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:49:56.985186    22 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:49:57.013913    23 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:49:57.015712    23 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
E0114 06:49:57.033493    51 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `VALUE'
E0114 06:49:57.034241    51 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `VALUE'
I0114 06:49:57.904374    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.905076    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.905380    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.905673    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.905943    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.906203    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.906461    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.906831    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.907925    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.913636    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 9] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.915772    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.917335    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 6] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.918538    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.918829    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.919028    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.919409    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 6] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.919973    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:57.920022    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.917209    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.917699    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.918809    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.919219    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.919518    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.920462    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.921859    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.925241    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.926614    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.927888    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 12] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.928164    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.931556    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 12] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.933485    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 12] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.934160    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 9] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.934720    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 8] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.934834    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 9] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.935202    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 9] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:58.935492    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 8] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.928694    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.931576    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.934330    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.934780    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.935050    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.935510    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 9] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.935783    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.936754    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.937870    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.938555    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.942538    19 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.944061    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.944372    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.944542    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.948215    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 6] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.948848    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.949004    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:49:59.949121    19 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [341, 6] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 06:52:26.103502    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 06:52:26.107103    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `dns', space id: 341
I0114 06:52:52.231837    21 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:52:52.233369    21 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:52:52.303933    24 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:52:52.305977    24 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:52:52.337491    25 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:52:52.339812    25 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
E0114 06:52:52.361057    49 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `VALUE'
E0114 06:52:52.361874    49 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `VALUE'
I0114 06:53:41.670069    49 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 06:53:41.673560    49 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `dns', space id: 341
E0114 06:54:07.919180    50 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `VALUE'
E0114 06:54:07.920397    50 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `VALUE'
I0114 06:54:51.143182    50 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 06:54:51.146836    52 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `dns', space id: 341
I0114 06:55:17.450094    26 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:17.452231    26 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:17.517176    28 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:17.519115    28 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:17.544261    29 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:17.545855    29 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:17.600553    15 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:17.602377    15 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:17.633191    16 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:17.634953    16 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:17.681078    18 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:17.683380    18 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:17.920351    27 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:17.922484    27 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:18.006947    14 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:18.009338    14 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:18.105902    17 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged0:9779] as []
I0114 06:55:18.107616    17 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9779] as []
I0114 06:58:41.449473    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `dns', space id: 341
I0114 06:59:22.484400    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 07:00:16.137347    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 07:00:19.900506    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `dns', space id: 341
E0114 07:00:27.718731    49 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `pid'
I0114 07:29:47.515492    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 07:29:47.527586    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `dns', space id: 350
I0114 07:41:41.645443    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 07:41:41.650610    51 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `dns', space id: 350
I0114 07:42:07.783203    22 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 07:42:07.797554    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:07.798590    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:07.799125    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:07.799615    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 15] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:07.800092    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 4] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:07.800917    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 12] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:07.801559    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 3] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:07.803568    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 7] to [storaged0:9779]
E0114 07:42:07.804563    51 QueryInstance.cpp:120] Request to storage failed, without failedCodes.
I0114 07:42:08.800124    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.800719    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.801997    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.802248    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.802722    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.804082    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.809530    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.811713    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.814129    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.815042    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.816020    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.816912    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.817430    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.817966    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 14] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.818275    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 2] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:08.818751    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 14] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.814309    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.817878    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.818143    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.818462    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.818758    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.819031    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.819833    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.822913    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.831715    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.833999    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.839740    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.841131    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 12] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.841224    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 12] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.841472    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.841517    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:09.841545    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 7] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.832914    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.840127    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.840801    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.841255    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.843384    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.851330    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.851745    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.851894    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.852110    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.852388    22 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.857244    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 2] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.858614    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 14] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.862351    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 13] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.865092    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 14] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.867676    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:42:10.869133    22 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [350, 5] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 07:43:45.239610    48 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 07:43:45.243935    49 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `dns', space id: 350
E0114 07:52:10.129721    51 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `areaid'
E0114 07:52:10.136752    51 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SyntaxError: syntax error near `areaid'
I0114 07:53:23.525394    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 07:53:23.529893    48 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `dns', space id: 350
I0114 08:16:47.078488    47 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 08:20:23.534905    52 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `dns', space id: 350
E0114 08:36:11.444515    50 QueryInstance.cpp:120] SemanticError: Space was not chosen.
I0114 08:36:16.503098    50 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `dns', space id: 350
I0114 09:38:44.262373    51 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
I0114 09:40:37.032991    50 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:43] Graph switched to `yago', space id: 1
I0114 09:42:55.540328    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:55.540581    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 3] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:55.540621    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 4] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 09:42:55.540652    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 7] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:55.540701    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 8] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 09:42:55.540745    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 11] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 09:42:55.540774    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 12] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:55.540800    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 13] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 09:42:55.540843    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 14] to [storaged2:9779]
I0114 09:42:55.540874    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 15] to [storaged0:9779]
E0114 09:42:55.541201    50 QueryInstance.cpp:120] Request to storage failed, without failedCodes.
I0114 09:42:56.542332    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.542815    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.542917    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.543104    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.543207    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.543323    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.543406    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.543486    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.543562    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.543679    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged2:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.549150    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.549338    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.549374    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.549491    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.549527    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.552307    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.552593    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.552736    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.552768    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:56.552872    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.551087    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.551486    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.551564    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.551651    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.551718    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.553146    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.553256    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.553349    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.553426    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.553488    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.553889    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.553946    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.553979    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.554004    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.554029    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.556191    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.556356    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.556391    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.556416    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:57.556440    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.554373    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.555472    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.556389    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.557411    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.558391    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.559806    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.561506    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.562393    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.563385    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.567529    14 StorageClientBase.inl:361] Send request to storage [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.568920    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.569391    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.570420    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.571339    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.572369    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 1] to [storaged0:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.574589    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.576340    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.578848    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.587393    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:42:58.599854    14 StorageClientBase.inl:138] Update the leader for [1, 2] to [storaged1:9779]
I0114 09:43:01.394858    17 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9779] as []
I0114 09:45:05.448356    52 GraphService.cpp:32] Authenticating user root from
E0114 09:45:32.580829    18 StorageClientBase.inl:223] Request to [storaged0:9779] failed: N6apache6thrift9transport19TTransportExceptionE: Timed Out
I0114 09:45:32.581753    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 3]
I0114 09:45:32.581789    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 1]
I0114 09:45:32.581815    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 15]
I0114 09:45:32.582001    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 12]
I0114 09:45:32.582084    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 7]
E0114 09:45:33.001637    18 StorageClientBase.inl:223] Request to [storaged2:9779] failed: N6apache6thrift9transport19TTransportExceptionE: Timed Out
I0114 09:45:33.002372    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 4]
I0114 09:45:33.002404    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 14]
I0114 09:45:33.002425    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 11]
I0114 09:45:33.002445    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 13]
I0114 09:45:33.002465    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 8]
E0114 09:45:33.401932    18 StorageClientBase.inl:223] Request to [storaged1:9779] failed: N6apache6thrift9transport19TTransportExceptionE: Timed Out
I0114 09:45:33.402495    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 6]
I0114 09:45:33.402542    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 2]
I0114 09:45:33.402575    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 10]
I0114 09:45:33.402603    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 5]
I0114 09:45:33.402624    18 StorageClientBase.inl:160] Invalidate the leader for [1, 9]
E0114 09:45:33.682868    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 9
E0114 09:45:33.683372    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 5
E0114 09:45:33.683418    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 10
E0114 09:45:33.683460    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 2
E0114 09:45:33.683495    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 6
E0114 09:45:33.683544    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 7
E0114 09:45:33.683584    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 12
E0114 09:45:33.683620    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 1
E0114 09:45:33.683665    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 15
E0114 09:45:33.688381    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 4
E0114 09:45:33.689380    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 3
E0114 09:45:33.691295    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 14
E0114 09:45:33.694387    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 11
E0114 09:45:33.701372    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 13
E0114 09:45:33.706355    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:32] GetVerticesExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 8
E0114 09:45:33.713363    52 QueryStorageExecutor.h:103] Storage Error: part: 9, error code: -3.
E0114 09:45:33.723603    50 QueryInstance.cpp:120] Storage Error: part: 9, error code: -3.


Log file created at: 2021/01/14 02:24:10
Running on machine: 240c19801420
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I0114 02:24:10.571223     1 StorageDaemon.cpp:91] host = [storaged0:9779]
I0114 02:24:10.582728     1 MetaClient.cpp:49] Create meta client to [metad0:9559]
I0114 02:24:10.583670     1 GflagsManager.cpp:138] Prepare to register 12 gflags to meta
W0114 02:24:10.583777     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
I0114 02:24:10.587268    48 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad2:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:13.597898    48 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
E0114 02:24:13.598819    48 MetaClient.cpp:583] Send request to [metad1:9559], exceed retry limit
E0114 02:24:13.599339     1 MetaClient.cpp:62] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: N6apache6thrift9transport19TTransportExceptionE: AsyncSocketException: connect failed, type = Socket not open, errno = 111 (Connection refused): Connection refused
I0114 02:24:13.599427     1 MetaClient.cpp:87] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W0114 02:24:15.600350     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
I0114 02:24:15.605530    49 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad0:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.620411    49 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.639596    49 MetaClient.cpp:2285] Persisit the cluster Id from metad 5515666330599404307
I0114 02:24:16.639763    49 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:23] Remove the existed file
I0114 02:24:16.640065    49 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:36] Persiste clusterId 5515666330599404307 succeeded!
I0114 02:24:16.643977    50 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.656442    51 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.669404    52 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.676986    53 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.688856    54 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.699465    55 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.739449    56 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.751875    57 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.764174    58 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.773332    59 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.782418    60 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.785753    61 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.789310     1 MetaClient.cpp:2779] Register gflags ok 12
I0114 02:24:16.791426    62 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:16.796156     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Register time task for heartbeat!
I0114 02:24:16.796247     1 StorageServer.cpp:140] Init schema manager
I0114 02:24:16.796267     1 StorageServer.cpp:143] Init index manager
I0114 02:24:16.796329     1 StorageServer.cpp:146] Init kvstore
I0114 02:24:16.796392     1 NebulaStore.cpp:47] Start the raft service...
I0114 02:24:16.799734     1 RaftexService.cpp:65] Init thrift server for raft service, port: 9780
I0114 02:24:16.804160    69 RaftexService.cpp:99] Starting the Raftex Service
I0114 02:24:16.837441    69 RaftexService.cpp:87] Starting the Raftex Service on 9780
I0114 02:24:16.837646    69 RaftexService.cpp:111] Start the Raftex Service successfully
I0114 02:24:16.838382     1 NebulaStore.cpp:75] Scan the local path, and init the spaces_
I0114 02:24:16.838646     1 NebulaStore.cpp:81] Scan path "/data/storage/1"
I0114 02:24:16.838963     1 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option max_bytes_for_level_base=268435456
I0114 02:24:16.839303     1 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option write_buffer_size=67108864
I0114 02:24:16.840394     1 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option max_write_buffer_number=4
I0114 02:24:16.843528     1 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option block_size=8192
I0114 02:24:17.594785     1 RocksEngine.cpp:105] open rocksdb on /data/storage/nebula/1/data
I0114 02:24:17.598641     1 NebulaStore.cpp:111] Load space 1 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.600461     1 NebulaStore.cpp:146] Need to open 15 parts of space 1
I0114 02:24:17.614552    65 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/1/0000000000000078595.wal
I0114 02:24:17.614821    67 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/3/0000000000000078563.wal
I0114 02:24:17.615317    68 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/4/0000000000000078643.wal
I0114 02:24:17.617938    68 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.617784    65 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.617787    67 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.617481    66 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] lastLogId in wal is 78765, lastLogTerm is 4, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/2/0000000000000078536.wal
I0114 02:24:17.618607    66 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78765, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78764, term 4
I0114 02:24:17.618727    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.618893    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.619191    66 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 2 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.618350    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.618448    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.618233    68 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.620594    68 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.620417    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.620514    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.620290    66 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/6/0000000000000078665.wal
I0114 02:24:17.621464    66 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.621515    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.621559    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.621116    65 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 1 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.621346    67 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 3 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.621619    66 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 6 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.620851    68 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 4 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.622747    67 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/7/0000000000000078659.wal
I0114 02:24:17.623067    65 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] lastLogId in wal is 78766, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/5/0000000000000078608.wal
I0114 02:24:17.625363    66 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/10/0000000000000078529.wal
I0114 02:24:17.627964    65 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78766, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78765, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.627632    68 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] lastLogId in wal is 78769, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/8/0000000000000078556.wal
I0114 02:24:17.627792    67 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.628118    68 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.628139    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628026    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628192    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628047    66 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.628168    68 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628217    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628273    67 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 7 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.628331    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628577    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.628482    65 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 5 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.628408    68 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.632083    68 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 8 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.629621    67 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] lastLogId in wal is 78768, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/11/0000000000000078667.wal
I0114 02:24:17.631938    65 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] lastLogId in wal is 78768, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/9/0000000000000078546.wal
I0114 02:24:17.628648    66 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 10 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.633857    68 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] lastLogId in wal is 78768, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/12/0000000000000078573.wal
I0114 02:24:17.634008    67 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.634100    65 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.634253    68 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.636535    68 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.636585    68 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.636305    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.636162    66 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] lastLogId in wal is 78767, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/14/0000000000000078563.wal
I0114 02:24:17.636464    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.636662    68 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 12 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.636801    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.636898    66 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78767, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78766, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.637034    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.637506    67 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 11 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.637627    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.637822    65 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 9 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.638432    66 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.640410    67 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] lastLogId in wal is 78766, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/15/0000000000000078629.wal
I0114 02:24:17.643723    65 FileBasedWal.cpp:65] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] lastLogId in wal is 78768, lastLogTerm is 3, path is /data/storage/nebula/1/wal/13/0000000000000078562.wal
I0114 02:24:17.643916    66 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 14 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.647681    67 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78766, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78765, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.648582    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.648789    67 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.648916    67 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 15 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.647907    65 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:17.649379    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.649585    65 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 02:24:17.649788    65 NebulaStore.cpp:177] Load part 1, 13 from disk
I0114 02:24:17.650017     1 NebulaStore.cpp:192] Load space 1 complete
I0114 02:24:17.650271     1 NebulaStore.cpp:201] Init data from partManager for [storaged0:9779]
I0114 02:24:17.650514     1 NebulaStore.cpp:293] Data space 1 has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.650732     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 1] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.650925     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 2] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.651113     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 3] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.651253     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 4] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.652349     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 5] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.652545     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 6] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.652698     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 7] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.652863     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 8] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.653124     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 9] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.653306     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 10] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.653448     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 11] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.653576     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 12] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.653654     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 13] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.654348     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 14] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.655416     1 NebulaStore.cpp:322] [Space: 1, Part: 15] has existed!
I0114 02:24:17.656412     1 NebulaStore.cpp:68] Register handler...
I0114 02:24:17.657369     1 StorageServer.cpp:84] Starting Storage HTTP Service
I0114 02:24:17.658119     1 StorageServer.cpp:88] Http Thread Pool started
I0114 02:24:17.680155    95 WebService.cpp:143] Web service started on HTTP[19779], HTTP2[19780]
I0114 02:24:17.680405     1 AdminTaskManager.cpp:17] max concurrenct subtasks: 10
I0114 02:24:17.681560     1 AdminTaskManager.cpp:27] exit AdminTaskManager::init()
I0114 02:24:17.681717   101 AdminTaskManager.cpp:89] waiting for incoming task
I0114 02:24:17.683504   103 StorageServer.cpp:219] The admin service start on [storaged0:9778]
I0114 02:24:17.697201   104 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.697459   104 StorageServer.cpp:242] The internal storage service start(same with admin) on [storaged0:9777]
I0114 02:24:17.707191   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.716306   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.725968   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.735292   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.744856   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.754057   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.762343   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.771133   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.779908   102 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0114 02:24:17.780109   102 StorageServer.cpp:192] The storage service start on [storaged0:9779]
I0114 02:24:20.685704    63 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [metad1:9559] as []
I0114 02:24:46.406826    45 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 78765, lastLogTerm = 4
I0114 02:24:46.407007    45 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78765, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78764, term 4
I0114 02:24:46.407100    45 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.411219    45 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 5]
I0114 02:24:46.411346    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 2] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.450525    45 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.450621    45 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.450654    45 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.454005    45 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.454116    66 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.510411    45 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.510500    45 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.510542    45 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.513837    45 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.514008    67 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.656741    45 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78766, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.656867    45 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78766, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78765, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.656901    45 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.659977    45 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.661371    68 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.823891    45 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.823945    45 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.823999    45 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.824846    45 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.824961    45 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.825162    45 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.828760    45 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.828979    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.829113    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.831228    66 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 10] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.847554    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78766, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.847604    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78766, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78765, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.847633    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.850749    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.850900    67 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.858781    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.858906    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.858937    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.861869    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.862241    68 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.884981    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.885028    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.885074    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.886341    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.886477    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.922374    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78768, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.922529    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.922560    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.923751    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.923899    66 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.994940    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78767, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:46.995069    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78767, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78766, term 3
I0114 02:24:46.995100    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:46.996512    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:46.997622    67 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.001471    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78769, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:47.001519    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78769, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78768, term 3
I0114 02:24:47.001547    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.002840    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:47.002948    68 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.080461    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78768, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:47.080518    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:47.080547    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.081672    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:47.081859    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 9] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.099023    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78768, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:47.099081    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:47.099110    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.100227    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:47.100322    66 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.207676    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 78768, lastLogTerm = 3
I0114 02:24:47.207731    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78768, lastLogTerm 3, committedLogId 78767, term 3
I0114 02:24:47.207760    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:24:47.209012    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged1:9780 [Term: 4]
I0114 02:24:47.209172    67 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Find the new leader [storaged1:9780]
I0114 02:44:17.675513    71 EventListner.h:18] Rocksdb start compaction column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 0, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 02:44:17.676434    71 CompactionFilter.h:62] Do custom minor compaction!
I0114 02:44:18.164803    71 EventListner.h:30] Rocksdb compaction completed column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 1, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 03:24:17.733749    71 EventListner.h:18] Rocksdb start compaction column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 0, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 03:24:17.734477    71 CompactionFilter.h:66] Do default minor compaction!
I0114 03:24:18.184443    71 EventListner.h:30] Rocksdb compaction completed column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 1, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 03:40:13.915889    44 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] preprocess trans leader [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.925108    44 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.925166    44 RaftPart.cpp:400] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] I will be the new leader, trigger leader election now!
I0114 03:40:13.925299    35 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] preprocess trans leader [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.925511    35 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.925779    35 RaftPart.cpp:400] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] I will be the new leader, trigger leader election now!
I0114 03:40:13.925982    44 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] preprocess trans leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.926029    44 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.926060    44 RaftPart.cpp:398] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] I am follower, just wait for the new leader.
I0114 03:40:13.926107    67 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 12, term = 5, lastLogId = 78996, lastLogTerm = 4, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
I0114 03:40:13.925448    66 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 15, term = 5, lastLogId = 78994, lastLogTerm = 4, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
I0114 03:40:13.926584    44 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] preprocess trans leader [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.928236    38 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] preprocess trans leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.929345    38 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.929419    38 RaftPart.cpp:398] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] I am follower, just wait for the new leader.
I0114 03:40:13.926790    35 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] preprocess trans leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.935485    35 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.935559    35 RaftPart.cpp:398] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] I am follower, just wait for the new leader.
I0114 03:40:13.928313    58 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.928690    59 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.928301    44 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.937891    44 RaftPart.cpp:400] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] I will be the new leader, trigger leader election now!
I0114 03:40:13.936110    38 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] preprocess trans leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.938057    68 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 7, term = 5, lastLogId = 78997, lastLogTerm = 4, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
I0114 03:40:13.938407    58 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.938625    44 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] preprocess trans leader [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.948118    44 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.948208    44 RaftPart.cpp:400] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] I will be the new leader, trigger leader election now!
I0114 03:40:13.939438    35 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] preprocess trans leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.949621    31 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 78996, lastLogTerm = 4
I0114 03:40:13.947170    33 Part.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] preprocess trans leader [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.947600    60 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.947712    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 78997, lastLogTerm = 4
I0114 03:40:13.938630    59 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.939235    38 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.968609    38 RaftPart.cpp:398] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] I am follower, just wait for the new leader.
I0114 03:40:13.948374    65 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 1, term = 5, lastLogId = 78997, lastLogTerm = 4, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
I0114 03:40:13.968936    67 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 5
I0114 03:40:13.969627    67 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 03:40:13.949895    33 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.970667    33 RaftPart.cpp:400] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] I will be the new leader, trigger leader election now!
I0114 03:40:13.958273    60 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.949054    44 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 78995, lastLogTerm = 4
I0114 03:40:13.971206    44 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78995, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78994, term 4
I0114 03:40:13.969178    31 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78996, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78995, term 4
I0114 03:40:13.979492    31 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.970297    61 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.970631    62 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78996, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.957818    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78997, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78996, term 4
I0114 03:40:13.970932    67 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Sending out an election request (space = 1, part = 3, term = 5, lastLogId = 78997, lastLogTerm = 4, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
I0114 03:40:13.949636    35 RaftPart.cpp:394] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Pre process transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.986089    35 RaftPart.cpp:398] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] I am follower, just wait for the new leader.
I0114 03:40:13.939674    43 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 78996, lastLogTerm = 4
I0114 03:40:13.986414    43 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78996, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78995, term 4
I0114 03:40:13.986461    43 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.985442    61 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.985654    62 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.985977    63 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.972010    44 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.979761    66 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 5
I0114 03:40:13.984695    39 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:13.988982    63 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.986794    68 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 5
I0114 03:40:13.989111    68 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 03:40:13.987746    62 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78996, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.988914    66 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 03:40:13.989539    48 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78997, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.990823    65 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 5
I0114 03:40:13.991848    65 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 03:40:13.991118    49 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78994, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.991026    62 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.992985    49 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.993536    49 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78994, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.992132    48 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.992229    50 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78997, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.994242    39 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 5]
I0114 03:40:13.995509    49 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.995602    48 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78997, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:13.996016    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 5]
I0114 03:40:13.996714    50 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:13.997206    67 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 5
I0114 03:40:14.013422    67 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 03:40:14.003149    68 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.004107    44 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] Commit transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.013993    44 RaftPart.cpp:436] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 12] I am already the leader!
I0114 03:40:14.003167    48 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:14.013712    67 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.013830    51 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78997, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:14.004217    50 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78997, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:14.014269    44 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Commit transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.016618    44 RaftPart.cpp:436] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] I am already the leader!
I0114 03:40:14.015559    43 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 1, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 78997, lastLogTerm = 4
I0114 03:40:14.024797    43 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 78997, lastLogTerm 4, committedLogId 78996, term 4
I0114 03:40:14.024852    43 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.016938    51 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:14.017607    44 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 5]
I0114 03:40:14.015040    39 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 5]
I0114 03:40:14.031862    66 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.024900    35 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Commit transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.032462    35 RaftPart.cpp:436] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] I am already the leader!
I0114 03:40:14.016913    50 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:14.032055    51 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 78997, lastLogTermSent = 4
I0114 03:40:14.032025    67 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.033939    51 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:14.034256    35 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Commit transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.042384    35 RaftPart.cpp:436] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] I am already the leader!
I0114 03:40:14.042941    35 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] Commit transfer leader to [storaged0:9780]
I0114 03:40:14.043035    35 RaftPart.cpp:436] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 3] I am already the leader!
I0114 03:40:14.054433    35 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 5]
I0114 03:40:14.054597    68 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:30.500941    44 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] Commit transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:30.500978    43 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] Commit transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:30.501534    43 RaftPart.cpp:442] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 13] I am Follower, just wait for the new leader!
I0114 03:40:30.501060    35 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Commit transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:30.501760    35 RaftPart.cpp:442] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] I am Follower, just wait for the new leader!
I0114 03:40:30.501130    39 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Commit transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:30.501879    39 RaftPart.cpp:442] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] I am Follower, just wait for the new leader!
I0114 03:40:30.500998    31 RaftPart.cpp:422] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] Commit transfer leader to [storaged2:9780]
I0114 03:40:30.501986    31 RaftPart.cpp:442] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 14] I am Follower, just wait for the new leader!
I0114 03:40:30.501425    44 RaftPart.cpp:442] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 8] I am Follower, just wait for the new leader!
I0114 03:40:50.534083    53 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.534570    54 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.534723    56 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.534768    57 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.534921    55 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.536847    54 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.537333    56 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.537498    57 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.535684    53 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:40:50.537771    55 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 03:41:10.554819    52 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged1:9780] as []
I0114 03:41:10.556113    52 ThriftClientManager.inl:49] resolve [storaged2:9780] as []
I0114 04:04:17.777633    71 EventListner.h:18] Rocksdb start compaction column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 0, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 04:04:17.780519    71 CompactionFilter.h:66] Do default minor compaction!
I0114 04:04:18.266423    71 EventListner.h:30] Rocksdb compaction completed column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 1, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 04:44:17.813139    71 EventListner.h:18] Rocksdb start compaction column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 0, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 04:44:17.815593    71 CompactionFilter.h:66] Do default minor compaction!
I0114 04:44:18.291528    71 EventListner.h:30] Rocksdb compaction completed column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 1, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 05:24:17.855036    71 EventListner.h:18] Rocksdb start compaction column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 0, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 05:24:17.857553    71 CompactionFilter.h:66] Do default minor compaction!
I0114 05:24:18.332260    71 EventListner.h:30] Rocksdb compaction completed column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 1, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 05:44:17.880489    68 FileBasedWal.cpp:738] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 15] Clean wals number 1
I0114 05:44:17.883322    68 FileBasedWal.cpp:738] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 4] Clean wals number 1
I0114 05:44:17.884888    68 FileBasedWal.cpp:738] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 6] Clean wals number 1
I0114 05:44:17.886039    68 FileBasedWal.cpp:738] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 1] Clean wals number 1
I0114 05:44:17.887351    68 FileBasedWal.cpp:738] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 7] Clean wals number 1
I0114 05:44:17.888341    68 FileBasedWal.cpp:738] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 5] Clean wals number 1
I0114 05:44:17.889266    68 FileBasedWal.cpp:738] [Port: 9780, Space: 1, Part: 11] Clean wals number 1
I0114 06:04:17.907929    71 EventListner.h:18] Rocksdb start compaction column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 0, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 06:04:17.908123    71 CompactionFilter.h:66] Do default minor compaction!
I0114 06:04:18.403759    71 EventListner.h:30] Rocksdb compaction completed column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 1, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 06:44:17.938503    71 EventListner.h:18] Rocksdb start compaction column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 0, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 06:44:17.938778    71 CompactionFilter.h:66] Do default minor compaction!
I0114 06:44:18.390877    71 EventListner.h:30] Rocksdb compaction completed column family: default because of LevelL0FilesNum, status: OK, compacted 5 files into 1, base level is 0, output level is 1
I0114 06:48:45.060258    64 NebulaStore.cpp:296] Create data space 341
I0114 06:48:45.061453    64 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option max_bytes_for_level_base=268435456
I0114 06:48:45.061559    64 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option write_buffer_size=67108864
I0114 06:48:45.061592    64 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option max_write_buffer_number=4
I0114 06:48:45.062422    64 RocksEngineConfig.cpp:244] Emplace rocksdb option block_size=8192
I0114 06:48:45.079317    64 RocksEngine.cpp:105] open rocksdb on /data/storage/nebula/341/data
I0114 06:48:45.080530    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.080574    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.080615    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.080657    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.080883    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 5 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.081169    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.081252    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.081311    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.081516    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.081565    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 4 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.081835    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.081913    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.081992    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.082062    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.082144    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 3 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.082366    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.082455    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.082515    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.082599    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.082688    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 1 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.082909    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.083000    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.083029    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.083282    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.083487    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 7 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.083760    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.083838    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.083868    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.083901    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.083979    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 12 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.084187    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.084262    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.084316    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.084350    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.084398    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 13 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.084590    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.084692    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.084762    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.084800    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.084872    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 2 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.085148    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.085220    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.085322    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.085386    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.085438    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 15 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.085615    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.085682    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.085719    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.085781    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.085857    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 14 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.086064    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.086130    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.086158    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.086194    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.086273    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 8 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.086464    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.086534    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.086562    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.086591    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.086642    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 9 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.086867    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.086935    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.086985    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.087015    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.087061    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 11 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.087257    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.087316    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.087380    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.087450    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.087507    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 10 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.087682    64 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I0114 06:48:45.087750    64 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] There are 2 peer hosts, and total 3 copies. The quorum is 2, as learner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.087779    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Add peer [storaged1:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.087865    64 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Add peer [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.087965    64 NebulaStore.cpp:349] Space 341, part 6 has been added, asLearner 0
I0114 06:48:45.194929    65 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 113, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.195117    65 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Sending out an election request (space = 341, part = 1, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
E0114 06:48:45.197077    65 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from [storaged1:9780], error code is -5
I0114 06:48:45.197233    65 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0114 06:48:45.197314    65 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 06:48:45.197592    52 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.197811    52 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
E0114 06:48:45.198751    52 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] [Host: storaged1:9780] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -5)
I0114 06:48:45.199772    67 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 113, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.199918    67 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Sending out an election request (space = 341, part = 10, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
E0114 06:48:45.201195    67 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Receive response about askForVote from [storaged1:9780], error code is -5
I0114 06:48:45.201303    67 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0114 06:48:45.201333    67 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 06:48:45.201607    54 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.201829    54 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.397888    68 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 310, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.397974    68 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Sending out an election request (space = 341, part = 6, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
E0114 06:48:45.399366    68 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Receive response about askForVote from [storaged1:9780], error code is -5
I0114 06:48:45.399489    68 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0114 06:48:45.399600    68 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 06:48:45.399916    56 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.400156    56 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.410090    66 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 324, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.410168    66 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Sending out an election request (space = 341, part = 11, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
E0114 06:48:45.411324    66 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Receive response about askForVote from [storaged1:9780], error code is -5
I0114 06:48:45.411403    66 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0114 06:48:45.411429    66 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 06:48:45.411669    58 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.411911    58 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.416640    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:45.416697    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.416747    33 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.418325    33 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 1]
I0114 06:48:45.418501    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.430855    67 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 350, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.430918    67 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Sending out an election request (space = 341, part = 4, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
E0114 06:48:45.431978    67 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Receive response about askForVote from [storaged1:9780], error code is -5
I0114 06:48:45.432035    67 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0114 06:48:45.432060    67 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 06:48:45.432333    60 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.432585    60 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.435127    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:45.435310    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.435345    33 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.436720    33 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 1]
I0114 06:48:45.436864    68 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.524180    68 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 443, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.524255    68 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Sending out an election request (space = 341, part = 3, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
E0114 06:48:45.525686    68 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Receive response about askForVote from [storaged1:9780], error code is -5
I0114 06:48:45.525754    68 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0114 06:48:45.525779    68 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 06:48:45.526082    62 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.526319    62 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.547442    67 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 464, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.547511    67 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Sending out an election request (space = 341, part = 12, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
E0114 06:48:45.548823    67 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Receive response about askForVote from [storaged1:9780], error code is -5
I0114 06:48:45.548888    67 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0114 06:48:45.548913    67 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 06:48:45.549309    48 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.549532    48 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.659312    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:45.659370    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.659400    33 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.660876    33 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 1]
I0114 06:48:45.661062    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.693470    68 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 610, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.693521    68 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Sending out an election request (space = 341, part = 13, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
E0114 06:48:45.694620    68 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Receive response about askForVote from [storaged1:9780], error code is -5
I0114 06:48:45.694686    68 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0114 06:48:45.694777    68 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 06:48:45.695063    50 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.695317    50 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.718955    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:45.719007    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.719035    33 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.720667    33 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 1]
I0114 06:48:45.720847    68 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.736716    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:45.736814    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.736848    33 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.738226    33 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 1]
I0114 06:48:45.738437    65 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.739266    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged2:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:45.739368    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.739400    33 RaftPart.cpp:1462] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition will vote for the candidate [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.740710    33 RaftPart.cpp:1759] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The current role is Follower. Will follow the new leader storaged2:9780 [Term: 1]
I0114 06:48:45.740855    66 Part.cpp:191] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Find the new leader [storaged2:9780]
I0114 06:48:45.869222    66 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 785, term 0
I0114 06:48:45.869313    66 RaftPart.cpp:1192] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Sending out an election request (space = 341, part = 15, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP = storaged0, candidatePort = 9780)
E0114 06:48:45.870440    66 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Receive response about askForVote from [storaged1:9780], error code is -5
I0114 06:48:45.870508    66 RaftPart.cpp:1152] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Partition is elected as the new leader for term 1
I0114 06:48:45.870534    66 RaftPart.cpp:1247] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition is elected as the leader
I0114 06:48:45.870837    52 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] [Host: storaged1:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:45.871045    52 Host.cpp:149] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] [Host: storaged2:9780] This is the first time to send the logs to this host, lastLogIdSent = 0, lastLogTermSent = 0
I0114 06:48:47.452090    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:47.452302    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:47.452335    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:47.531107    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:47.531165    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:47.531320    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:47.555642    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:47.555717    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:47.555788    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:47.582080    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:47.582132    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:47.582180    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:47.589541    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:47.589589    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:47.589614    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:47.597349    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:47.597409    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:47.597437    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:47.647274    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:47.647361    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:47.647408    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:47.716306    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:47.716506    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:47.716538    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:47.761121    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:47.761173    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:47.761199    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:47.790562    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:47.790614    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:47.790644    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:47.901453    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:47.901530    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:47.901616    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:47.943274    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:47.943342    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:47.943368    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:47.972962    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:47.973011    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:47.973037    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:48.178599    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:48.178653    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:48.178679    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:48.179801    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:48.179957    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:48.179988    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:48.192605    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:48.192662    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:48.192688    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:48.194221    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:48.194269    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:48.194336    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:48.262936    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:48.262986    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:48.263049    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:48.326531    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 1, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:48.326592    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:48.326619    33 RaftPart.cpp:1407] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is on term 1. The term proposed by the candidate is no greater, so it will be rejected
I0114 06:48:48.648061    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:48.648110    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:48.648136    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:48.738092    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:48.738139    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:48.738165    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:48.913580    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:48.913717    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:48.913830    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:48.964504    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:48.964562    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:48.964715    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:48.991724    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:48.991772    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:48.991798    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:49.073014    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.073081    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.073153    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:49.170825    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.170873    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.170920    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:49.209743    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.209791    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.209816    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:49.244434    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.244488    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.244529    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:49.422230    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.422381    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.422428    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:49.425523    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.425587    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.425916    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:49.484242    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.484315    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.484344    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:49.653735    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.653789    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.653911    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:49.658939    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.658991    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.659019    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:49.665585    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.665633    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.665659    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected


I0114 06:48:49.850342    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.850399    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.850433    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:49.852613    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.852751    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.852798    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:49.973438    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.973492    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.973518    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:49.996486    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:49.996534    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:49.996559    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:50.038473    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 2, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:50.038525    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:50.038552    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:50.095172    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:50.095234    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:50.095260    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:50.208909    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:50.208956    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:50.208981    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:50.245683    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:50.245849    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:50.245893    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:50.372442    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:50.372617    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:50.372710    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:50.411243    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:50.411319    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:50.411485    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:50.597859    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:50.597932    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:50.597959    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:50.674896    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:50.675071    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:50.675246    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:50.813410    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:50.813468    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:50.813494    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:50.814579    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:50.814728    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:50.814769    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:50.879819    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:50.879985    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:50.880014    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:50.955443    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:50.955559    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:50.955586    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:50.962960    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:50.963008    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:50.963033    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:51.033433    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:51.033504    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:51.033530    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:51.185086    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:51.185325    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:51.185412    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:51.275837    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:51.275983    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:51.276013    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:51.310869    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:51.310937    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:51.310963    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:51.344434    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:51.344486    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:51.344514    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:51.348582    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:51.348641    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:51.348670    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:51.417743    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 3, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:51.417799    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:51.417826    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:51.422137    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:51.422219    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:51.422279    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:51.439865    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:51.439992    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:51.440114    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:51.996697    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:51.996767    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:51.996796    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:52.114593    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:52.114675    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:52.114701    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:52.176681    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:52.176729    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:52.176754    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:52.286587    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:52.286686    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:52.286715    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:52.394241    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:52.394325    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:52.394354    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:52.517434    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:52.517521    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:52.517566    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:52.563315    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:52.563459    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:52.563540    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:52.631320    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:52.631389    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:52.631420    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:52.638118    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:52.638165    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:52.638191    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:52.650009    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 4, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:52.650056    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:52.650081    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:52.650933    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:52.650993    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:52.651041    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:52.757586    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:52.757635    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:52.757750    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:52.864945    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:52.865128    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:52.865168    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:52.886518    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:52.886648    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:52.886678    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:53.101656    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:53.101732    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:53.101768    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:53.166478    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:53.166524    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:53.166549    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:53.248445    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:53.248507    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:53.248533    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:53.299254    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:53.299340    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:53.299373    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:53.461971    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:53.462096    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:53.462253    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:53.532961    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:53.533141    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:53.533183    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:53.681982    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:53.682036    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:53.682062    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:53.804066    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:53.804118    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:53.804145    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:53.907963    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:53.908015    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:53.908042    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:53.973888    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:53.973944    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:53.973975    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.034873    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.034940    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.034971    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.091974    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.092042    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.092227    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.106734    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.106889    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.106933    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.146495    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.146625    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.146728    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.165232    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.165325    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.165374    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.175920    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 5, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.175966    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.175992    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.372927    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.373054    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.373083    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.694013    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.694080    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.694109    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.756175    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.756237    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.756268    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.804154    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.804255    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.804373    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.834359    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.834429    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.834456    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.910255    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.910347    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.910384    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.947335    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.947400    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.947435    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:54.971485    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:54.971580    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:54.971735    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:55.150449    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:55.150527    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:55.150553    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:55.273944    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:55.273995    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:55.274020    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:55.307647    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 6, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:55.307708    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:55.307735    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:55.402729    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:55.402777    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:55.402830    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:55.430009    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:55.430058    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:55.430084    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:55.609879    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:55.610064    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:55.610093    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:55.635135    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:55.635274    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:55.635391    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:55.661991    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:55.662045    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:55.662077    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:55.713953    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:55.714001    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:55.714027    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:55.839876    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:55.840008    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:55.840198    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:56.105087    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:56.105151    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:56.105178    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:56.243322    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:56.243485    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:56.243516    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:56.251245    33 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:56.251317    33 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:56.251346    33 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:56.301213    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:56.301364    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:56.301491    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:56.322141    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:56.322203    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:56.322234    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:56.360867    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:56.361037    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:56.361068    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:56.459892    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:56.459955    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:56.460391    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:56.569927    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:56.569980    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:56.570008    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:56.751919    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:56.752122    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:56.752315    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:56.752053    38 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 7, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:56.752470    38 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:56.752519    38 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:56.777878    38 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:56.777926    38 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:56.778013    38 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:56.795706    38 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:56.795759    38 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:56.795809    38 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:56.861294    38 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:56.861346    38 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:56.861373    38 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:57.156795    38 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:57.156941    38 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:57.156973    38 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:57.178654    38 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:57.178833    38 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:57.178864    38 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:57.277475    38 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:57.277536    38 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:57.277568    38 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:57.489879    38 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:57.489961    38 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:57.489996    38 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:57.549693    38 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:57.549759    38 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:57.550032    38 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:57.672441    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:57.672506    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:57.672533    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:57.742959    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:57.743171    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:57.743201    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:57.760810    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:57.760870    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:57.760967    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:57.776015    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:57.776062    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:57.776087    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:57.801470    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:57.801523    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:57.801549    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:57.884647    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 8, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:57.884701    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:57.884727    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:57.939261    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:57.939345    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:57.939460    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.001590    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.008816    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.008852    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.292587    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.292845    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.292894    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.421316    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.421476    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.421562    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.423116    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.423163    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.423188    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.494856    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.494911    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.494936    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.619163    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.619266    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.619323    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.711656    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.711850    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.711889    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.771857    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.771952    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.771981    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.841953    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.842013    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.842039    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.848958    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.849089    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.849181    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.866047    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.866101    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.866125    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.877517    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.877557    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.877580    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.919797    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.919845    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.919869    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.939457    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.939649    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.939679    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:58.966185    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:58.966240    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:58.966266    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:59.080974    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:59.081024    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:59.081048    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:59.131049    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 9, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:59.131110    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:59.131139    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:59.381839    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:59.381891    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:59.381918    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:59.383162    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:59.383209    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:59.383234    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:59.417677    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:59.417722    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:59.417780    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:59.613924    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:59.614102    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:48:59.614132    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:48:59.844907    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:48:59.844982    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:48:59.845224    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:00.016049    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:00.016115    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:00.016147    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:00.105013    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:00.105110    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:00.105324    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:00.112255    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:00.112365    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:00.112414    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:00.143410    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:00.143471    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:00.143502    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:00.162431    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:00.162489    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:00.162520    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:00.474566    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:00.474740    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:00.474788    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:00.547852    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:00.547955    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:00.548013    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:00.557883    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 10, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:00.557934    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:00.557961    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:00.597808    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:00.597972    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:00.598100    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:00.655686    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:00.655766    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:00.655793    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:00.680243    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:00.680335    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:00.680366    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:00.695690    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:00.695830    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:00.695859    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:00.847366    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:00.847625    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:00.847682    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.000793    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 13, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.000880    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.000922    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.015883    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 13, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.015954    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.015993    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.121222    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 13, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.121328    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.121457    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.184865    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 13, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.184990    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.185019    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.239842    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.239912    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.239939    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.282603    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.282672    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.282708    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.378818    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.378978    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.379027    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.487972    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.488049    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.488087    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.632781    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.632860    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.632905    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.696197    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 14, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.696482    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.696557    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.698889    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.698930    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.698956    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.829668    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.829798    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.829843    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.836338    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 13, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.836403    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.836444    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.876510    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 11, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.876580    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.876613    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.925312    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 15, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.925375    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.925410    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 15] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.930840    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 13, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.930892    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.930932    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.938230    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 14, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.938313    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.938347    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:01.970547    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 7, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 14, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:01.970603    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:01.970633    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 7] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:02.003662    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 3, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 13, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:02.003724    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:02.003752    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 3] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:02.239451    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 5, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 13, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:02.239502    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:02.239531    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 5] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:02.408864    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 2, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 13, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:02.408941    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:02.408968    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 2] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:02.434820    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 10, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 14, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:02.434995    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:02.435039    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 10] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:02.549149    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 14, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 14, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:02.549209    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:02.549269    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 14] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:02.575292    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 13, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 14, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:02.575366    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:02.575399    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 13] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:02.590812    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 9, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:02.590867    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:02.590893    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 9] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:02.603665    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 6, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 15, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:02.603806    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:02.603834    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 6] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:02.642127    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 1, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 13, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:02.642191    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:02.642232    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 1] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:02.757637    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 11, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 15, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:02.757736    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:02.757779    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 11] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:02.762614    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 12, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:02.762827    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition currently is a Leader, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 1, term 1
I0114 06:49:02.762876    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 12] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:02.809329    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 8, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 12, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0
I0114 06:49:02.809463    39 RaftPart.cpp:1393] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition currently is a Follower, lastLogId 1, lastLogTerm 1, committedLogId 0, term 1
I0114 06:49:02.809505    39 RaftPart.cpp:1420] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 8] The partition's last term to receive a log is 1, which is newer than the candidate's log 0. So the candidate will be rejected
I0114 06:49:02.919943    39 RaftPart.cpp:1360] [Port: 9780, Space: 341, Part: 4] Recieved a VOTING request: space = 341, partition = 4, candidateAddr = storaged1:9780, term = 13, lastLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0