2.0 GA match 性能问题


  • nebula 版本:2.0 GA
  • 部署方式(分布式 / 单机 / Docker / DBaaS):分布式3台
  • 硬件信息
    • 磁盘( 推荐使用 SSD)SSD
    • CPU、内存信息 32G
  • 问题的具体描述
    我想通过match 来代替部分find path不支持where查询的场景,没想到性能有点问题,查询的时候直接down掉一台机器
FIND SHORTEST PATH FROM 362234 to 699108 OVER word_word upto 2 steps ;

MATCH p=(v) -[e1:word_word]->(v1)-[e2:word_word]->(v2) WHERE id(v)== 362234 and id(v1) == 963 and id(v2) == 699108 RETURN p;


explain MATCH p=(v) -[e1:word_word]->(v1)-[e2:word_word]->(v2) WHERE id(v)== 362234 and id(v1) == 963 and id(v2) == 699108 RETURN p;
Execution succeeded (time spent 474/44489 us)

Execution Plan (optimize time 78 us)

| id | name         | dependencies | profiling data | operator info                                                            |
| 21 | Project      | 20           |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [                                                        |
|    |              |              |                |       "p"                                                                |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__Project_21",                                              |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: __Filter_20                                                    |
|    |              |              |                | columns: [                                                               |
|    |              |              |                |   "$p"                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
| 20 | Filter       | 19           |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [                                                        |
|    |              |              |                |       "v",                                                               |
|    |              |              |                |       "e1",                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |       "v1",                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |       "e2",                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |       "v2",                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |       "p"                                                                |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__Filter_20",                                               |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: __Filter_19                                                    |
|    |              |              |                | condition: (((id($v)==362234) AND (id($v1)==963)) AND (id($v2)==699108)) |
| 19 | Filter       | 18           |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [                                                        |
|    |              |              |                |       "v",                                                               |
|    |              |              |                |       "e1",                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |       "v1",                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |       "e2",                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |       "v2",                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |       "p"                                                                |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__Filter_19",                                               |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: __Project_18                                                   |
|    |              |              |                | condition: (hasSameEdgeInPath($-.p)==false)                              |
| 18 | Project      | 17           |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [                                                        |
|    |              |              |                |       "v",                                                               |
|    |              |              |                |       "e1",                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |       "v1",                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |       "e2",                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |       "v2",                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |       "p"                                                                |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__Project_18",                                              |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: __InnerJoin_17                                                 |
|    |              |              |                | columns: [                                                               |
|    |              |              |                |   "startNode($-._path_0) AS v",                                          |
|    |              |              |                |   "relationships($-._path_0)[0] AS e1",                                  |
|    |              |              |                |   "startNode($-._path_1) AS v1",                                         |
|    |              |              |                |   "relationships($-._path_1)[0] AS e2",                                  |
|    |              |              |                |   "startNode($-._path_2) AS v2",                                         |
|    |              |              |                |   "PathBuild[PathBuild[$-._path_0,$-._path_1,$-._path_2]] AS p"          |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
| 17 | InnerJoin    | 16           |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [                                                        |
|    |              |              |                |       "_path_0",                                                         |
|    |              |              |                |       "_path_1",                                                         |
|    |              |              |                |       "_path_2"                                                          |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__InnerJoin_17",                                            |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: {                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |   "rightVar": {                                                          |
|    |              |              |                |     "__Project_16": "0"                                                  |
|    |              |              |                |   },                                                                     |
|    |              |              |                |   "leftVar": {                                                           |
|    |              |              |                |     "__InnerJoin_12": "0"                                                |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | }                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | hashKeys: [                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |   "endNode($-._path_1)._vid"                                             |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | probeKeys: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   "startNode($-._path)._vid"                                             |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | kind: InnerJoin                                                          |
| 16 | Project      | 23           |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [                                                        |
|    |              |              |                |       "_path"                                                            |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__Project_16",                                              |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: __GetVertices_15                                               |
|    |              |              |                | columns: [                                                               |
|    |              |              |                |   "PathBuild[VERTEX]"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
| 23 | GetVertices  | 12           |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [],                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__GetVertices_15",                                          |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: __InnerJoin_12                                                 |
|    |              |              |                | space: 8                                                                 |
|    |              |              |                | dedup: true                                                              |
|    |              |              |                | limit: 9223372036854775807                                               |
|    |              |              |                | filter:                                                                  |
|    |              |              |                | orderBy: []                                                              |
|    |              |              |                | src: endNode($-._path_1)._vid                                            |
|    |              |              |                | props: [                                                                 |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "props": [                                                           |
|    |              |              |                |       "lower_word",                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |       "word",                                                            |
|    |              |              |                |       "_tag"                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "tagId": 9                                                           |
|    |              |              |                |   },                                                                     |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "props": [                                                           |
|    |              |              |                |       "journal_id",                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |       "year",                                                            |
|    |              |              |                |       "impact_factor",                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |       "impact_interval",                                                 |
|    |              |              |                |       "_tag"                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "tagId": 10                                                          |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | exprs: []                                                                |
| 12 | InnerJoin    | 11           |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [                                                        |
|    |              |              |                |       "_path_0",                                                         |
|    |              |              |                |       "_path_1"                                                          |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__InnerJoin_12",                                            |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: {                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |   "rightVar": {                                                          |
|    |              |              |                |     "__Filter_11": "0"                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |   },                                                                     |
|    |              |              |                |   "leftVar": {                                                           |
|    |              |              |                |     "__Filter_6": "0"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | }                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | hashKeys: [                                                              |
|    |              |              |                |   "endNode($-._path)._vid"                                               |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | probeKeys: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   "startNode($-._path)._vid"                                             |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | kind: InnerJoin                                                          |
| 11 | Filter       | 10           |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [                                                        |
|    |              |              |                |       "_path"                                                            |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__Filter_11",                                               |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: __Project_10                                                   |
|    |              |              |                | condition: (length($-._path)>=1)                                         |
| 10 | Project      | 27           |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [                                                        |
|    |              |              |                |       "_path"                                                            |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__Project_10",                                              |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: __GetNeighbors_9                                               |
|    |              |              |                | columns: [                                                               |
|    |              |              |                |   "PathBuild[VERTEX,EDGE] AS _path"                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
| 27 | GetNeighbors | 6            |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [],                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__GetNeighbors_9",                                          |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: __Filter_6                                                     |
|    |              |              |                | space: 8                                                                 |
|    |              |              |                | dedup: true                                                              |
|    |              |              |                | limit: -1                                                                |
|    |              |              |                | filter:                                                                  |
|    |              |              |                | orderBy: []                                                              |
|    |              |              |                | src: endNode($-._path)._vid                                              |
|    |              |              |                | edgeTypes: []                                                            |
|    |              |              |                | edgeDirection: OUT_EDGE                                                  |
|    |              |              |                | vertexProps: []                                                          |
|    |              |              |                | edgeProps: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "props": [                                                           |
|    |              |              |                |       "_src",                                                            |
|    |              |              |                |       "_type",                                                           |
|    |              |              |                |       "_rank",                                                           |
|    |              |              |                |       "_dst",                                                            |
|    |              |              |                |       "size"                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "11"                                                         |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | statProps:                                                               |
|    |              |              |                | exprs:                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                | random: false                                                            |
|  6 | Filter       | 5            |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [                                                        |
|    |              |              |                |       "_path"                                                            |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__Filter_6",                                                |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: __Project_5                                                    |
|    |              |              |                | condition: (length($-._path)>=1)                                         |
|  5 | Project      | 26           |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [                                                        |
|    |              |              |                |       "_path"                                                            |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__Project_5",                                               |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: __GetNeighbors_4                                               |
|    |              |              |                | columns: [                                                               |
|    |              |              |                |   "PathBuild[VERTEX,EDGE] AS _path"                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
| 26 | GetNeighbors | 1            |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [],                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__GetNeighbors_4",                                          |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar: __VAR_1                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | space: 8                                                                 |
|    |              |              |                | dedup: true                                                              |
|    |              |              |                | limit: -1                                                                |
|    |              |              |                | filter:                                                                  |
|    |              |              |                | orderBy: []                                                              |
|    |              |              |                | src: $__VAR_1._vid                                                       |
|    |              |              |                | edgeTypes: []                                                            |
|    |              |              |                | edgeDirection: OUT_EDGE                                                  |
|    |              |              |                | vertexProps: []                                                          |
|    |              |              |                | edgeProps: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "props": [                                                           |
|    |              |              |                |       "_src",                                                            |
|    |              |              |                |       "_type",                                                           |
|    |              |              |                |       "_rank",                                                           |
|    |              |              |                |       "_dst",                                                            |
|    |              |              |                |       "size"                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "11"                                                         |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | statProps:                                                               |
|    |              |              |                | exprs:                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                | random: false                                                            |
|  1 | PassThrough  | 0            |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [                                                        |
|    |              |              |                |       "_vid"                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |     ],                                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__VAR_1",                                                   |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |
|    |              |              |                | inputVar:                                                                |
|  0 | Start        |              |                | outputVar: [                                                             |
|    |              |              |                |   {                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "colNames": [],                                                      |
|    |              |              |                |     "name": "__Start_0",                                                 |
|    |              |              |                |     "type": "DATASET"                                                    |
|    |              |              |                |   }                                                                      |
|    |              |              |                | ]                                                                        |

Wed, 31 Mar 2021 07:44:08 UTC


挂掉的服务器 没有OOM 是负载超高 ssh登录不上

cat nebula-storaged.ERROR
Log file created at: 2021/03/31 15:25:50
Running on machine: nebula06.xxx
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0331 15:25:50.651139  2161 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 2] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:50.651325  2161 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 2] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:51.000057  2163 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:51.000104  2163 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:51.659965  2160 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:51.660015  2160 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:52.640924  2163 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 2] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:52.640965  2163 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 2] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:52.647006  2162 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:52.647037  2162 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:53.518941  2161 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:53.518990  2161 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:53.723212  2160 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:53.723253  2160 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:54.125226  2163 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 2] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:54.125273  2163 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 2] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:54.590291  2161 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:54.590330  2161 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:54.638631  2160 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:54.638659  2160 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:55.151078  2161 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:55.151129  2161 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:56.732317  2162 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:56.732375  2162 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:58.320775  2162 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:25:58.320832  2162 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:26:00.162693  2160 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:26:00.162791  2160 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:26:01.388244  2163 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:26:01.388351  2163 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:26:03.365170  2162 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:26:03.365324  2162 RaftPart.cpp:1143] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is -6
E0331 15:31:15.765565  2157 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92b9925710 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.765570  2144 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92bed1a710 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.765610  2118 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92bf21ba90 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.765830  2158 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92b8826710 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.766429  2146 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92bd224710 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.766430  2145 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92bd723710 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.766710  2148 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92bc923390 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.766736  2147 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92bcf23710 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.766916  2152 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92bb123390 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.766789  2150 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92bbe24390 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.766770  2149 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92bc323710 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.766927  2151 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92bb425710 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.767083  2153 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92bab23710 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.767439  2154 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92ba624710 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.767522  2155 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92ba226710 for host: "":9780
E0331 15:31:15.767655  2156 ThriftClientManager.inl:39] Transport is closed by peers 0x7f92b9725710 for host: "":9780
E0331 16:15:23.270393  2150 Host.cpp:390] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 4] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: -6)
E0331 16:15:22.129432  2099 RaftPart.cpp:825] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 1] Replicate logs failed
E0331 16:15:22.163906  2091 RaftPart.cpp:825] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 2] Replicate logs failed
E0331 16:15:22.164238  2092 RaftPart.cpp:825] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 3] Replicate logs failed
E0331 16:15:22.164654  2101 RaftPart.cpp:825] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 3] Replicate logs failed
E0331 16:15:22.165001  2111 RaftPart.cpp:825] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 2] Replicate logs failed
E0331 16:15:22.165376  2114 RaftPart.cpp:825] [Port: 9780, Space: 8, Part: 4] Replicate logs failed
E0331 16:15:22.165457  2107 RaftPart.cpp:825] [Port: 9780, Space: 15, Part: 4] Replicate logs failed

cat nebula-metad.ERROR
Log file created at: 2021/03/31 15:29:26
Running on machine: nebula06.XXX
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E0331 15:29:26.050853  2246 RaftPart.cpp:367] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] The partition is not a leader
E0331 15:29:26.051127  2246 RaftPart.cpp:687] [Port: 9560, Space: 0, Part: 0] Cannot append logs, clean the buffer
E0331 16:20:27.963378  2232 JobDescription.cpp:188] Loading Job Description Failed
E0331 16:20:27.969485  2232 JobManager.cpp:88] [JobManager] load an invalid job from queue 0

cat nebula-graphd.ERROR
E0331 12:50:38.374370 29577 QueryInstance.cpp:103] SemanticError: Space was not chosen.
E0331 12:50:38.391100 29577 QueryInstance.cpp:103] SemanticError: Space was not chosen.
E0331 12:50:38.403779 29577 QueryInstance.cpp:103] SemanticError: Space was not chosen.
E0331 14:55:33.756341 29577 QueryInstance.cpp:103] SemanticError: `e': Redefined alias



我理解 服务没有挂
机器负载超高 ssh都登录不上 直接重启的机器


数据量千万,我这个语句 有问题吗?


目前来看 这条路不同 还有其他方案吗?

分布式 v2


 match (c:Company) where id(c) == -2886766351330904521 return c.name ,c.keyno


[ERROR (-8)]: Storage Error: part: 28, error: E_RPC_FAILURE(-3).


E0401 16:44:16.079162  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 28
E0401 16:44:16.079208  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 27
E0401 16:44:16.079223  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 26
E0401 16:44:16.079237  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 25
E0401 16:44:16.079252  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 23
E0401 16:44:16.079265  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 22
E0401 16:44:16.079278  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 21
E0401 16:44:16.079293  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 20
E0401 16:44:16.079305  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 18
E0401 16:44:16.079319  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 17
E0401 16:44:16.079334  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 16
E0401 16:44:16.079365  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 15
E0401 16:44:16.079380  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 14
E0401 16:44:16.079393  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 11
E0401 16:44:16.079407  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 10
E0401 16:44:16.079421  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 9
E0401 16:44:16.079434  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 8
E0401 16:44:16.079460  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 7
E0401 16:44:16.079474  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 6
E0401 16:44:16.079488  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 5
E0401 16:44:16.079502  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 4
E0401 16:44:16.079515  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 3
E0401 16:44:16.079530  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 2
E0401 16:44:16.079542  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 30
E0401 16:44:16.079556  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_RPC_FAILURE, part 1
E0401 16:44:16.079571  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_LEADER_CHANGED, part 13
E0401 16:44:16.079586  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:35] IndexScanExecutor failed, error E_LEADER_CHANGED, part 19
E0401 16:44:16.079617  1038 StorageAccessExecutor.h:112] Storage Error: part: 28, error: E_RPC_FAILURE(-3).
E0401 16:44:16.079731  1036 QueryInstance.cpp:103] Storage Error: part: 28, error: E_RPC_FAILURE(-3).

1、 match我们之后会进行性能优化
2、你可以提个issue, 针对find path 加where查询的场景,我们的PM会定时收集需求的

3 个赞

Nebula 会支持 find path 加 where 查询,等有进一步的开发进展了我来同步下信息哈

1 个赞