- nebula 版本:2.0.0 rc
- 部署方式: 分布式
- 是否为线上版本:Y
请问下我现在是用 rancher 应用商店部署的 nebula, 采用 longhorn 的存储方式。现在我想修改 storaged 大小,但是显示:
Failed to install app nebula-database-test. Error: UPGRADE FAILED: StatefulSet.apps "nebula-storaged" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden && StatefulSet.apps "nebula-metad" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', and 'updateStrategy' are forbidden