nebualGraph2.5.0 查询提示内存Used memory(178593436KB) hits the high watermark(0.800000) of total system memory(196268364KB).

studio nohup.out 输出的错误

2021/09/02 22:33:50 ErrorCode: -1005, ErrorMsg: Used memory(107210216KB) hits the high watermark(0.800000) of total system memory(131860204KB).
2021/09/02 22:33:50.972 [D] [server.go:2867]  || 200 |5m21.277283826s|   match| POST     /api/db/exec   r:/api/db/exec

nebula-graph.conf 中的配置

########## Authentication ##########
# User login authentication type, password for nebula authentication, ldap for ldap authentication, cloud for cloud authentication
--system_memory_high_watermark_ratio = 0.9

如上 我设置的 0.9怎么报了 0.8呢?即使报了 0.9,如果还是报内存问题,如何减少调用内存,用时间换内存 可以吗 ?128GB内存对于测试来说不小了