nebula 2.6.1查询报错

  • nebula 版本:2.6.1
  • 部署方式: 单机
  • 安装方式:Docker
  • 是否为线上版本:Y
  • 硬件信息
    • 磁盘( 推荐使用 SSD)
    • CPU、内存信息
  • 问题的具体描述
  • 相关的 meta / storage / graph info 日志信息(尽量使用文本形式方便检索)


{"errors":[{"message":"Used memory hits the high watermark(0.800000) of total system memory.","code":-1005}],"results":[{"spaceName":"event","errors":{"message":"Used memory hits the high watermark(0.800000) of total system memory.","code":-1005},"latencyInUs":2635}]}

-参照 nebualGraph2.5.0 查询提示内存Used memory(178593436KB) hits the high watermark(0.800000) of total system memory(196268364KB). - #18,来自 zcs540061627 这篇帖子对graph.conf做了修改 配置也没生效


    --system_memory_high_watermark_ratio = 1.0

我的锅。。可以划去敏感的信息,把整个 graph 的配置贴一下吗

nebula-graphd.conf: |-
    --system_memory_high_watermark_ratio = 1.0
    # Maximum seconds to buffer the log messages
    # Whether to redirect stdout and stderr to separate output files
    # Destination filename of stdout and stderr, which will also reside in log_dir.
    # Copy log messages at or above this level to stderr in addition to logfiles. The numbers of severity levels INFO, WARNING, ERROR, and FATAL are 0, 1, 2, and 3, respectively.

    ########## networking ##########
    # Meta Server Address
    # Local ip
    # Network device to listen on
    # Port to listen on
    # To turn on SO_REUSEPORT or not
    # Backlog of the listen socket, adjust this together with net.core.somaxconn
    # Seconds before the idle connections are closed, 0 for never closed
    # Seconds before the idle sessions are expired, 0 for no expiration
    # The number of threads to accept incoming connections
    # The number of networking IO threads, 0 for # of CPU cores
    # The number of threads to execute user queries, 0 for # of CPU cores
    # HTTP service ip
    # HTTP service port
    # HTTP2 service port
    # The default charset when a space is created
    # The defaule collate when a space is created

    ########## authorization ##########
    # Enable authorization

    ########## Authentication ##########
    # User login authentication type, password for nebula authentication, ldap for ldap authentication, cloud for cloud authentication

你们是不是多机器部署的?是的话,所有的 graph 都要改下配置哈。等等,:thinking: @weiGaoCheng 说你们是单机部署的?理论上应该不用多处修改水位线的。

是的 我们是单机部署的,–local_conf=false 这个改成true也不生效


好嘞 谢谢

–local_config=true 啊啊

1 个赞

OK 那我再试试

--system_memory_high_watermark_ratio = 1.0

更改后仍未生效啊 , 别的配置有问题吗

要不用curl查询下配置有没有生效?参考:配置管理 - Nebula Graph Database 手册

才看到你是docker 部署,docker 是把参数用 cmd arg 传给 graphd 的优先级超过配置文件会覆盖同参数的文件里的配置,所以不要改文件,去改 compose 的 yaml 文件像这样

    image: vesoft/nebula-graphd:v2.0.0
      USER: root
      TZ:   "${TZ}"
      - --meta_server_addrs=metad0:9559
      - --port=9669
      - --ws_ip=graphd
      - --ws_http_port=19669
      - --ws_meta_http_port=19559
      - --log_dir=/logs
      - --v=0
      - --minloglevel=0
      - --system_memory_high_watermark_ratio=1.0
      - metad0

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