- nebula 版本:2.5.0
$var1 = GO 2 steps from "_WECHAT****876242" over order_uid_cardno BIDIRECT
yield order_uid_cardno._dst as res
| go from $-.res over order_uid_cardno bidirect yield order_uid_cardno._src as src, order_uid_cardno._dst as dst
| group by $-.src yield $-.src as src, count(*) as cnt
| yield collect($-.src) as v where $-.cnt>50;
MATCH p=(v:account)-[e*2]-(v2:account)
WHERE id(v) IN ["_WECHAT****876242"]
and v2.is_supplier=="0"
and id(v2) not in $var1
and e[0].cnt!="0" and e[1].cnt!="0"
RETURN distinct p LIMIT 100;
var1=[“M257", "_WECHAT6242”]
第二个match会报错,不要and id(v2) not in $var1 是可以执行的
Internal Error: Wrong type result, the type should be NULL,EMPTY or BOOL