
meta info日志如下:

Log file created at: 2021/10/28 16:08:50
Running on machine: tjtx162-38-154.58os.org
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1028 16:08:50.267179 128607 MetaDaemon.cpp:246] identify myself as "":31010
I1028 16:08:50.271939 128607 NebulaStore.cpp:47] Start the raft service...
I1028 16:08:50.272616 128607 RaftexService.cpp:65] Init thrift server for raft service, port: 31011
I1028 16:08:50.272729 128652 RaftexService.cpp:98] Starting the Raftex Service
I1028 16:08:50.286859 128652 RaftexService.cpp:86] Starting the Raftex Service on 31011
I1028 16:08:50.286895 128652 RaftexService.cpp:110] Start the Raftex Service successfully
I1028 16:08:50.287024 128607 NebulaStore.cpp:75] Scan the local path, and init the spaces_
E1028 16:08:50.287057 128607 FileUtils.cpp:384] Failed to read the directory "/work/nebulagraph30010/data/meta/nebula" (2): No such file or directo
I1028 16:08:50.287195 128607 NebulaStore.cpp:201] Init data from partManager for "":31010
I1028 16:08:50.287202 128607 NebulaStore.cpp:294] Create data space 0
I1028 16:08:50.292026 128607 RocksEngine.cpp:119] open rocksdb on /work/nebulagraph30010/data/meta/nebula/0/data
I1028 16:08:50.302273 128607 Part.cpp:50] [Port: 31011, Space: 0, Part: 0] Cannot fetch the last committed log id from the storage engine
I1028 16:08:50.302284 128607 RaftPart.cpp:295] [Port: 31011, Space: 0, Part: 0] There are 3 peer hosts, and total 4 copies. The quorum is 3, as lea
rner 0, lastLogId 0, lastLogTerm 0, committedLogId 0, term 0
I1028 16:08:50.302289 128607 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 31011, Space: 0, Part: 0] Add peer "":30011
I1028 16:08:50.302304 128607 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 31011, Space: 0, Part: 0] Add peer "":30011
I1028 16:08:50.302309 128607 RaftPart.cpp:308] [Port: 31011, Space: 0, Part: 0] Add peer "":30011
I1028 16:08:50.302368 128607 NebulaStore.cpp:357] Space 0, part 0 has been added, asLearner 0
I1028 16:08:50.302379 128607 NebulaStore.cpp:68] Register handler...
I1028 16:08:50.302382 128607 MetaDaemon.cpp:99] Waiting for the leader elected...
I1028 16:08:50.302386 128607 MetaDaemon.cpp:112] Leader has not been elected, sleep 1s
I1028 16:08:51.280916 128648 RaftPart.cpp:1043] [Port: 31011, Space: 0, Part: 0] Start leader election, reason: lastMsgDur 979, term 0
I1028 16:08:51.280968 128648 RaftPart.cpp:1193] [Port: 31011, Space: 0, Part: 0] Sending out an election request (space = 0, part = 0, term = 1, la
stLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP =, candidatePort = 31011)
I1028 16:08:51.281733 128648 RaftPart.cpp:1275] [Port: 31011, Space: 0, Part: 0] No one is elected, continue the election
I1028 16:08:51.302460 128607 MetaDaemon.cpp:112] Leader has not been elected, sleep 1s
I1028 16:08:52.302561 128607 MetaDaemon.cpp:112] Leader has not been elected, sleep 1s
I1028 16:08:52.455925 128650 RaftPart.cpp:1193] [Port: 31011, Space: 0, Part: 0] Sending out an election request (space = 0, part = 0, term = 2, la
stLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP =, candidatePort = 31011)
I1028 16:08:52.456600 128650 RaftPart.cpp:1275] [Port: 31011, Space: 0, Part: 0] No one is elected, continue the election
I1028 16:08:53.302667 128607 MetaDaemon.cpp:112] Leader has not been elected, sleep 1s
I1028 16:08:53.332921 128651 RaftPart.cpp:1193] [Port: 31011, Space: 0, Part: 0] Sending out an election request (space = 0, part = 0, term = 3, la
stLogId = 0, lastLogTerm = 0, candidateIP =, candidatePort = 31011)

storage info日志如下:
Log file created at: 2021/10/28 16:08:57
Running on machine: tjtx162-38-154.58os.org
Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I1028 16:08:57.882623 131573 StorageDaemon.cpp:91] host = "":32010
I1028 16:08:57.887604 131573 MetaClient.cpp:50] Create meta client to "":30010
I1028 16:08:57.888242 131573 GflagsManager.cpp:140] Prepare to register 12 gflags to meta
W1028 16:08:57.888278 131573 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E1028 16:09:00.892843 131614 MetaClient.cpp:597] Send request to "":30010, exceed retry limit
E1028 16:09:00.893035 131573 MetaClient.cpp:63] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: N6apache6thrift21TApplicationExceptionE: Method
 name heartBeat not found
I1028 16:09:00.893066 131573 MetaClient.cpp:88] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W1028 16:09:02.893158 131573 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E1028 16:09:05.897691 131622 MetaClient.cpp:597] Send request to "":30010, exceed retry limit
E1028 16:09:05.897758 131573 MetaClient.cpp:63] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: N6apache6thrift21TApplicationExceptionE: Method
 name heartBeat not found
I1028 16:09:05.897778 131573 MetaClient.cpp:88] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W1028 16:09:07.897859 131573 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E1028 16:09:10.902712 131625 MetaClient.cpp:597] Send request to "":30010, exceed retry limit
E1028 16:09:10.902779 131573 MetaClient.cpp:63] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: N6apache6thrift21TApplicationExceptionE: Method
 name heartBeat not found
I1028 16:09:10.902802 131573 MetaClient.cpp:88] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W1028 16:09:12.902889 131573 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E1028 16:09:15.912415 131719 MetaClient.cpp:597] Send request to "":30010, exceed retry limit
E1028 16:09:15.912469 131573 MetaClient.cpp:63] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: N6apache6thrift21TApplicationExceptionE: Method
 name heartBeat not found
I1028 16:09:15.912492 131573 MetaClient.cpp:88] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W1028 16:09:17.912564 131573 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E1028 16:09:20.916246 131746 MetaClient.cpp:597] Send request to "":30010, exceed retry limit
E1028 16:09:20.916317 131573 MetaClient.cpp:63] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: N6apache6thrift21TApplicationExceptionE: Method
 name heartBeat not found
I1028 16:09:20.916347 131573 MetaClient.cpp:88] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W1028 16:09:22.916420 131573 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:46] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E1028 16:09:25.920220 131747 MetaClient.cpp:597] Send request to "":30010, exceed retry limit
E1028 16:09:25.920295 131573 MetaClient.cpp:63] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: N6apache6thrift21TApplicationExceptionE: Method
 name heartBeat not found

端口应该配错了吧, storage conf 贴下. 还有 meta 的

cat ./etc/ngmetad.conf
########## basics ##########
########## logging ##########

########## networking ##########
########## storage ##########

########## Misc #########

cat …/etc/ngstoraged.conf
########## basics ##########
########## logging ##########

########## networking ##########

######### Raft #########

########## Disk ##########

############## rocksdb Options ##############

############### misc ###

meta server 的 port 写错了


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