记一次 nebula-storaged 内存占用高解决的过程

There are two options that configure how much index and filter blocks we fit in memory:

If you set cache_index_and_filter_blocks to true, index and filter blocks will be stored in block cache, together with all other data blocks. This also means they can be paged out. If your access pattern is very local (i.e. you have some very cold key ranges), this setting might make sense. However, in most cases it will hurt your performance, since you need to have index and filter to access a certain file. An exception to cache_index_and_filter_blocks=true is for L0 when setting pin_l0_filter_and_index_blocks_in_cache=true, which can be a good compromise setting.

If cache_index_and_filter_blocks is false (which is default), the number of index/filter blocks is controlled by option max_open_files. If you are certain that your ulimit will always be bigger than number of files in the database, we recommend setting max_open_files to -1, which means infinity. This option will preload all filter and index blocks and will not need to maintain LRU of files. Setting max_open_files to -1 will get you the best possible performance.

从这个来看,似乎是cache_index_and_filter_blocks为true时,索引块也放在数据块缓存里,所以会有page out以及读数据时索引块缓存miss增加磁盘io的风险,所以会影响性能。


这么来看cache_index_and_filter_blocks=true时,似乎配置项max_open_files就没用了。 :thinking:

所以不确定是不是Bug ,官方给的enable_partitioned_index_filter 只缓存L0层的数据,应该就可以了,但确实是存在内存使用高的问题

看起来cache_index_and_filter_blocks和enable_partitioned_index_filter同时设置为true能缓解内存使用过高问题的同时相对保持性能。一个配置项是减少索引块的内存占用,缺点是会增加磁盘io读的数量;一个配置项是只读L0层的数据,减少读的体量。不过性能有点降低是肯定的,这个只能说看实际需求。 :joy:两全其美的方法估计就只有加内存了。

1 个赞

enable_partitioned_index_filter (Rocksdb pin_l0_filter_and_index_blocks_in_cache)但这个参数并没解决问题


  • cache_index_and_filter_blocks为true,rocksdb的index/filter会和正常的数据一起去抢block cache,所以性能会有损耗
  • cache_index_and_filter_blocks为false,不是不占内存,只是不占block cache。这种情况下index/filter占用的内存是在block cache之外的,也就是每打开一个sst文件,它里面的index/filter就会load进内存。(这才是为什么调整block_sizemax_open_files能够解决你说的问题的原因)
4 个赞


  1. sst数量
  2. 单个sst里面index/filter的大小(可以随便找几个sst 然后用rocksdb的sst_dump工具查看)
  3. sst在各层的分布
2 个赞


** Compaction Stats [default] **
Level    Files   Size     Score Read(GB)  Rn(GB) Rnp1(GB) Write(GB) Wnew(GB) Moved(GB) W-Amp Rd(MB/s) Wr(MB/s) Comp(sec) CompMergeCPU(sec) Comp(cnt) Avg(sec) KeyIn KeyDrop
  L0      2/0    2.05 KB   0.5      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   1.0      0.0      1.5      0.00              0.00         1    0.001       0      0
  L1      6/0   243.60 MB   1.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00              0.00         0    0.000       0      0
  L2     50/0    2.48 GB   1.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00              0.00         0    0.000       0      0
  L3    416/0   24.97 GB   1.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00              0.00         0    0.000       0      0
  L4   1000/0   60.57 GB   0.2      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00              0.00         0    0.000       0      0
 Sum   1474/0   88.25 GB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   1.0      0.0      1.5      0.00              0.00         1    0.001       0      0
 Int      0/0    0.00 KB   0.0      0.0     0.0      0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.00              0.00         0    0.000       0      0

1 个赞


Process /data/nebula/data/storage/nebula/3/data/276924.sst
Sst file format: block-based
from [] to []
Table Properties:
  # data blocks: 148152
  # entries: 921192
  # deletions: 0
  # merge operands: 0
  # range deletions: 0
  raw key size: 5550181800
  raw average key size: 6025.000000
  raw value size: 24862198
  raw average value size: 26.989160
  data block size: 67109354
  index block size (user-key? 1, delta-value? 1): 253536473
  # index partitions: 27700
  top-level index size: 83699470
  filter block size: 0
  (estimated) table size: 320645827
  filter policy name: rocksdb.BuiltinBloomFilter
  prefix extractor name: nullptr
  column family ID: 0
  column family name: default
  comparator name: leveldb.BytewiseComparator
  merge operator name: nullptr
  property collectors names: []
  SST file compression algo: LZ4
  SST file compression options: window_bits=-14; level=32767; strategy=0; max_dict_bytes=0; zstd_max_train_bytes=0; enabled=0;
  creation time: 1647261423
  time stamp of earliest key: 0
  file creation time: 1647829598
  DB identity: 9c8dda9b-4572-4b01-b6a0-ae2f800f7c3c
  DB session identity: 4VZKQ83CS1EQUAAGO0VT
  Raw user collected properties
  # rocksdb.block.based.table.index.type: 0x02000000
  # rocksdb.block.based.table.prefix.filtering: 0x30
  # rocksdb.block.based.table.whole.key.filtering: 0x30
  # rocksdb.deleted.keys: 0x00
  # rocksdb.merge.operands: 0x00


  1. 这个大小好夸张啊,data block size(这个是数据块)大概64M,index的大小怎么会接近256M了 :joy:

index block size (user-key? 1, delta-value? 1): 253536473

  1. 单个sst的大小是接近320M吗?

(estimated) table size: 320645827

  1. 从输出结果上看,应该是开了cache_index_and_filter_blocks对吧

rocksdb.block.based.table.index.type: 0x02000000

哦 我看到了 你们key/value大小都很大啊 我回头得确认下 是不是跟这个有关

1 个赞

附上一个很久以前做测试时候留下的sst dump的结果,同样是64M的数据我这index就100K不到

  raw key size: 88510215
  raw average key size: 58.089995
  raw value size: 93012937
  raw average value size: 61.045169
  data block size: 67111991
  index block size (user-key? 1, delta-value? 1): 752832

老师sst文件 68M,是开了cache_index_and_filter_blocks

这个sst里有50多亿的key? 然后value只有两千多万。


我回头看看rocksdb代码再确认下 你要是方便可以把sst上传下 或者单独发给 @steam 我回头看看咋回事。

1 个赞

max_open_files 我设的足够大仍然是不会占用大量内存,但一设为-1就大量占用

/usr/lib64/libjemalloc.so.2 这个文件在哪里呢,目录下没有找到

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