
  • nebula 版本:v3.02
  • 部署方式:单机
  • 安装方式:源码编译
  • 是否为线上版本: N
  • 硬件信息
    • 磁盘:SSD
    • CPU、内存信息
  • 依赖信息
    • g++:11.2.1
    • cmake: 3.23.0

按照文档安装,先是报Bzip2不存在的问题,查看论坛后,将cmake/nebula/ThirdPartyConfig.cmake中的 find_package(Bzip2 REQUIRED) 和find_package(Fatal REQUIRED)删除,但是继续报错:Double-conversion doesn’t exist




-- The C compiler identification is GNU 11.2.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 11.2.1
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /opt/rh/devtoolset-11/root/usr/bin/cc - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /opt/rh/devtoolset-11/root/usr/bin/c++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
>>>> Options of Nebula Graph <<<<
-- ENABLE_ASAN                     : OFF (Build with AddressSanitizer)
-- ENABLE_CCACHE                   : ON (Use ccache to speed up compiling)
-- ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY               : OFF (Enable clang-tidy if present)
-- ENABLE_COMPRESSED_DEBUG_INFO    : ON (Compress debug info to reduce binary size)
-- ENABLE_COVERAGE                 : OFF (Build with coverage report)
-- ENABLE_CREATE_GIT_HOOKS         : ON (Enable create git hooks.)
-- ENABLE_FRAME_POINTER            : OFF (Build with frame pointer)
-- ENABLE_FUZZY_TESTING            : OFF (Enable Fuzzy tests)
-- ENABLE_GDB_SCRIPT_SECTION       : OFF (Add .debug_gdb_scripts section)
-- ENABLE_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE     : OFF (Enable include-what-you-use find  nouse include files)
-- ENABLE_JEMALLOC                 : ON (Use jemalloc as memory allocator)
-- ENABLE_PACKAGE_TAR              : OFF (Enable package artifacts to tar.)
-- ENABLE_PACK_ONE                 : ON (Whether to package into one)
-- ENABLE_PIC                      : OFF (Build with -fPIC)
-- ENABLE_STANDALONE_VERSION       : on (Enable standalone version build)
-- ENABLE_STATIC_ASAN              : OFF (Statically link against libasan)
-- ENABLE_STATIC_UBSAN             : OFF (Statically link against libubsan)
-- ENABLE_STRICT_ALIASING          : OFF (Build with -fstrict-aliasing)
-- ENABLE_TESTING                  : OFF (Build unit tests)
-- ENABLE_TSAN                     : OFF (Build with ThreadSanitizer)
-- ENABLE_UBSAN                    : OFF (Build with UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer)
-- ENABLE_VERBOSE_BISON            : OFF (Enable Bison to report state)
-- ENABLE_WERROR                   : ON (Regard warnings as errors)
-- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE                : Release (Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel ...)
-- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX            : /home/*/*/* (Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories.)
-- CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD              : 17
-- CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER              : /opt/rh/devtoolset-11/root/usr/bin/c++ (CXX compiler)
-- NEBULA_USE_LINKER               : bfd (Linker to be used)
-- CCACHE                              : Enabled but not found
>>>> Configuring third party for 'Nebula Graph' <<<<
-- Downloading prebuilt third party automatically...
-- cxx_cmd: /opt/rh/devtoolset-11/root/usr/bin/c++ -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1
Downloading vesoft-third-party-3.0-x86_64-libc-2.17-gcc-11.2.0-abi-98.sh...
Downloading vesoft-third-party-3.0-x86_64-libc-2.17-gcc-11.2.0-abi-98.sh failed
-- CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH              : 
-- CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH              : 
-- CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH              : 
-- GLIBC_VERSION                   : 2.17

CMake Error at cmake/FindDoubleConversion.cmake:28 (message):
  Double-conversion doesn't exist
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  cmake/nebula/ThirdPartyConfig.cmake:81 (find_package)
  CMakeLists.txt:48 (include)

Downloading vesoft-third-party-3.0-x86_64-libc-2.17-gcc-11.2.0-abi-98.sh…
Downloading vesoft-third-party-3.0-x86_64-libc-2.17-gcc-11.2.0-abi-98.sh failed

安装thirdparty失败,看起来像是您当前的编译器、glibc组合不存在对应的thirdparty包。建议安装gcc9.2.0 9.3.0版本。


Downloading vesoft-third-party-3.0-x86_64-libc-2.17-gcc-9.2.0-abi-11.sh...
Downloading vesoft-third-party-3.0-x86_64-libc-2.17-gcc-9.2.0-abi-11.sh failed

抱歉 我查了下3.0有9.3.0 gcc的third party




>>>> Options of Nebula Graph <<<<
-- ENABLE_ASAN                     : OFF (Build with AddressSanitizer)
-- ENABLE_CCACHE                   : ON (Use ccache to speed up compiling)
-- ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY               : OFF (Enable clang-tidy if present)
-- ENABLE_COMPRESSED_DEBUG_INFO    : ON (Compress debug info to reduce binary size)
-- ENABLE_COVERAGE                 : OFF (Build with coverage report)
-- ENABLE_CREATE_GIT_HOOKS         : ON (Enable create git hooks.)
-- ENABLE_FRAME_POINTER            : OFF (Build with frame pointer)
-- ENABLE_FUZZY_TESTING            : OFF (Enable Fuzzy tests)
-- ENABLE_GDB_SCRIPT_SECTION       : OFF (Add .debug_gdb_scripts section)
-- ENABLE_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE     : OFF (Enable include-what-you-use find  nouse include files)
-- ENABLE_JEMALLOC                 : ON (Use jemalloc as memory allocator)
-- ENABLE_PACKAGE_TAR              : OFF (Enable package artifacts to tar.)
-- ENABLE_PACK_ONE                 : ON (Whether to package into one)
-- ENABLE_PIC                      : OFF (Build with -fPIC)
-- ENABLE_STANDALONE_VERSION       : OFF (Enable standalone version build)
-- ENABLE_STATIC_ASAN              : OFF (Statically link against libasan)
-- ENABLE_STATIC_UBSAN             : OFF (Statically link against libubsan)
-- ENABLE_STRICT_ALIASING          : OFF (Build with -fstrict-aliasing)
-- ENABLE_TESTING                  : OFF (Build unit tests)
-- ENABLE_TSAN                     : OFF (Build with ThreadSanitizer)
-- ENABLE_UBSAN                    : OFF (Build with UndefinedBehaviourSanitizer)
-- ENABLE_VERBOSE_BISON            : OFF (Enable Bison to report state)
-- ENABLE_WERROR                   : ON (Regard warnings as errors)
-- CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE                : Release (Choose the type of build, options are: None Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel ...)
-- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX            : /home/bigdata/nebula (Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories.)
-- CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD              : 17
-- CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER              : /usr/bin/c++ (CXX compiler)
-- NEBULA_USE_LINKER               : bfd (Linker to be used)
-- CCACHE                              : Enabled but not found
>>>> Configuring third party for 'Nebula Graph' <<<<
-- Downloading prebuilt third party automatically...
-- cxx_cmd: /usr/bin/c++ -D_GLIBCXX_USE_CXX11_ABI=1
env: /home/bigdata/nebula/third-party/install-third-party.sh: Permission denied
-- CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH              : 
-- CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH              : 
-- CMAKE_PROGRAM_PATH              : 
-- GLIBC_VERSION                   : 2.17

大佬,能帮忙看一下吗?在Centos 7.6操作系统,CPU架构为Arm64,编译v3.0.0的nebula,安装前软件已经达到了要求,使用的是root用户,执行cmkae时报错了!
