
麻烦咨询个问题,为什么把 --v=4 设置上,INFO 日志 里面一直没有打印 VLOG 级别的日志。


Log level, 0, 1, 2, 3 for INFO, WARNING, ERROR, FATAL respectively


Verbose log level, 1, 2, 3, 4, the higher of the level, the more verbose of the logging


$ tail -f /usr/local/nebula/logs/nebula-graphd.INFO
I0626 13:25:42.906888 38783 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0626 13:25:42.907909 38783 UseExecutor.cpp:48] Graph space switched to `huge_follow’, space id: 134
I0626 13:25:46.151901 38783 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0626 13:25:46.159529 38783 StatsManager.cpp:94] registerHisto, bucketSize: 1000, min: 1, max: 1000000
I0626 13:25:46.165277 38783 MetaClient.cpp:2246] Load leader ok
I0626 13:25:50.387727 38783 GoExecutor.cpp:548] Step:1 finished, total request vertices 1
I0626 13:25:50.387765 38783 GoExecutor.cpp:552] [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:44500], time cost 1235261us / 4221891us, total results 1

日志里面只有INFO的日志。VLOG的日志 在那个文件啊?



找到原因了,有一个 local_config的option。需要设置上

哦哦 , 对对, 厉害!!!

1 个赞