
2个月前段时间技术调研使用的是2.6.0,效果还可以, 最近项目开始投入使用,发现已经到了3.1.0, 本想着项目一开始直接用新版,避免之后升级和数据迁移的麻烦

折腾很长时间了, 连环境都部署不好.很尴尬.求助一下…
文档也翻了几遍 ,不知道什么细节错过了…

另外,我们这边所有环境都是基于docker的… 所以docker的解决方案可以不用提供了.


  • nebula 版本:v3.1.0
  • 部署方式:单机
  • 安装方式:Docker
  • 是否为线上版本:N
  • 硬件信息:
    - 磁盘: 1T SSD
    - CPU :Intel® Core™ i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz × 12
    - 内存: 32G
  • 问题的具体描述:
    使用 docker-compose部署
    执行 docker-compose up -d --build 进行部署




Log file created at: 2022/05/06 00:46:26
Running on machine: 8347dcd212d5
Running duration (h:mm:ss): 0:00:00
Log line format: [IWEF]yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E20220506 00:46:26.994340    48 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad1': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:27.997381    48 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:28.999333    48 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad0': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:30.001219    48 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:30.001297    48 MetaClient.cpp:744] Send request to "metad2":9559, exceed retry limit
E20220506 00:46:30.001314    48 MetaClient.cpp:745] RpcResponse exception: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
E20220506 00:46:30.001420     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
E20220506 00:46:40.002558    54 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad0': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:41.005635    54 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:42.007508    54 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad0': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:43.009543    54 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad1': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:43.009622    54 MetaClient.cpp:744] Send request to "metad1":9559, exceed retry limit
E20220506 00:46:43.009631    54 MetaClient.cpp:745] RpcResponse exception: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
E20220506 00:46:43.009647     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
E20220506 00:46:53.010787    55 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad0': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:54.013053    55 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:55.014328    55 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad1': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:56.016533    55 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:56.016640    55 MetaClient.cpp:744] Send request to "metad2":9559, exceed retry limit
E20220506 00:46:56.016651    55 MetaClient.cpp:745] RpcResponse exception: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
E20220506 00:46:56.016705     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
E20220506 00:47:09.035560     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:Machine not existed!
E20220506 00:47:22.039968     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:Machine not existed!
E20220506 00:47:35.044189     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:Machine not existed!
E20220506 00:47:48.048424     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:Machine not existed!


Log file created at: 2022/05/06 00:46:26
Running on machine: 8347dcd212d5
Running duration (h:mm:ss): 0:00:00
Log line format: [IWEF]yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
W20220506 00:46:26.981890     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:43] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E20220506 00:46:26.994340    48 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad1': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:27.997381    48 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:28.999333    48 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad0': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:30.001219    48 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:30.001297    48 MetaClient.cpp:744] Send request to "metad2":9559, exceed retry limit
E20220506 00:46:30.001314    48 MetaClient.cpp:745] RpcResponse exception: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
E20220506 00:46:30.001420     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
W20220506 00:46:40.001538     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:43] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E20220506 00:46:40.002558    54 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad0': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:41.005635    54 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:42.007508    54 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad0': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:43.009543    54 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad1': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:43.009622    54 MetaClient.cpp:744] Send request to "metad1":9559, exceed retry limit
E20220506 00:46:43.009631    54 MetaClient.cpp:745] RpcResponse exception: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
E20220506 00:46:43.009647     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
W20220506 00:46:53.009739     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:43] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E20220506 00:46:53.010787    55 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad0': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:54.013053    55 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:55.014328    55 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad1': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:56.016533    55 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:56.016640    55 MetaClient.cpp:744] Send request to "metad2":9559, exceed retry limit
E20220506 00:46:56.016651    55 MetaClient.cpp:745] RpcResponse exception: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
E20220506 00:46:56.016705     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
W20220506 00:47:06.016794     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:43] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E20220506 00:47:09.035560     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:Machine not existed!
W20220506 00:47:19.035668     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:43] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E20220506 00:47:22.039968     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:Machine not existed!


Log file created at: 2022/05/06 00:46:26
Running on machine: 8347dcd212d5
Running duration (h:mm:ss): 0:00:00
Log line format: [IWEF]yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I20220506 00:46:26.970662     1 StorageDaemon.cpp:129] localhost = "storaged0":9779
I20220506 00:46:26.970778     1 StorageDaemon.cpp:144] data path= /data/storage
I20220506 00:46:26.981802     1 MetaClient.cpp:80] Create meta client to "metad2":9559
I20220506 00:46:26.981858     1 MetaClient.cpp:81] root path: /usr/local/nebula, data path size: 1
W20220506 00:46:26.981890     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:43] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E20220506 00:46:26.994340    48 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad1': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:27.997381    48 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:28.999333    48 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad0': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:30.001219    48 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:30.001297    48 MetaClient.cpp:744] Send request to "metad2":9559, exceed retry limit
E20220506 00:46:30.001314    48 MetaClient.cpp:745] RpcResponse exception: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
E20220506 00:46:30.001420     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
I20220506 00:46:30.001433     1 MetaClient.cpp:123] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W20220506 00:46:40.001538     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:43] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E20220506 00:46:40.002558    54 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad0': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:41.005635    54 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:42.007508    54 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad0': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:43.009543    54 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad1': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:43.009622    54 MetaClient.cpp:744] Send request to "metad1":9559, exceed retry limit
E20220506 00:46:43.009631    54 MetaClient.cpp:745] RpcResponse exception: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
E20220506 00:46:43.009647     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
I20220506 00:46:43.009662     1 MetaClient.cpp:123] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W20220506 00:46:53.009739     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:43] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
E20220506 00:46:53.010787    55 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad0': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:54.013053    55 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:55.014328    55 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad1': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:56.016533    55 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:70] Failed to resolve address for 'metad2': Name or service not known (error=-2): Unknown error -2
E20220506 00:46:56.016640    55 MetaClient.cpp:744] Send request to "metad2":9559, exceed retry limit
E20220506 00:46:56.016651    55 MetaClient.cpp:745] RpcResponse exception: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
E20220506 00:46:56.016705     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:RPC failure in MetaClient: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: Connection not open: apache::thrift::transport::TTransportException: AsyncSocketException: setReadCallback() called with socket in invalid state, type = Socket not open
I20220506 00:46:56.016723     1 MetaClient.cpp:123] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W20220506 00:47:06.016794     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:43] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
I20220506 00:47:06.017163    56 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
E20220506 00:47:09.035560     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:Machine not existed!
I20220506 00:47:09.035589     1 MetaClient.cpp:123] Waiting for the metad to be ready!
W20220506 00:47:19.035668     1 FileBasedClusterIdMan.cpp:43] Open file failed, error No such file or directory
I20220506 00:47:19.035987    57 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
E20220506 00:47:22.039968     1 MetaClient.cpp:98] Heartbeat failed, status:Machine not existed!
I20220506 00:47:22.039992     1 MetaClient.cpp:123] Waiting for the metad to be ready!


I20220506 00:47:04.546088     1 MetaDaemon.cpp:135] localhost = "metad0":9559
I20220506 00:47:04.555853     1 NebulaStore.cpp:51] Start the raft service...
I20220506 00:47:04.557045     1 NebulaSnapshotManager.cpp:25] Send snapshot is rate limited to 10485760 for each part by default
I20220506 00:47:04.592525     1 RaftexService.cpp:46] Start raft service on 9560
I20220506 00:47:04.592599     1 NebulaStore.cpp:85] Scan the local path, and init the spaces_
I20220506 00:47:04.592633     1 NebulaStore.cpp:92] Scan path "/data/meta/nebula/0"
I20220506 00:47:04.592645     1 NebulaStore.cpp:271] Init data from partManager for "metad0":9559
I20220506 00:47:04.592654     1 NebulaStore.cpp:387] Create data space 0
I20220506 00:47:04.631086     1 RocksEngine.cpp:97] open rocksdb on /data/meta/nebula/0/data
I20220506 00:47:04.642936     1 NebulaStore.cpp:459] Space 0, part 0 has been added, asLearner 0
I20220506 00:47:04.643007     1 NebulaStore.cpp:78] Register handler...
I20220506 00:47:04.643018     1 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:101] Waiting for the leader elected...
I20220506 00:47:04.643025     1 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:113] Leader has not been elected, sleep 1s
I20220506 00:47:05.643146     1 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:140] Get meta version is 3
I20220506 00:47:05.643178     1 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:157] Nebula store init succeeded, clusterId 5515666330599404307
I20220506 00:47:05.643182     1 MetaDaemon.cpp:148] Start http service
I20220506 00:47:05.643378     1 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:162] Starting Meta HTTP Service
I20220506 00:47:05.644428    96 WebService.cpp:124] Web service started on HTTP[19559]
I20220506 00:47:05.644450     1 JobManager.cpp:69] Not leader, skip reading remaining jobs
I20220506 00:47:05.644512     1 JobManager.cpp:56] JobManager initialized
I20220506 00:47:05.644516   102 JobManager.cpp:119] JobManager::scheduleThread enter
I20220506 00:47:05.646569     1 MetaDaemon.cpp:213] The meta daemon start on "metad0":9559
I20220506 00:47:05.989022   120 HBProcessor.cpp:33] Receive heartbeat from "storaged2":9779, role = STORAGE
I20220506 00:47:05.989048   120 HBProcessor.cpp:40] Machine "storaged2":9779 is not registed


Log file created at: 2022/05/06 00:47:04
Running on machine: be82a07afbb4
Running duration (h:mm:ss): 0:00:00
Log line format: [IWEF]yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I20220506 00:47:04.502988     1 MetaDaemon.cpp:135] localhost = "metad1":9559
I20220506 00:47:04.517531     1 NebulaStore.cpp:51] Start the raft service...
I20220506 00:47:04.521222     1 NebulaSnapshotManager.cpp:25] Send snapshot is rate limited to 10485760 for each part by default
I20220506 00:47:04.546496     1 RaftexService.cpp:46] Start raft service on 9560
I20220506 00:47:04.546561     1 NebulaStore.cpp:85] Scan the local path, and init the spaces_
I20220506 00:47:04.546588     1 NebulaStore.cpp:92] Scan path "/data/meta/nebula/0"
I20220506 00:47:04.546597     1 NebulaStore.cpp:271] Init data from partManager for "metad1":9559
I20220506 00:47:04.546607     1 NebulaStore.cpp:387] Create data space 0
I20220506 00:47:04.582846     1 RocksEngine.cpp:97] open rocksdb on /data/meta/nebula/0/data
I20220506 00:47:04.594239     1 NebulaStore.cpp:459] Space 0, part 0 has been added, asLearner 0
I20220506 00:47:04.594269     1 NebulaStore.cpp:78] Register handler...
I20220506 00:47:04.594277     1 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:101] Waiting for the leader elected...
I20220506 00:47:04.594283     1 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:113] Leader has not been elected, sleep 1s
I20220506 00:47:04.913933    57 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:04.914889    57 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad2":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:04.915896    58 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:04.916332    58 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad2":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:04.916988    59 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:04.917026    60 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:04.917253    59 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad2":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:04.917296    60 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad2":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:05.594417     1 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:140] Get meta version is 3
I20220506 00:47:05.594444     1 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:157] Nebula store init succeeded, clusterId 5515666330599404307
I20220506 00:47:05.594447     1 MetaDaemon.cpp:148] Start http service
I20220506 00:47:05.594673     1 MetaDaemonInit.cpp:162] Starting Meta HTTP Service
I20220506 00:47:05.596168    96 WebService.cpp:124] Web service started on HTTP[19559]
I20220506 00:47:05.596367     1 JobManager.cpp:56] JobManager initialized
I20220506 00:47:05.596372   102 JobManager.cpp:119] JobManager::scheduleThread enter
I20220506 00:47:05.596417     1 MetaDaemon.cpp:178] Check and init root user
I20220506 00:47:05.596469     1 RootUserMan.h:28] Root user exists
I20220506 00:47:05.598950     1 MetaDaemon.cpp:213] The meta daemon start on "metad1":9559
I20220506 00:47:05.864719   120 HBProcessor.cpp:33] Receive heartbeat from "storaged1":9779, role = STORAGE
I20220506 00:47:05.864763   120 HBProcessor.cpp:40] Machine "storaged1":9779 is not registed
I20220506 00:47:06.017530   120 HBProcessor.cpp:33] Receive heartbeat from "storaged0":9779, role = STORAGE
I20220506 00:47:06.017563   120 HBProcessor.cpp:40] Machine "storaged0":9779 is not registed
I20220506 00:47:06.158633   120 HBProcessor.cpp:33] Receive heartbeat from "graphd2":9669, role = GRAPH
I20220506 00:47:06.158658   120 HBProcessor.cpp:87] Update host "graphd2":9669 dir info, root path: /usr/local/nebula, data path size: 0
I20220506 00:47:06.158960    61 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.159205    61 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad2":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.183914    62 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.184130    62 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad2":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.186700    63 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.186921    63 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad2":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.351480   120 HBProcessor.cpp:33] Receive heartbeat from "graphd":9669, role = GRAPH
I20220506 00:47:06.351505   120 HBProcessor.cpp:87] Update host "graphd":9669 dir info, root path: /usr/local/nebula, data path size: 0
I20220506 00:47:06.351716    64 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.351918    64 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad2":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.370580    65 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.370811    65 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad2":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.697980    67 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.697986    66 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.698264    67 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad2":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.698278    66 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad2":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:06.867018   120 HBProcessor.cpp:33] Receive heartbeat from "storaged1":9779, role = STORAGE
I20220506 00:47:06.867063   120 HBProcessor.cpp:40] Machine "storaged1":9779 is not registed
I20220506 00:47:06.998212   120 HBProcessor.cpp:33] Receive heartbeat from "storaged2":9779, role = STORAGE
I20220506 00:47:06.998250   120 HBProcessor.cpp:40] Machine "storaged2":9779 is not registed
I20220506 00:47:07.018725   120 HBProcessor.cpp:33] Receive heartbeat from "storaged0":9779, role = STORAGE
I20220506 00:47:07.018751   120 HBProcessor.cpp:40] Machine "storaged0":9779 is not registed
I20220506 00:47:07.238499   120 HBProcessor.cpp:33] Receive heartbeat from "graphd1":9669, role = GRAPH
I20220506 00:47:07.238524   120 HBProcessor.cpp:87] Update host "graphd1":9669 dir info, root path: /usr/local/nebula, data path size: 0
I20220506 00:47:07.238749    68 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:07.238999    68 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad2":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:07.265579    69 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9560 as "":9560
I20220506 00:47:07.265810    69 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad2":9560 as "":9560

nebula-graphd.INFO (106.6 KB)

Log file created at: 2022/05/06 00:47:05
Running on machine: f29def02bf85
Running duration (h:mm:ss): 0:00:00
Log line format: [IWEF]yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I20220506 00:47:05.296957     1 GraphDaemon.cpp:130] Starting Graph HTTP Service
I20220506 00:47:05.311652     7 WebService.cpp:124] Web service started on HTTP[19669]
I20220506 00:47:05.314939     1 GraphDaemon.cpp:144] Number of networking IO threads: 12
I20220506 00:47:05.314965     1 GraphDaemon.cpp:153] Number of worker threads: 12
I20220506 00:47:05.332803     1 MetaClient.cpp:80] Create meta client to "metad2":9559
I20220506 00:47:05.332896     1 MetaClient.cpp:81] root path: /usr/local/nebula, data path size: 0
I20220506 00:47:05.349169    39 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad0":9559 as "":9559
I20220506 00:47:06.351150    39 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I20220506 00:47:06.352840    40 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I20220506 00:47:06.353704    41 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I20220506 00:47:06.354508    42 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I20220506 00:47:06.355258    43 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I20220506 00:47:06.366755    44 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I20220506 00:47:06.367627    45 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I20220506 00:47:06.368503    46 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I20220506 00:47:06.368783     1 MetaClient.cpp:3085] Load leader ok
I20220506 00:47:06.369429    47 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I20220506 00:47:06.370203    48 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I20220506 00:47:06.371306     1 MetaClient.cpp:148] Register time task for heartbeat!
I20220506 00:47:06.372143    49 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I20220506 00:47:06.372470     1 GraphSessionManager.cpp:331] Total of 0 sessions are loaded
I20220506 00:47:06.372992    52 ThriftClientManager-inl.h:67] resolve "metad1":9559 as "":9559
I20220506 00:47:06.373240     1 Snowflake.cpp:16] WorkerId init success: 1
I20220506 00:47:06.373394    54 GraphServer.cpp:59] Starting nebula-graphd on graphd:9669

1 个赞

抱歉,3.x 我们更改了服务发现机制,需要认为指定激活(ADD HOSTS) 上报上来的 storage host 才能被完全使用,这里我们的 healthcheck 的实现不是很合理,需要用 console 连接,执行一下哈(其实在 3.x docker-compose文档里有这个步骤)

ADD HOSTS "storaged0":9779,"storaged1":9779,"storaged2":9779;
1 个赞

你好 感谢指导, 一语道破玄机…


我看到docker-compose中 关于 console的定义 已经有这行代码,


是因为docker-cmpose中的console的版本定义 使用 nightly 和last都不行, 需要指定 v3.0.0



2 个赞

:+1:t2: 其实 compose 里这个 helper console container 如果 image 给对,而且 sleep 足够长时间(3有几率在初始启动的时候 meta/graph 还没准备好)也能屏蔽这个问题 :slight_smile:
欢迎您来 PR 优化这个 compose 文件哦