

提问之前,记得在【本论坛】和【文档】下搜索是否已有解决方案存在哟 ^^



  • nebula 版本:3.1.0.el7.x86_64
  • 部署方式:单机
  • 安装方式:RPM
  • 是否为线上版本: N
  • 硬件信息
    • 磁盘( 推荐使用 SSD)
    • CPU、内存信息
  • 问题的具体描述
  • 相关的 meta / storage / graph info 日志信息(尽量使用文本形式方便检索)

graphd进程频繁crash, 从日志看,没发现有很特别的错误。

[root@localhost logs]# tail -f nebula-graphd.ERROR
Log file created at: 2022/05/23 08:26:16
Running on machine: localhost.localdomain
Running duration (h:mm:ss): 0:00:00
Log line format: [IWEF]yyyymmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
E20220523 08:26:16.417160 9202 QueryInstance.cpp:137] SyntaxError: syntax error near ` ’
E20220523 08:26:48.876263 9219 GraphSessionManager.cpp:260] Update sessions failed: Session not existed!
E20220523 08:26:48.876415 9227 GraphSessionManager.cpp:284] Update sessions failed: Update sessions failed: Session not existed!

[root@localhost logs]# tail -f nebula-graphd.INFO
I20220523 08:30:21.626762 9203 GraphService.cpp:68] Authenticating user root from [::ffff:]:53444
I20220523 08:30:29.507275 9203 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:37] Graph switched to sp_10219769125f453ebcb6d62a95503179', space id: 11 I20220523 08:30:55.001055 9199 GraphService.cpp:68] Authenticating user root from [::ffff:]:53354 I20220523 08:30:55.063608 9209 GraphService.cpp:68] Authenticating user root from [::ffff:]:53354 I20220523 08:30:55.066550 9203 GraphService.cpp:68] Authenticating user root from [::ffff:]:53354 I20220523 08:31:01.709585 9203 GraphService.cpp:68] Authenticating user root from [::ffff:]:53354 I20220523 08:31:02.855854 9209 GraphService.cpp:68] Authenticating user root from [::ffff:]:53354 I20220523 08:31:11.459897 9208 GraphService.cpp:68] Authenticating user root from [::ffff:]:53354 I20220523 08:31:25.321976 9203 GraphService.cpp:68] Authenticating user root from [::ffff:]:64640 I20220523 08:31:25.333889 9203 SwitchSpaceExecutor.cpp:37] Graph switched to sp_10219769125f453ebcb6d62a95503179’, space id: 11

在nebua目录下,发现有core文件生成,大小约400MB。 如有需要,可以上传。

两个问题我合在一块了,以 graphd进程crash 为准哈