nebula 版本:2.6.2
- 磁盘 512G
- CPU、内存信息 4C16G
storaged日志显示报错 E_UNKNOWN_PART,从askForVote到append log -
相关的 meta / storage / graph info 日志信息(尽量使用文本形式方便检索)
E0531 02:47:51.248387 29352 RaftPart.cpp:1050] [Port: 9780, Space: 381, Part: 11] Receive response about askForVote from ""
:9780, error code is E_UNKNOWN_PART
E0531 02:47:51.319093 29351 RaftPart.cpp:1050] [Port: 9780, Space: 381, Part: 12] Receive response about askForVote from ""
:9780, error code is E_UNKNOWN_PART
E0531 02:47:51.566040 29350 RaftPart.cpp:1050] [Port: 9780, Space: 6799, Part: 6] Receive response about askForVote from ""
:9780, error code is E_TERM_OUT_OF_DATE
E0531 02:47:51.567747 29350 RaftPart.cpp:1050] [Port: 9780, Space: 381, Part: 15] Receive response about askForVote from ""
:9780, error code is E_TERM_OUT_OF_DATE
E0531 02:47:51.650444 29351 RaftPart.cpp:1050] [Port: 9780, Space: 381, Part: 13] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is E_TERM_OUT_OF_DATE
E0531 02:47:51.665946 29352 RaftPart.cpp:1050] [Port: 9780, Space: 381, Part: 9] Receive response about askForVote from "":9780, error code is E_TERM_OUT_OF_DATE
E0531 02:49:06.593873 29336 Host.cpp:348] [Port: 9780, Space: 6929, Part: 3] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: E_UNKNOWN_PART)
E0531 09:01:00.301543 29341 Host.cpp:348] [Port: 9780, Space: 9, Part: 14] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host(Err: E_WRONG_LEADER)
E0531 09:01:56.787384 29340 Host.cpp:348] [Port: 9780, Space: 7475, Part: 13] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: E_UNKNOWN_PART)
E0531 09:05:16.856062 29329 Host.cpp:348] [Port: 9780, Space: 7475, Part: 13] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: E_UNKNOWN_PART)
E0531 09:08:36.924034 29340 Host.cpp:348] [Port: 9780, Space: 7475, Part: 13] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: E_UNKNOWN_PART)
E0531 09:11:56.959607 29343 Host.cpp:348] [Port: 9780, Space: 7475, Part: 13] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: E_UNKNOWN_PART)
E0531 09:15:17.022974 29345 Host.cpp:348] [Port: 9780, Space: 7475, Part: 13] [Host:] Failed to append logs to the host (Err: E_UNKNOWN_PART)
E0531 09:16:23.143977 29302 IndexKeyUtils.cpp:170] prop error by : classificationGroup. status : Unknown prop
E0531 09:16:23.144207 29302 IndexKeyUtils.cpp:170] prop error by : classificationGroup. status : Unknown prop
E0531 09:16:23.144249 29302 IndexKeyUtils.cpp:170] prop error by : classificationGroup. status : Unknown prop
E0531 09:16:23.144287 29302 IndexKeyUtils.cpp:170] prop error by : classificationGroup. status : Unknown prop
std::shared_ptr<RaftPart> RaftexService::findPart(GraphSpaceID spaceId, PartitionID partId) {
folly::RWSpinLock::ReadHolder rh(partsLock_);
auto it = parts_.find(std::make_pair(spaceId, partId));
if (it == parts_.end()) {
// Part not found
VLOG(4) << "Cannot find the part " << partId << " in the graph space " << spaceId;
return std::shared_ptr<RaftPart>();
// Otherwise, return the part pointer
return it->second;
怀疑从文件load到 map<pair<spaceId, partId>, RaftPart>有缺失?